


1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……





汉语拼音:jīng shòu








  1. 承受。

    清 赵怀玉 《苏幕遮》词:“雪将残,波欲縐,春病春愁,寂寞谁经受。” 胡采 《<在和平的日子里>序二》:“在战争中,他们经受了最严重的考验。” 峻青 《秋色赋·傲霜篇》:“这坚强的老人,是经受得起这个打击的,而且他会变得更加坚强。”



  1. Their boards must have the expertise and power to challenge management and they must be able to understand the risks the company is taking.


  2. "There are two billion people on the planet affected by mental disorder, " he said. "The project may give insights into new treatments. "


  3. Withstand this pressure, there is often a sense of loss, which is commonly known as "gray" mentality.


  4. He said, "Some of these crew members may be subjected to the physical and mental torture. "


  5. Since then, live performance has waxed and waned as a business, but it seems to be holding up so far during this recession.


  6. She had a look in her eye as she checked out the pine branch extending toward the elm branch, and she went for it.


  7. Though I had not started with a strong preference, I did not think Nixon could afford to retreat on the issue.


  8. Mr Vandevelde says private equity has the advantage of being able to ride out the difficulties of a bad season, as it invests for 3-6 years.


  9. But by keeping such a low profile, he did not go through the media mill until a crisis blew up, and it showed.


  1. 经受风吹雨打

    to be exposed to the elements.

  2. 能经受风浪

    make good weather of it.

  3. 经受时间考验

    Stand the test of time.

  4. 经受严厉考验

    Hold water To stand up to critical examination.

  5. 使它经受考验

    put it to a trial.

  6. 搜索引擎经受考验

    Search Engines Put to the Test

  7. 不能经受风浪

    make bad weather of it.

  8. 工人们经受风吹雨打。

    Workers endured rain and wind.

  9. 经受时间的考验

    stand the test of time

  10. 经受住各种诱惑

    to overcome temptations

  11. 经受历史的考验

    Stand the test of the history

  12. 经受住,顶住忍耐

    To continue to be sure or firm endure.

  13. 你必须经受考验。

    You must suffer the test.

  14. 经受严峻的考验

    to be subjected to severe tests

  15. 经受战斗的洗礼

    to stick the experience of the battle

  16. 经受长期的磨练。

    Undergo a long process of tempering.

  17. 谁都会经受挫折。

    There are few who have not suffered.

  18. 经受不幸/ 困难时期

    (to go through) a bad/ rough patch

  19. 使渗析或经受渗析

    To subject to or undergo dialysis.

  20. 经受住风暴的袭击

    to weather the storm

  21. 痛经受持久的隐痛

    To suffer a dull, sustained pain.

  22. 来经受住这些转变。

    to weather such transitions.

  23. 再经受无谓的烦恼

    put them through anything else right now.

  24. 经受战争的严峻考验

    pass through the crucible of war

  25. 经受风雨侵蚀的岩石

    rocks weathered by wind and water

  26. 经受艰难困苦的磨练

    go through trails and tribulations

  27. 经受特大洪灾的考验

    stand the test of the severest floods

  28. 是经受不住考验的

    Wouldn't work out.

  29. 安然渡过, 经受得住

    Ride out To survive or outlast

  30. 上帝允许我们经受诱惑。

    God permits us to experience temptation.


  1. 问:经受拼音怎么拼?经受的读音是什么?经受翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经受的读音是jīngshòu,经受翻译成英文是 experience

  2. 问:经受打击拼音怎么拼?经受打击的读音是什么?经受打击翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经受打击的读音是jīngshòu dǎjī,经受打击翻译成英文是 sustain an attack

  3. 问:经受折磨拼音怎么拼?经受折磨的读音是什么?经受折磨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经受折磨的读音是jīngshòu zhémó,经受折磨翻译成英文是 experience suffering

  4. 问:经受考验拼音怎么拼?经受考验的读音是什么?经受考验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经受考验的读音是jīngshòu kǎoyàn,经受考验翻译成英文是 undergo an ordeal

  5. 问:经受住考验拼音怎么拼?经受住考验的读音是什么?经受住考验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经受住考验的读音是jīng shòu zhù kǎo yàn,经受住考验翻译成英文是 stand the test

  6. 问:经受种特性丧失拼音怎么拼?经受种特性丧失的读音是什么?经受种特性丧失翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经受种特性丧失的读音是jīng shòu zhǒng tè xìng sàng shī,经受种特性丧失翻译成英文是 despeciate


经受是汉语词汇,拼音jīng shòu,解释为承受;禁受。