


好马。勇健:~勇。~将(jiàng )。~悍。~健。……





汉语拼音:xiāo yǒng








  1. 犹勇猛。

    《三国志·魏志·袁绍传》:“ 沮授 又諫 绍 :‘ 良 ( 颜良 )性促狭,虽驍勇不可独任。’”《明史·胡海传》:“ 海 驍勇,屡战屡伤,手足胸腹间金痍皆遍,而鬭益力。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第二幕:“大家都夸他是一个骁勇剽悍的将领。”

  2. 指勇猛的士卒。

    晋 孙楚 《为石仲容与孙皓书》:“驍勇百万,畜力待时,役不再举,今日之谓。”《新唐书·隐太子建成传》:“ 建成 等私募四方驍勇及 长安 恶少年二千人为宫甲,屯左右 长林门 ,号‘长林兵’。”《古今小说·梁武帝累修归极乐》:“于是 衍 乃密修武备,招聚驍勇数万,多伐竹木,沉之 檀溪 ,积茅如冈阜。”



  1. And behind the dim light, disguised beyond recognition, how the heart can be the same as ever to the brave and fierce wounded, invincible?

  2. The best Scottish archers available, armed with a bow, mail and hand axe, these archers are good in a fight.

  3. And our battle plan will be that of an Apache resistance.

  4. Yet some parts of the commission have been the doughtiest fighters for both free trade and enlargement.

  5. Ajax was a man of giant stature, daring but slow.

  6. The names of these veterans of World War I, World War II, and the Korean War are known only to God. But their valor is known to us all.

  7. And thanks to the courage and skill of our intelligence personnel and armed forces, Osama bin Laden will never threaten America again.

  8. Elite cavalry influenced by western techniques, this heavy cavalry is a force to be reckoned with.

  9. Fierce and hardy, although lacking in armour, Cossacks are equipped with a sword and composite bow which they use from horseback.


  1. 战士们骁勇善战。

    The soldiers are brave and skillful in battle.

  2. 他们那骁勇尚武的声誉。

    Their reputation for being fierce and warlike.

  3. 这是一个骁勇的民族。

    This is a warrior race.

  4. 我并不恐惧但我从不骁勇。

    I have no fear but I am not brave.

  5. 蒙古民族是一个骁勇的民族。

    The Mongolians are a warrior race.

  6. 骁勇不足以对抗敌军炮火。

    Courage could not avail against the enemy fire.

  7. 人数不多,但个个骁勇的社团。

    A small, valiant community.

  8. 正是这种骁勇让我们赢得了独立。

    It was this valor that won our independence.

  9. 将军因该士兵作战骁勇而给他授勋。

    The general decorated the soldier for valour.

  10. 塞冬则提供一匹骁勇善战的马。

    Poseidon offered a strong horse war.

  11. 两个勇敢的英雄,骁勇善战,替我指挥军队。

    Two valiant heroes, blooded and fierce in battle, command in my stead.

  12. 民兵们装备短矛和盾牌,以作战骁勇闻名遐迩。

    These troops are armed with a short spear and shield and are known for their determination in battle.

  13. 波塞冬则提供一匹骁勇善战得马。

    Poseidon offered a strong horse needed for war.

  14. 正是这种骁勇让我们消除了奴隶制度的污点

    It was this valor that removed the stain of slavery from our Nation.

  15. 波塞冬则献出一匹骁勇善战的马。

    Poseidon offered a strong horse needed for war.

  16. 杨家将忠心保国, 骁勇善战, 垂名千载。

    The Yang family were not only devoted to safeguarding the country but also brave and skillful in warfare, so they have an everlasting fame in history.

  17. 杨家将忠心保国,骁勇善战,垂名千载。

    The Yang family were not only devoted to safeguarding the country but also brave and skillful in warfare, so they have an everlasting fame in history.

  18. 高地斧兵是来自苏格兰高地剽悍骁勇的战士。

    Fierce and wild warriors from the Scottish Highlands.

  19. 他们装备锋利骑枪和狼牙棒,极为骁勇善战。

    Supremely skilled warriors who excel in armed combat and horse riding, they are armed with a lance and mace.

  20. 前进,走向宿命的坟冢,我并不恐惧但我从不骁勇。

    Ever onward to the grave, I have no fear but I am not brave.

  21. 代希标枪兵骁勇善战,使用标枪和橡木粗棍作战。

    Tough native tribsmen skilled in the use of the javelin and shillelagh.

  22. 石器时代的不列颠人骁勇好斗,连年互相发动战争。

    The Britons were a fierce, Stone Age people constantly making war on each other.

  23. 战争中的骁勇表现为取敌头皮, 夺取马匹, 与敌人短兵相接。

    Prowess in war consisted of taking scalps and horses and of touching the enemy during battle.

  24. 北欧战斧骑兵身穿链甲挥舞利斧,极为骁勇善战。

    Protected by mail armour and wielding axes, these fearsome warriors are effective cavalry.

  25. 朗斯洛爵士是亚瑟王朝廷中最骁勇善战的圆桌骑士。

    Sir Lancelot was the finest knight in the court of King Arthur, a bravest and most skillful fighter.

  26. 这些骁勇剽悍的猛士生性好战, 在任何军队中都堪称精锐。

    These wild and hardy warriors live for battle, whether it be with an army or a smaller raiding force.

  27. 由于他们作战骁勇, 来去如风, 被波兰将领招至军中。

    Recruited by Polish generals for their speed, and ferocity, Polish archers are armed with a bow and a sword.

  28. 出生在马年的我自然地选择了做一名骁勇善战的骑兵。

    Being born in the Year of the Horse made my career choice easy.

  29. 埃杰克斯是位身材魁梧、骁勇善战、但头脑迟钝的人。

    Ajax was a man of giant stature, daring but slow.

  30. 这些骑兵以骁勇善战著称, 装备长剑和复合短弓, 极为精锐。

    Renown for their bravery and hardiness, Cossacks are equipped with a sword and composite bow which they use from horseback.


  1. 问:骁勇拼音怎么拼?骁勇的读音是什么?骁勇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:骁勇的读音是xiāoyǒng,骁勇翻译成英文是 valiant; brave





【拼音】xiāo yǒng



【基本解释】[brave] 勇猛 那唐僧的徒弟,又有些骁勇,乱忙中,四下里都寻觅不见。——《西游记》 《东周列国志》第三回:“戎兵见郑伯骁勇,一时惊散。”