




用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来:~装。~饺子。包好了的东西:邮~。背(bèi )~。装东西的袋:书~。皮~。容纳在内,总括在一起:~括。~举(总括)。~容。~涵。~罗万象。无所不~。总揽,负全责:~销。~揽。保证:~赔。~在我身上。约定的,……



汉语拼音:diū bāo








  1. 旧时江湖上的一种诈骗术。诈骗者远远看见有人来,故意把一个包裹抛在路上,然后躲起来,若有人拾取,就装做寻找失物,说包内有珍宝,对拾者恐吓勒索,拾者只好给钱了事。

    清 吴炽昌 《客窗闲话·调白》:“盗之多以大也,自响马老瓜以至丢包、鼠窃,名目多端。”

  2. 小偷或流氓突然抢夺别人的手提包或其他值钱的东西,然后立即逃跑,也叫“丢包”。

    端木蕻良 《义卖》:“人要骚,马要骄,要倒霉的快丢包!”

  3. 傣 族等西南少数民族男女青年常在新年时聚集于旷场或草地上,用荞壳装在枕形的布袋里,互相投抛为戏,谓之“丢包”。




  1. Simulation results show that this handover technology can improve the handover latency and the package loss. It is viable and effective.


  2. The simulation results show that FDL can reduce the burst loss probability to a certain extent in the case of heavy network load.


  3. In terms of packet loss during transmission and calculation capacity limit to MPU, some technical renovations are discussed also.


  4. It is up to higher layer protocols, however, to detect this datagram loss and initiate a retransmission if desired.


  5. Considering the data packet capture function problems, the system greatly reduces the packet loss rate, and optimizes itself entirely.


  6. The arrival rate of each network prefix is estimated from the number of dropped packets.


  7. After testing and analyzing the rate of package loss and datum delay, the article puts forwards related solution.


  8. Simulation results indicate the packet loss rate statistics on a variety number of monitor nodes.


  9. Remember that the corruption flag can be set from the slightest packet loss between your computer and the database file.


  1. 加权早期丢包

    weighted early packet discard.

  2. 数字电视传送流丢包和丢包率研究

    Study on Packet Loss and Packet Loss Rate of DTV Transport Stream

  3. 异构网络中丢包识别研究综述

    The Research of Loss Differentiation Algorithm in Heterogeneous Networks

  4. 在这种情况下,数据的传输就会出现空洞,造成丢包。

    In this case, the data transmission will be empty, resulting in packet loss.

  5. 本发明实施例公开了一种时延丢包的检测方法及系统。

    The inventive example discloses a time delay packet loss detection method and system.

  6. 我把几个包丢在一边。

    I left my bags on one side.

  7. 我很难过,因为我的包丢了。

    I was sad because I lost my bag.

  8. 就把你的包丢在角落里吧。

    Just whack your bags in the corner.

  9. 她进来大吵大闹。她儿子的运动包丢了。

    She came in and raised hell. Her son'ssports bag was missing.

  10. 带钱的那个小偷吓得把包丢了。

    The one with the money got such a fright that he dropped the bag.

  11. 当我离开商店时突然想起包丢在那里了。

    As I was walking away from the shop, I remembered I had left my bag inside.

  12. 拍卖会上, 有人的包丢了, 里面装有重要文件。

    At auction spot, someone has lost a bag, in which has the vital document.

  13. 拍卖会上,有人得包丢了,里面装有重要文件。

    At auction spot, someone has lost a bag, in which has the vital document.

  14. 我在随后的混乱中丢了包。

    I lost my bag in the ensuing chaos.

  15. 基于包对推测丢包率的简化算法

    A Simplified Algorithm of Network Loss Ratio Base on Packet Pair

  16. 他把收集的雀鸟丢到包里,他也不知道这有什么意义。

    When he collected these finches, he threw them in a bag and he had no idea what they meant.

  17. 平均丢包率

    average loss ratio difference

  18. 丢包率测量

    packet loss rate measurement.

  19. 丢包行为评估

    behavior evaluation of packet loss

  20. 长时加权丢包率

    weighted packet loss ratio

  21. 抗丢包不等保护

    unequal loss protection

  22. 丢包可能因接收器忙引起。

    Packet loss can be caused by a busy receiver.

  23. 基于单程时间的丢包率估计算法

    Packet loss rate estimation algorithm based on one trip time

  24. 基于网络层析的丢包率推断算法研究

    Loss Performance Inference Algorithm Based on Network Tomography

  25. 你昨天在北街是不是丢了一个文件包?

    Did you lose a paper bag yesterday at N St.

  26. 考虑网络丢包的网络化控制系统的广义预测控制

    Generalized Predicted Control for Networked Control System with Data Packet Dropout

  27. 以最小化丢包率作为优化网络性能指标。

    In this paper, the network performance optimization metrics is minimizing packet loss probability.

  28. 每个网络前缀的到达率通过丢包数目估计。

    The arrival rate of each network prefix is estimated from the number of dropped packets.

  29. 一种基于卷积码的网络丢包恢复新方法

    A new method to recover Internet packet losses using convolutional codes

  30. 将存在数据丢包的网络控制系统描述为跳跃系统。

    The networked control system with packet losses is described as jump system.