




1. 蛇 [shé]2. 蛇 [yí]蛇 [shé]爬行动物,身体细长,体上有鳞,没有四肢。种类很多,有的有毒,有的无毒。以蛙、鼠为食,大蛇亦吞食大的兽类:~蜕。~行。~蝎。~足(喻多余无用的事物)。画~添足。蛇 [yí]〔委(wěi )~……



汉语拼音:kuí shé






  1. 一种毒蛇。有黑斑蝰、白蝰、青蝰等种类。

    《人民日报》1961.11.11:“研究人员把 广西 常见的眼镜蛇、大眼睛蛇、金环蛇、银环蛇、竹叶青、蝰蛇、百步蛇七种毒蛇的毒液分别提出来,然后在同样的环境下对动物进行试验。”



  1. Their fangs are the longest of any poisonous snake on Earth, growing up to two inches (five centimeters) long.


  2. We are also going to let Viper return mana from melee attacks for those cases where a melee opponent is too close for comfort.


  3. while on holiday she was bitten by an adder.


  4. Eyelash vipers are indigenous to Central and South America and come in a variety of colors, including shocking yellow.


  5. Doom and gloom are written in the sections of the bankruptcy filing documents that deal with Chrysler's Viper and Jeep Wrangler brands.


  6. Viper ACR, as I've said numerous times it's the only new style Viper Ilike.


  7. A young jararaca snake lies coiled on a mossy piece of ground in the Brazilian rain forest.


  8. The Dodge Viper may be making the trek to the automotive graveyard, but it likely won't be making the journey alone.


  9. We set out on motor bike at dawn from the city of Patna to collect vipers so that they could be milked for their venom.


  1. 陷入危险的是蝰蛇。

    Its the viper thats in danger.

  2. 注射用蝰蛇巴曲酶

    injection of viperine batroxobin

  3. 与蝰蛇形似的澳大利亚毒蛇。

    Venomous Australian snake resembling an adder.

  4. 她度假时被蝰蛇咬伤。

    while on holiday she was bitten by an adder.

  5. 在英国最常见的蛇是蝰蛇。

    By far the most common snake in Britain is the adder.

  6. 蝰蛇是英国唯一的一种毒蛇。

    The adder is Britain's only venomous snake.

  7. 每场戏都需要反派角色蝰蛇。

    Every show needs a villainsawscale the viper!

  8. 开始他们教我如何像蝰蛇一样攻击

    First they taught me to strike like a viper

  9. 蝰蛇在英国也是唯一一种有毒的蛇。

    The adder is also the only British snake with a poisonous bite.

  10. 然而,蝰蛇钉刺把这个弱点过于放大了。

    However Viper Sting exploited that weakness to a very punishing degree.

  11. 蝰蛇钉刺现在会每秒3恢复9点集中值。

    Viper Sting will now restore 9 Focus every 3 seconds.

  12. 但刺猬听到的声音是同样在狩猎的蝰蛇。

    The sound hedgehogs picked up is Sawscale, also on the hunt!

  13. 我们还想使得蝰蛇钉刺对猎人更加有用。

    We also want to make Serpent Sting more usable for Hunters.

  14. 江浙蝮蛇属蝰蛇类,是我国特有的蛇种。

    Agkistrodon halys pallas belonging to viper family is only growing in China.

  15. 江浙蝮蛇属蝰蛇类,是我国特有得蛇种。

    Agkistrodon halys pallas belonging to viper family is only growing in China.

  16. 这一次我们算是见识到什么叫做锯状鳞片蝰蛇。

    This one showed us why it was called saw scaled viper.

  17. 在一个半小时后我捕获到了8条加蓬蝰蛇。

    And at the end of half an hour I had caught eight of the Baboon snakes.

  18. 可是有一天,他的妻子,欧律狄克,被蝰蛇毒死了。

    One day, his wife, Eurydice, was bitten to death by vipers.

  19. 北非和西南亚眼睛上部有角状脊骨毒性很大的蝰蛇。

    Highly venomous viper of North Africa and southwest Asia having a horny spine above each eye.

  20. 一种角蝰属毒蛇,如带角的蝰蛇,每只眼上都有角状突起

    any of several venomous snakes of the genus Cerastes,such as the horned viper,having hornlike projections over each eye

  21. 其中之一是在底特律康纳厂员工115人已建立蝰蛇谁的产品有。

    One of them is the Conner plant in Detroit which has 115 employees who build the Viper products there.


  1. 问:蝰蛇毒拼音怎么拼?蝰蛇毒的读音是什么?蝰蛇毒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蝰蛇毒的读音是kuí shé dú,蝰蛇毒翻译成英文是 viper venom

  2. 问:蝰蛇毒素拼音怎么拼?蝰蛇毒素的读音是什么?蝰蛇毒素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蝰蛇毒素的读音是kuí shé dú sù,蝰蛇毒素翻译成英文是 viperotoxin; vipoxin

  3. 问:蝰蛇毒蛋白拼音怎么拼?蝰蛇毒蛋白的读音是什么?蝰蛇毒蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蝰蛇毒蛋白的读音是kuí shé dú dàn bái,蝰蛇毒蛋白翻译成英文是 echidnotoxin



“蝰蛇”是个多义词,它可以指蝰蛇(蛇类/汽车型号), 蝰蛇(蝰蛇概述), 蝰蛇(毒蛇), 蝰蛇(星际争霸2中单位名称), 蝰蛇(QQ飞车中的单位)。