




1. 柜 [guì]2. 柜 [jǔ]柜 [guì]一种收藏东西用的家具,通常作长方形,有盖或有门:~子。~橱。电视~。掌~(称商店老板或掌管商店的人。亦称“掌柜的”)。柜 [jǔ]〔~柳〕落叶乔木,羽状复叶,小叶长椭圆形,枝韧,可以编筐。……



汉语拼音:shū guì







  1. 亦作“ 书匱 ”。放置书籍的柜子。

    《晋书·刘曜载记》:“初, 曜 之亡与 曹恂 奔於 刘绥 , 绥 匿之於书匱。”《人民文学》1978年第7期:“他同我谈起 曹雪芹 ,告诉我最近在一个人家发现了一个 曹雪芹 用过的书柜。”

  2. 博洽之士的雅号。

    清 褚人穫 《坚瓠七集·书厨》:“ 南海 唐奎 遍览诸书,称 唐书柜 。或有过誉,要皆美词也。”



  1. His bookcase with glass doors was the only piece of furniture which he had kept beyond what was strictly indispensable.


  2. This piece is now in a formal show-off drawing room where the owner entertains officially and therefore does not want to see a big TV.


  3. the red bookcase is from ikea. it's filled with photography books, magazines, old cameras and a few of my favorite vinyl figures.


  4. Those precious books had been put inside the bookcase that has the door, also not be afraid of again make dust flyblown .


  5. Christian: Mr. Bradbury, I'm looking at my book shelf right now and I have a bunch of your books on it.


  6. Desks, chairs, credenzas, file cabinets, etc. when in a state of disrepair can cause injury or discomfort.


  7. Rob Beckett - 'You know you're working class when your TV is bigger than your book case. '


  8. Children have room furniture beds, chairs, tables and storage toys, clothes cupboard, the little children to set up desks, bookcases .


  9. There is no need to waste money on this book and take up that empty space on your bookshelf.


  1. 电动图书柜

    electric bookshelf.

  2. 它们在书柜前面。

    Theyre in front of the bookcase.

  3. 床的两侧有书柜。

    Bookcases flank the bed.

  4. 我们打算做个书柜。

    Are going to make a bookcase.

  5. 在梳妆台和书柜之间

    Between the dresser and the bookcase

  6. 约翰正在给我做书柜。

    John is building a bookcase for me.

  7. 书柜在门和书桌之间。

    A bookcase is between the door and the desk.

  8. 这个书柜的宽度是多少?

    What is the width of the bookcase?

  9. 如果你要组装书柜的话

    Hey, if you ever have any bookcases need putting together.

  10. 我全神贯注的做这个书柜。

    I am totally absorbed in building this bookcase.

  11. 这个书柜是给他儿子的。

    This bookcase is for his son.

  12. 你的书柜和我的书柜完全一样。

    Your bookcase be exactly the same as mine.

  13. 书柜里有一些英语书吗

    Are there any English books in the bookcase

  14. 书柜里面仍然能翻出东西。

    Still procure items from bookcases.

  15. 这书柜太高,我够不到。

    The bookcase is too high for me to come at.

  16. 我把字典都放在书柜里。

    I put my dictionaries in the bookcase.

  17. 我喜欢这个书柜,因为我爱读书。

    I love this bookcase, because I love read books.

  18. 在我们书房里有三个书柜。

    There are three bookcases in our study.

  19. 他正为他的女儿漆书柜。

    He is painting the bookshelf for his daughter.

  20. 我有四个装满书的书柜。

    I have four bookcases full of books.

  21. 话筒被巧妙地隐藏在书柜里。

    The microphone was cunningly concealed in the bookcase.

  22. 我们是要把书柜靠着墙吗

    Shall we put the bookcase against the wall

  23. 都无法拼出一个新书柜来

    the instructions to build their new bookcase.

  24. 把书整齐地收放到书柜里。

    Put the books away neatly in the bookcase.

  25. 文件柜和书柜在这屋里吗

    Are the file cabinet and the bookcase in this room

  26. 书柜的典雅可与书籍的珍贵堪比。

    The elegance of the cabinets is on par with the value of the books.

  27. 这些书刊, 杂志必须放在书柜里。

    These books and magazines must be put into the bookcase.

  28. 每个书柜的四角饰有圆柱。

    Every cabinet is mounted with columns at the corners.

  29. 有一个书柜紧靠在窗户附近。

    There is a bookcase against the wall near the window.

  30. 润饰过的书柜比未润饰的贵得多。

    The finished bookcase costs much more than the unfinished ones.


  1. 问:书柜拼音怎么拼?书柜的读音是什么?书柜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:书柜的读音是shūguì,书柜翻译成英文是 bookcase



书柜是 书房家具中的主要 家具之一,即专门用来存放 书籍、 报刊、 杂志等书物的 柜子。许多消费者总是丢三落四, 书籍乱扔乱放,让居室生活变得一团糟。而这个时候,如果有了书柜,把全部书整理在书柜里面,让居室生活一下子变得干净明了。