




1. 约 [yuē]2. 约 [yāo]约 [yuē]绳子。拘束,限制:~束。~法。制~。~定俗成。共同议定的要遵守的条款:立~。条~。契~。事先说定:~见。~会。邀请:~请。~集。节俭:节~。俭~。简要,简单:由博返~。简~。大略:~计。……



汉语拼音:lì yuē






  1. 订立盟约;成立契约或口头约定。

    《史记·田敬仲完世家》:“两帝立约伐 赵 ,孰与伐 桀宋 之利?”《老残游记续集遗稿》第六回:“你果然一心学佛,也不难。我先同你立约。” 许地山 《换巢鸾凤》:“现在与你立约:若能依我,我就跟着你;若是不能,你就把我杀掉。”



  1. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz son of Josiah and made him king in Jerusalem in place of his father.

  2. Then the Lord said to Moses, "Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel. "

  3. The Applicant shall return the equipment and related documents provided by the Bank immediately upon termination of this Agreement.

  4. Hag 2: 5 According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you, fear ye not.

  5. This is what I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt. And my Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.

  6. and with every living thing with you, all birds and cattle and every beast of the earth which comes out of the ark with you.

  7. But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark-you and your sons and your wife and your sons' wives with you.

  8. Come, let us make an agreement, you and I; and let it be for a witness between us.

  9. He made Mattaniah, Jehoiachin's uncle, king in his place and changed his name to Zedekiah.


  1. 用眼睛立约。

    Make a covenant with ones eyes.

  2. 立约做服务员

    was bound out as a servant.

  3. 立约人 韩嘉豪

    Witness C. H. Han.

  4. 一个立约的学徒

    an articled apprentice

  5. 立约收一名学徒

    to article an apprentice

  6. 他立约给鞋匠当学徒。

    He was bound apprentice to a shoemaker.

  7. 他立约当木匠的学徒。

    He was bound apprentice to a carpenter.

  8. 相信教会乃立约的社群。

    Belief in the church as a covenant community.

  9. 这些谋反者立约保守秘密。

    The conspirators were bound to secrecy.

  10. 在那里立约的神来了!

    How near their God in covenant is brought!

  11. 立约给木匠当三年学徒

    be bound out to a carpenter for three years

  12. 上帝与亚伯拉罕的立约

    God's covenant with Abraham

  13. 炼钢厂立约订购1000万吨铁矿。

    The steel mill contracted for ten million tons of iron ore.

  14. 相信教会乃立约得社群。

    Belief in the church as a covenant community.

  15. 我立约承诺每年捐款100英镑。

    Ive covenanted 100 covenanted to pay that I ll pay 100 a year.

  16. 你立约参加这项计划了吗?

    Have you contracted in to the scheme?

  17. 若是这样, 怎能和你们立约呢?

    How then can we make a treaty with you?

  18. 你与我们立约, 我们就做你的顺民。

    Come to terms with us and we will be your subjects.

  19. 不可和他们并他们的神立约。

    Do not make a covenant with them or with their gods.

  20. 有一个条件我们就和你们立约

    On one condition only will I come to terms with you

  21. 他们和那家工厂立约购买10台车床。

    They contracted with that factory for ten lathes.

  22. 这血就是神与你们立约的凭据。

    Saying, This is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto you.

  23. 他10岁时立约跟一个店主当学徒。

    He was bound as an apprentice to a shopkeeper at ten.

  24. 耶和华我们的神在何烈山与我们立约。

    The Lord our God made an agreement with us in Horeb.

  25. 她立约受雇于他们,合同到9月才期满。

    She is contracted to them until september.

  26. 耶和华我们的上帝在何烈山与我们立约。

    The Lord our God made a covenant with us at Horeb.

  27. 已立约把所有收益捐给医疗慈善机构。

    All profits are covenanted to medical charities.

  28. 我就与你立约, 使你的后裔极其繁多。

    I will confirm my covenant between and you and will greatly increase your numbers.

  29. 我将同他及他的后代履行永存的立约。

    With him I will fulfil my covenant, an everlasting covenant with his descendants after him.

  30. 那个男孩经立约为一位木匠的学徒。

    The boy was bound over as an apprentice to a carpenter.


  1. 问:立约拼音怎么拼?立约的读音是什么?立约翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立约的读音是lìyuē,立约翻译成英文是 make treaty; draw up an agreement; covenant

  2. 问:立约人拼音怎么拼?立约人的读音是什么?立约人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立约人的读音是lì yuē rén,立约人翻译成英文是 promisor

  3. 问:立约神学拼音怎么拼?立约神学的读音是什么?立约神学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立约神学的读音是lìyuēshénxué,立约神学翻译成英文是 Federal theology

  4. 问:立约同盟者拼音怎么拼?立约同盟者的读音是什么?立约同盟者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立约同盟者的读音是lìyuētóngméngzhě,立约同盟者翻译成英文是 Covenanters

  5. 问:立约当事人拼音怎么拼?立约当事人的读音是什么?立约当事人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立约当事人的读音是lì yuē dāng shì rén,立约当事人翻译成英文是 contracting party



立约 lìyuē [make an agreement] 订立契约;成立约定 中国最初的盟约概念,出现在夏代,春秋战国时期盛行,内容多是诸侯国之间相互的“约定”或者是祈福时和神的约定,以雕刻在龟甲、玉石、或者书写在金帛上为主。 西方最初的盟约概念,出现在《圣经》创世记,神与亚当夏娃立约。第一个明确出现“约定”一词的是创世记中洪水退后,神与挪亚立约,再不用洪水灭绝大地,并以彩虹为记号,这就是著名的“彩虹之约”。此后,《圣经》多次出现神强调其与人立的约,并强调神对约定的坚守。这可以说是西方“契约”概念的萌芽。西方社会至今对“契约”、“合约”等有强烈的重视,也是受《圣经》影响。