


1. 那 [nà]2. 那 [nǎ]3. 那 [nèi]4. 那 [nā]那 [nà]指较远的时间、地方或事物,与“这”相对:~里。~个。~样。~些。~时。~么。那 [nǎ]同“哪”(一)(中国大陆地区已不用)。那 [nèi]义同(一),“……


1. 哼 [hēng]2. 哼 [hng]哼 [hēng]表示痛苦的声音:他的伤很重,但没~一声。轻声随口地唱:他经常~着小曲。哼 [hng](h与单纯的舌根鼻音拼合的音)表示不满意或不信任的声音:~,我才不理他!……



汉语拼音:nà hēng






  1. I was the joker on the stage singing the blues All eyes on me and had nothing to prove


  1. 所有眼神仿佛都在嘲笑我是舞台上那哼着蓝调的滑稽小丑

    I was the joker on the stage singing the blues All eyes on me and had nothing to prove.

  2. 那特务哼了一声,倒在地上。

    The spy groaned and fell to the floor.

  3. 那小东西哼了一声,算是回答。

    The little thing grunted in reply.

  4. 嗯哼,那客户呢

    Mmm, what about clients?

  5. 演员不出声地哼着那首已经事先录好音的歌曲。

    The actor mouthed the words of the recorded song.

  6. 那年轻女孩独自哼着小调。

    The young girl was humming to herself.

  7. 他咬紧了牙关只是哼,在那座空廓落落的大厅上转圈子。

    He paced round the hall grinding his teeth and groaning.

  8. 她,哼!和杂院里那群妇女没有任何分别了。

    Why, she, Tigress, would be no different from any other woman in this yard.

  9. 那上面还有我名字, 哼?

    It's even got my name there, huh?

  10. 那我们就做难的方法, 哼?

    Let's do it the hard way, huh?

  11. 你连那书呆子都打不过, 哼?

    You couldn't even beat that loser, huh?

  12. 你也是她那种荡妇吧,哼?

    Are you a dirty slut too, huh

  13. 我不是那种会哼歌的人

    I am not a hummer.

  14. 我不是那种会哼歌的人。

    I am not a hummer.

  15. 那是傻子, 哈里, 傻子。哼, 你这个傻小子

    That was a boggart, Harry. A boggart. Huh, you young fool!

  16. 我忘了那调子了 你能给我哼一遍吗?

    I've forgotten how that tune goes could you hum it for me?

  17. 她一遍又一遍地不断哼唱那支歌。

    She continued to hum the song over and over.

  18. 嘻嘻, 那我自己去逛街啦, 不要你陪, 哼!

    Aha, I will go out strolling to buy something, do not need your accompany, hum!

  19. 哼唱时还有个小秘诀,那就是你必须得微笑。

    The secret trick to humming is that you must smile.

  20. 老婆大人, 你是在学习呢, 还是在做那事呢?你也不理我!哼!

    Wife adult, you are learning, or doing it at all? The rationale you do not I! Humph!

  21. 哼,我一看见镜子上贴的创可贴,就把你跟那种事联系上了。

    Well, I saw the band aid stuck on the mirror, and made the link between you and that.

  22. 一走了之!哼,说得真好,那你就成了一个道道地地的懒汉隐士。

    Run away! Well, you would be a nice old slouch of a hermit.

  23. 马上老叉杆派人四处去找, 哼, 一进树林, 她就在那儿挂着呢。

    The moment they entered the wood, well, they saw her hanging there.