


1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……





汉语拼音:fēng zhěn






  1. 指风痹、半身不遂等症。


  2. 一种病毒引起的急性传染病,多见于5岁以下小儿。症状为发热,一二日内全身出现浅红色散在的皮疹,面部较多,常伴轻咳,耳后和枕骨部淋巴结肿大,皮疹多于1-3天内消退。患者需休息隔离5-7天。病愈后有持久免疫。预防可注射风疹疫苗。孕妇应注意预防风疹,以免感染后影响胎儿发育而发生畸形。

  3. 即风疹块。参见“ 风疹块 ”。



  1. Measles, mumps, and rubella (also called German measles) used to be quite common childhood diseases.


  2. This means your body can fight off the rubella virus if it enters your body.


  3. There was an outbreak of rubella in Greece in 1993, when only about half of the people in the country had been vaccinated.


  4. Rubella is an important childhood disease that was historically widespread but is now very infrequent .


  5. you were immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps and rubella.


  6. A few contagion are like diphtheria , parotitis, measles to wait to also can erupt simultaneously sometimes.


  7. Congenital rubella syndrome happens when a mother is infected with rubella during pregnancy and her baby is born with serious birth defects.


  8. When people live close together, measles, mumps, and rubella viruses are more easily spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes.


  9. This article reviews some progresses of Rubella virus about its molecular bionomics, molecular epidemiology and vaccine application.


  1. 怎么样治疗风疹?

    How to treat nettle rash

  2. 风疹性关节炎

    Rubella arthritis

  3. 风疹性心肌炎

    Rubella myocarditis

  4. 会不会是风疹块。

    Could it be that wheal.

  5. 基岩地质图风疹

    Geological map of bed rocks

  6. 成人往往对风疹有免疫力。

    Adults are often immune to German measles.

  7. 这个组织就是风疹促进会。

    The group is known as the Measles Initiative.

  8. 大多数成人对风疹具有免疫力。

    Most adults are immune to Rubella.

  9. 过敏性皮肤反应,例如风疹块。

    Allergic skin reaction such as urticaria.

  10. 麻疹腮腺炎和风疹有什么症状?

    Measles mumps and rubella What are the symptoms?

  11. 带状疱疹,风疹的针灸辨证治疗。

    Acupuncture treatments of Herpes Zoster and wind eruption.

  12. 妊娠4个月内患风疹,应中断妊娠。

    Gravid nettle rash has inside 4 months, should interrupt gravid.

  13. 麻疹腮腺炎和风疹它们有多常见?

    Measles mumps and rubella How common is it.

  14. 你感染风疹也可以没有任何症状。

    But you can have it without having any symptoms.

  15. 这些疫苗能保护你免受风疹感染。

    These vaccines protect you from getting infected with rubella.

  16. 带状疱疹,风疹的鉴别诊断,注意事项。

    Differentiation, diagnosis and cautions of Herpes Zoster and wind eruption.

  17. 你接种白喉,破伤风,麻疹,腮腺炎和风疹。

    you were immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps and rubella.

  18. 风疹只是德国麻疹的另一个名称。

    Rubella is just another name for German measles.

  19. 为儿童接种抗风疹疫苗的试验计画。

    A pilot scheme to vaccinate children against German measles.

  20. 用于面游风,风疹块,一切瘙痒性皮肤病。

    For surface travel wind, hives, itching of the skin of all.

  21. 而风疹或麻疹则无此种血象变化。

    And nettle rash or hives change without this kind of blood picture.

  22. 在我的年龄, 患风疹是件很意外的事。

    Catching German measles at my age was quite a turn up for the books.

  23. 风疹和麻疹是由病毒引起的, 猩红热是由细菌引起的。

    Nettle rash and hives are caused by virus, scarlet fever is caused by the bacterium.

  24. 疫苗接种能保护儿童抵抗麻疹,腮腺炎和风疹。

    Vaccination can protect a child against getting measles, mumps, and rubella.

  25. 你能得到抗麻疹,腮腺炎和风疹的单一疫苗。

    You can get single vaccines against measles, mumps, and rubella.

  26. 有些被感染的儿童会出现类似风疹的皮肤损害。

    Some affected children will have skin lesions that mimic urticaria.

  27. 过去麻疹腮腺炎和风疹是极常见的儿童疾病。

    Measles, mumps, and rubella used to be quite common childhood diseases.

  28. 风疹对于怀孕的妇女来说是一种危险的疾病。

    German measles is a dangerous disease for pregnant women.

  29. 殊不知,怀孕的妇女绝对不能接种预防风疹的疫苗。

    Little imagine, pregnant woman is absolutely cannot the vaccine of inoculate against measles.

  30. 先天性风疹综合征流行病学特征与免疫预防策略

    Epidemiological characteristics and immunoprophylactic strategy of congenital rubella syndrome


  1. 问:风疹拼音怎么拼?风疹的读音是什么?风疹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:风疹的读音是fēngzhěn,风疹翻译成英文是 nettle rash; urticaria; German measles

  2. 问:风疹病毒拼音怎么拼?风疹病毒的读音是什么?风疹病毒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:风疹病毒的读音是fēng zhěn bìng dú,风疹病毒翻译成英文是 rubella virus

  3. 问:风疹性内障拼音怎么拼?风疹性内障的读音是什么?风疹性内障翻译成英文是什么?

    答:风疹性内障的读音是fēng zhěn xìng nèi zhàng,风疹性内障翻译成英文是 rubella cataract

  4. 问:风疹综合征拼音怎么拼?风疹综合征的读音是什么?风疹综合征翻译成英文是什么?

    答:风疹综合征的读音是fēng zhěn zōng hé zhēng,风疹综合征翻译成英文是 rubella syndrome

  5. 问:风疹性胚胎畸形拼音怎么拼?风疹性胚胎畸形的读音是什么?风疹性胚胎畸形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:风疹性胚胎畸形的读音是fēng zhěn xìng pēi tāi jī xíng,风疹性胚胎畸形翻译成英文是 rubella embryopathy