


1. 稍 [shāo]2. 稍 [shào]稍 [shāo]本义为禾末,引申为略微:~~。~微。~许。~纵即逝。稍 [shào]〔~息〕军事或体操的口令。……





汉语拼音:shāo hòu








  1. And I'm going to tell you that story here in a moment. But before I do, I just want you to ponder this graph for a moment.


  2. The only place you want to avoid using the request. serverName variable is in the id, as I'll discuss in just a moment.


  3. If you completely cut out foods and drinks that you love, you'll only set yourself up to go on a binge of those items later.


  4. So, each guest had a basic version that we kept for later cloning and a customized clone of that guest that performed the actual build task.


  5. I am especially glad of this opportunity to share my thoughts with you and I will be equally happy to field some questions afterwards .


  6. But here and there, perhaps there will be a touch of personal sadness as is true of any departure, a point to which I shall return.


  7. obviously very difficult to determine the specific time, Now it seems that "stands in" means that this is only a later time.


  8. I'm not going to try to cover all that here, but I'll run through a quick introduction to signatures later in this section.


  9. When I review later how I looked and sounded, what I said and did, and how I thought and felt, some parts may turn out to be unfitting.


  1. 好的 稍后。


  2. 好的,稍后。

    Okay. Later.

  3. 我们稍后谈

    We'll talk later.

  4. 我稍后就去。

    I will go later.

  5. 稍后我回解释

    Now we'll explain that in a second.

  6. 稍后再详谈这个。

    More about that a bit later on.

  7. 等等,我稍后回来。

    Oh,you know,I'll be right back.

  8. 我稍后和他商量

    I'll write up a consult later.

  9. 稍后我就点甜点。

    I'll order dessert later.

  10. 稍后我来处理这个

    You know what? I'll just deal with this later.

  11. 预备铃响了,稍后见

    First bell. Later.

  12. 我们稍后就解决它们。

    Well,we'll get around to those in a little while.

  13. 我们稍后就解决它们。

    Well, we'll get around to those in a little while.

  14. 您可以稍后再打吗?

    Can you call back later?

  15. 这事可以稍后再做。

    It may be done a little later.

  16. 服务器维护请稍后再来!

    Server maintenance, Please try again later!

  17. 哦,我稍后再打给他。

    Well, Ill call him again heater.

  18. 命名理由稍后就会清楚。

    The reason for the terminology will become clear shortly.

  19. 我将稍后提及密封起诉书。

    I will refer later to sealed indictments.

  20. 李,我们能稍后再谈吗

    Actually,lee,why don't we talk later?

  21. 您的费用稍后将会给您。

    Your fees will be fixed for later.

  22. 我稍后会给你个借口

    And I will be using an excuse to be named later.

  23. 李,我们能稍后再谈吗?

    Actually, lee, why don't we talk later?

  24. 李,我们能稍后再谈吗?

    Actually, lee, why don't we talk later?

  25. 贝稍后就到,祝你们好运

    and Bay is coming soon, so good luck.

  26. 他们稍后一点讨论这个问题。

    Theyll enter into this question sometime latter.

  27. 嗯 我们可以稍后再聊吗?

    Look, we can talk about that later, okay?

  28. 我稍后再回头谈这个问题。

    I shall recur to the subject later on.

  29. 稍后,我会打回给你。

    I'll probably call back later.

  30. 稍后,我会打回给你。

    I'll probably call back later.


  1. 问:稍后拼音怎么拼?稍后的读音是什么?稍后翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稍后的读音是shāohòu,稍后翻译成英文是 A little bit backward.

  2. 问:稍后的拼音怎么拼?稍后的的读音是什么?稍后的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稍后的的读音是,稍后的翻译成英文是 latish



【拼音】shāo hòu

【注音】ㄕㄠ ㄏㄡˋ



◎ 稍后shāohòu [later on]∶在时间上偏后的