


1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……




1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……





汉语拼音:hé èr wéi yī








  • 【解释】:指将两者合为一个整体。
  • 【出自】:清·袁枚《新齐谐·佟觭角》:“一人劈面来,急走如飞,势甚猛,傅不及避,两胸相撞,竟与己身合二为一。”
  • 【示例】:我们要把这两个车间~。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、宾语;指将两者合为一个整体


  1. The resulting hybrid LED gives off a warm white light with a slightly yellow cast, similar to that of the incandescent lamp.


  2. So he put two into and two together, and decided that there was an element in the sun that hadn't been discovered on the earth yet.


  3. It helped me to see myself differently, increase my self-confidence, lose my desire to drink or smoke and just feel at one with the world.


  4. This begins with a man as a woman's body, naturally bound to combine the two in the future, a married couple.


  5. It's as if, for the moment, two souls come into one.


  6. You spouse would be bone from your bone and flesh from your flesh and you will see yourself in her and both of you will be one.


  7. a well-digested conventionalism had incorporated itself thoroughly with his substance and transformed him into a work of art.


  8. But when these two worlds collide and become one, that's what you call you and I.


  9. I think we are going to see a lot of big changes as a result of this convergence.


  1. 将两份热忱,合二为一。

    So, you know, merging the two passions.

  2. 决心把身体的灵魂合二为一。

    Determine to integrate bddy and spirt.

  3. 决心把身体和灵魂合二为一。

    Determine to integrate the body annd spirit.

  4. 成双成对的,他们的胴体合二为一。

    Two by two their bodies become one.

  5. 如果他们合二为一, 那将是个奇迹。

    It'll be a miracle if they combine into one.

  6. 而珠儿就是他俩生命的合二为一。

    And Pearl was the oneness of their being.

  7. 当爱与责任合二为一,恩典与你同在。

    When duty and love one the grace is within you.

  8. 两个集团合二为一成立了一个新的组织。

    The two groups fused into a new organisation.

  9. 两个集团合二为一成立了一个新的组织。

    The two groups fused into a new organisation.

  10. 刀具的导向可以与工件的夹具功能合二为一。

    Tool guidance may be incorporated into the workholding function.

  11. 为什么我们不能把扫帚和吸尘器合二为一呢

    Why not combine the two into a Vacuum Broom

  12. 他几乎把她和梦中的仙女合二为一了。

    He half identified her with the fairy girl of her dreams.

  13. 将父亲心爱的古董车和书架的功能合二为一!

    Combine Dad's love of classic cars with the functionality of a book shelf!

  14. 爱中有这种矛盾现象合二为一, 却又一分为二。

    In love this paradox occurs that two beings become one and yet remain two.

  15. 在一些青少年中,早午餐合二为一成了一种时尚。

    Brunch has become a fashion among some teenagers.

  16. 下剑合二为一可单练,也可分而练之互为攻防。

    The two swords can be combined for single exercise or divided for attack a defense exercises.

  17. 这房子是将两栋小屋的隔墙打通合二为一的。

    The house consists of two cottages knocked together.

  18. 本发明是将传统得保险盒与开关得功能合二为一。

    According to this invention, traditional fuse box and switch are combined into a whole.

  19. 本发明是将传统的保险盒与开关的功能合二为一。

    According to this invention, traditional fuse box and switch are combined into a whole.

  20. 都会让我全身发麻我随时想跟你合二为一这就是我想要的

    I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, thats what I want.

  21. 本设计创新性地将传统马笼头与旋转短节合二为一。

    This design has innovatively taken as a whole the traditional bridle and the rotatable subs.

  22. 这样,包豪斯的意象与他的使用者合二为一,并合情合理了。

    So, the image of the Bauhaus rationally integrates with its users.

  23. 我觉得两者合二为一后,我们还会看到更多巨大的变化。

    I think we are going to see a lot of big changes as a result of this convergence.

  24. 合众为一。

    It is one to shut ally.

  25. 两国合而为一。

    The two countries merged into one.

  26. 邮费为一美元。

    The postage will be one dollar.

  27. 一千米为一公里。

    One thousand metres go to the kilometre.

  28. 你与自然合而为一?

    You're part of the life there.

  29. 一百便士为一镑。

    A hundred pence make one pound.

  30. 此为一新得冒险。

    The venture was new.

