


1. 作 [zuò]作 [zuò]起,兴起,现在起:振~。枪声大~。从事,做工:工~。~息。~业。举行,进行:~别(分别)。~乱。~案。~战。~报告。干出,做出,表现出,制造出:~恶(è)。~弊。~梗。~祟。~态。~色。~为。~难。~奸犯科……





汉语拼音:zuò zuò







  1. 当作,算作。




  1. We commonly think of sleep as a healing process that melts away the stresses of the day, preparing us to deal with new challenges.


  2. Any monitoring given to environmental Impact? If yes, Please list out types of monitoring. Check legal compliance.


  3. She encouraged all her pupils to have one, and sometimes arranged for their parents to come and see the work they had done as a result.


  4. List all the major and minor plot points and do some writing about them.


  5. I don't care if they praise for me or not. For me, most important is that I can do something for my class.


  6. Note that if you do go this route, please keep site security issues in mind.


  1. 以下是政府所作做的一项声明。

    The following is a statement made by the government.

  2. 他老是那么做作。

    He's always affected.

  3. 她演得太做作。

    She overdoes her acting.

  4. 她的微笑很做作。

    Her smile looks artificial.

  5. 他很谦虚, 但不做作。

    He is modest without being affected.

  6. 他很谦虚,但不做作。

    He is modest without being affected.

  7. 即使紧张也不要做作。

    Try to act naturally, even if youre tense.

  8. 你是个好人,毫不做作。

    You are the real good man and unfeigned.

  9. 没有虚假的装饰, 不做作。

    absence of affectation or pretense.

  10. 他们的生活方式都很做作。

    Their way of life was all pretence.

  11. 西尔维娅得微笑很做作。

    Silvia's smile looks insincere.

  12. 西尔维娅的微笑很做作。

    Silvia's smile looks insincere.

  13. 她的谈话一点都不做作。

    Her talk was very unliterary.

  14. 我讨厌他那做作的腔调。

    I dislike his airy tone of voice.

  15. 女主角的表演太做作了。

    The acting of the heroine was too artificial.

  16. 我认为他为人诚挚,毫不做作。

    I think he is sincere and quite without affectation.

  17. 每逢观众多时, 她就喜欢做作。

    She loves to camp it up whenever she has a large audience.

  18. 这位姑娘既不虚伪也不做作。

    The girl was either affected or pretentious.

  19. 他的举止充满了虚伪和做作。

    His manner reeks of falseness and affectation.

  20. 他的声音听起来总是那么做作。

    His voice always sounds so affected.

  21. 我非常厌恶他的粗野和做作。

    I am completely disgusted with his rude behaviour and affectation.

  22. 她这样这激动不安, 完全不是做作。

    There had been no acting in her agitation.

  23. 他说话太做作了,我很不喜欢。

    He speaks too preciously for my liking.

  24. 她唱得还可以, 就是演得太做作。

    Her singing is all right, but her acting is overdone.

  25. 那位新秘书真诚,安静,且不做作。

    The new secretary is sincere and quiet without affectation.

  26. 他的演技给我的印象是有点做作。

    His acting impressed me as being somewhat artificial.

  27. 说实话,你是我见过的最做作的人!

    Frankly, you are the most seemer I have ever seen.

  28. 显示出一种阴沉而又做作得壮丽。

    And a sombre, but yet a studied magnificence.

  29. 一定要直率, 有理, 有涵养, 但是不要做作。

    Be straightforward, respectful, direct and congenial, but not overly familiar.

  30. 早期得教文, 即不呆板, 也不华丽, 也不做作。

    Earlier prose is neither ponderous, flowery nor oratorical.


  1. 问:作做而慢慢地说拼音怎么拼?作做而慢慢地说的读音是什么?作做而慢慢地说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:作做而慢慢地说的读音是,作做而慢慢地说翻译成英文是 drawl