




1. 什 [shí]2. 什 [shén]什 [shí]十(多用于分数或倍数):~百(十倍和百)。~一(十分之一)。~袭珍藏(形容极其珍重地收藏物品)。各种的,各样的:~锦(各种各样东西凑成的食品)。~物。诗篇:篇~。雅~。什 [shén]……


1. 么 [me]2. 么 [mó]3. 么 [ma]4. 么 [yāo]么 [me]词尾:怎~。这~。多~。什~。助词,表示含蓄语气,用在前半句末了:不让你去~,你又要去。么 [mó]亦作“庅”。“麼”的简化字。么 [ma]同“吗”。么 ……






  1. I'm afraid what, at least hope with me, still crying about, to meet will be happy.


  2. Caught into the town hall of the stars know things have been well known, since the emperor is not Bixian Yi, bent, what have I to fear?


  3. Fall down, cry and then cry, afraid of, not the heart is put on an act!


  4. Lady Ascot: Do you know what I fear most? Alice: The decline of the aristocracy? Lady Ascot: Ugly grandchildren.


  5. One less fortunate than yourself far more than you lucky man, you were afraid of what?


  6. There is no need to fear for the death of anyone. Whose death would be a great loss?


  7. Hum. Let them say what they like about "young Mr. Zhou falling for one of the servant. " What do I care? I love her.


  8. However, the old refrain can also be misunderstood by those who think: "We have nothing to fear, now that we can live off the mountains. "


  9. "What is you most afraid of? " "The dark. "


  1. 来,怕什么!

    go on, be a devil!

  2. 你怕什么?

    What are you frightened of?

  3. 我们怕什么?

    What are we afraid of?

  4. 你怕什么嘛

    What are you so afraid of?

  5. 你怕什么呢?

    What are you afraid of?

  6. 你怕什么呢?

    What are you afraid of?

  7. 你那么漂亮,怕什么呢

    You were beautiful yet invisible.

  8. 理发师最怕什么人呢。

    Tonsorial most what person be afraid of

  9. 你这胆小鬼!你怕什么呢?

    You coward! What are you afraid of?

  10. 她不再逃避什么, 也不再怕什么。

    She no longer avoids anything.

  11. 他怕什么?他不是怕,也不是发慌。

    It was all a nothing and a man was a nothing too.

  12. 撒旦之子最怕什么呢?

    The only thing feared by the spawn of Satan.

  13. 有他给你撑腰,你还怕什么?

    He's backing you up, so what's there to fear?

  14. 来, 怕什么, 两个都买了吧!

    Go on, be a devil, buy both of them.

  15. 我们可不怕什么威胁,是吧,奥森?

    Well, we're not intimidated. Are we, Orson?

  16. 你在怕什么,谢博德医生,这么失控?

    What are you so scared of, dr. shepherd, losing control?

  17. 我还不怕你怕什么, 帮我揉揉嘛, 乖, 听话。

    I fear you are afraid of what helped me Rub say, obedient, compliant.

  18. 我可没嚼舌, 我是最受宠爱的公主, 怕什么!

    But I am not gossiping and I am a favorite princess, what do I care?

  19. 可惜, 怕什么来什么, 还是在定位球上丢了两球。

    What a pity, feared that anything comes anything, has thrown two balls in the placement shot.

  20. 有月亮,太阳,金星和水星在处女座,你怕什么?

    With the moon, Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Virgo, you are holding the winning cards.

  21. 假如你感觉已经长好了,有点黑印怕什么?

    If you feel had grown became good, a bit black imprint what be afraid of?

  22. 我觉得这是好事,如果是正当行使职权,你怕什么?

    I feel this is meddlesome, if be proper exercise powers and authorities of office, what are you afraid of

  23. 瞧着罢,咱们取一致行动,怕他什么

    Just watch.As long as we adopt a unified stance, we have nothing to fear from him!

  24. 社会权力和宗教权力得最高统治者最怕失掉什么?

    Social authority and power of the supreme ruler of religious fear losing what?

  25. 社会权力和宗教权力的最高统治者最怕失掉什么?

    Social authority and power of the supreme ruler of religious fear losing what ?

  26. 你要是怕别的什么,那倒不必,我不存邪心眼儿。

    If you're scared about anything else, forget it, I got no romantic ideas.

  27. 老虎感觉到很奇怪,也不敢动手,怕有什么神秘在里边。

    The tiger was baffled and dared not take a chance for fear of a hidden mystery.

  28. 我们知道他怕的是什么。

    We knew what it was he feared.

  29. 我们知道他怕的是什么。

    We knew what it was he feared.

  30. 你是不是怕了?什么?为什么?

    Are you freaking out? What? Why?



Jolin凭《舞娘》登上销售冠军,为了配合新碟主题“特务J”, 飞到伦敦学习最新的舞蹈,苦练空中旋转彩带舞,以无重力旋转彩带钢管舞再次挑战极限!据悉唱片公司为此耗资5,000万台币,连金载沅有份参演、法国拍摄的“爱情任务”以内为她共制作了三段式音乐电影,预计港星冯德伦及吴嘉龙也亮相于伦敦和曼谷部分,与Jolin合演音乐电影。另预料新曲十首包括∶主打歌“特务J”、陈镇川填词“爱无赦”、Jolin亲自填写的“节拍器”、“怕什么”、“桃花园”、“冷暴力”、“非卖品”、“日不落”、“一个人”及“金三角”。