








汉语拼音:qióng lóng






  1. 见“ 穹隆 ”。



  1. In any event, once they'd put the fornix to bed, Olry and Haines waited another decade or so before they revisited the sexy third ventricle.


  2. The superior labial artery originates form the columellar artery, which courses up the columella to the region between the domes.


  3. Posterior nasal vestibular fornix there is a from the front line to the back-outside deeper pressure trace.


  4. Forests are apocalypses , and the beating of the wings of a tiny soul produces a sound of agony beneath their monstrous vault.


  5. Diaphragm: Dome-shaped muscular and membranous structure between the thoracic and abdominal cavities.


  6. At each visit, the pessary should be removed and the vagina vault inspected for signs of an allergic reaction or under pressure.


  7. thus , accumulation of oil in the reservoirs occurred after the domes had been sealed by the salt cover.


  8. Olry and Haines point out that Roman architects during the first century B. C. created wooden rooms with vaulted ceilings, called fornices.


  9. Objective: To investigate the regeneration of AChE-positive fibers in hippocampus of adult rats with fimbria- fornix transection.


  1. 穹窿和海马

    The fornix and the hippocampus.

  2. 穹窿形弹药仓

    igloo space.

  3. 后穹窿吸取法

    aspiration from posterior fornix of vagina

  4. 鼻咽穹窿部

    nasopharyngeal fornix

  5. 穹窿,穿过基底动脉

    Fornix. Ooh, through to the basilar.

  6. 尖形穹窿介于两者之间。

    The pointed arch is found between the two.

  7. 下穹窿结膜囊成形术

    reconstruction of inferior conjuctiva fornix

  8. 经阴道后穹窿切开引流术

    Drainage by incision of posterior vaginal fornix

  9. 无脑儿是胎儿颅穹窿缺陷。

    Anencephaly is absence of the fetal cranial vault.

  10. 无脑儿显示胎儿颅穹窿缺陷。

    The absence of the fetal cranial vault anencephaly is shown here.

  11. 树枝是穹窿和简练,而不是木本。

    The twigs are terete and pithy rather than woody.

  12. 后穹窿穿剌术盆腔血凝块排空

    Evacuation of pelvic blood clot by culdocentesis

  13. 横膈穹窿向上延伸到第6肋水平。

    The diaphragmatic domes extend upward to the level of the6th ribs.

  14. 连续的拱门系列被称为一个穹窿。

    A continuous series of arches is known as a vault.

  15. 连续得拱门系列被称为一个穹窿。

    A continuous series of arches is known as a vault.

  16. 失败2例,术后睑球粘连复发,穹窿消失。

    Failure occurred in2 patients, with recurrence of symblepharon, and disappearance of fornix.

  17. 大气层是一个保护地球安全的穹窿。

    The atmosphere is an arched roof that guards the safety of the Earth.

  18. 大气层是一个保护地球安全的穹窿。

    The atmosphere is an arched roof that guards the safety of the Earth.

  19. 用后穹窿镜检查盆腔血凝块排空

    Evacuation of pelvic blood clot by culdoscopy

  20. 穹窿身体上的拱形部分,尤指头颅的顶部

    An arched part of the body, especially the top part of the skull.

  21. 这是个好例子, 到处都是小炭屑的穹窿。

    Here is a good example, a terrain full of small cinder domes.

  22. 米索前列醇后穹窿给药用于足月妊娠引产

    A Study of Misoprostol on Induction of Labor in Term Pregnancy

  23. 这是尖拱式样嫁接于开阔穹窿的一种风格。

    It is the graft of the pointed upon the round arch.

  24. 这是尖拱式样嫁接于开阔穹窿得一种风格。

    It is the graft of the pointed upon the round arch.

  25. 内部是轻盈、裸露的棱线飞肋骨架穹窿。

    In the interior, it is a skeleton vault with nimble and exposed crest lines and flying bars.

  26. 就在我脑海里,轻轻地,像穹窿般地划下一痕

    was in me now, but mildly, like a groin injury.

  27. 那羁身于殿堂的囚徒, 如何才能一睹殿堂金碧辉煌的穹窿?

    How can a prison with ing the temple behold its golden domes ?

  28. 孩子们相聚在无垠世界的海边, 辽阔的穹窿在头上静止。

    On the seashore of endless world children meet. The infinite sky is motionless over head and the restless water is boisterous.

  29. 人工胸水协助超声引导肝穹窿部肿瘤治疗

    Artificial Hydrothorax in Aid of Sonographically Guided Local Therapy for Liver Tumors in the Hepatic Dome

  30. 屋顶的中央是一个看起来像镜子一样的玻璃穹窿。

    The centre of the roof is a glass dome. which looks a lot like a mirror.


  1. 问:穹窿拼音怎么拼?穹窿的读音是什么?穹窿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿的读音是qiónglóng,穹窿翻译成英文是 Now usually written as "穹隆".

  2. 问:穹窿体拼音怎么拼?穹窿体的读音是什么?穹窿体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿体的读音是,穹窿体翻译成英文是 Vault

  3. 问:穹窿回拼音怎么拼?穹窿回的读音是什么?穹窿回翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿回的读音是qióng lóng huí,穹窿回翻译成英文是 gyrus fornicatus

  4. 问:穹窿山拼音怎么拼?穹窿山的读音是什么?穹窿山翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿山的读音是,穹窿山翻译成英文是 Qionglong Mountain

  5. 问:穹窿带拼音怎么拼?穹窿带的读音是什么?穹窿带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿带的读音是qióng lóng dài,穹窿带翻译成英文是 taenia fornicis

  6. 问:穹窿术拼音怎么拼?穹窿术的读音是什么?穹窿术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿术的读音是qióng lóng shù,穹窿术翻译成英文是 fornicate fascicle

  7. 问:穹窿柱拼音怎么拼?穹窿柱的读音是什么?穹窿柱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿柱的读音是qiónglóng zhù,穹窿柱翻译成英文是 columna fornicis

  8. 问:穹窿的拼音怎么拼?穹窿的的读音是什么?穹窿的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿的的读音是qióng lóng de,穹窿的翻译成英文是 fornical

  9. 问:穹窿脚拼音怎么拼?穹窿脚的读音是什么?穹窿脚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿脚的读音是qióng lóng jiǎo,穹窿脚翻译成英文是 crus fornicis

  10. 问:穹窿前柱拼音怎么拼?穹窿前柱的读音是什么?穹窿前柱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿前柱的读音是qióng lóng qián zhù,穹窿前柱翻译成英文是 anterior column of fornix

  11. 问:穹窿屋顶拼音怎么拼?穹窿屋顶的读音是什么?穹窿屋顶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿屋顶的读音是qióng lóng wū dǐng,穹窿屋顶翻译成英文是 vault roof

  12. 问:穹窿拱肋拼音怎么拼?穹窿拱肋的读音是什么?穹窿拱肋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿拱肋的读音是qióng lóng gǒng lèi,穹窿拱肋翻译成英文是 vault rib

  13. 问:穹窿推力拼音怎么拼?穹窿推力的读音是什么?穹窿推力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿推力的读音是qióng lóng tuī lì,穹窿推力翻译成英文是 vault thrust

  14. 问:穹窿支座拼音怎么拼?穹窿支座的读音是什么?穹窿支座翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿支座的读音是qióng lóng zhī zuò,穹窿支座翻译成英文是 vault abutment

  15. 问:穹窿构造拼音怎么拼?穹窿构造的读音是什么?穹窿构造翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿构造的读音是,穹窿构造翻译成英文是 dome structure

  16. 问:穹窿状的拼音怎么拼?穹窿状的的读音是什么?穹窿状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿状的的读音是qióng lóng zhuàng de,穹窿状的翻译成英文是 fornicate

  17. 问:穹窿穿刺拼音怎么拼?穹窿穿刺的读音是什么?穹窿穿刺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿穿刺的读音是,穹窿穿刺翻译成英文是 culdocentesis

  18. 问:穹窿连合拼音怎么拼?穹窿连合的读音是什么?穹窿连合翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿连合的读音是qióng lóng lián hé,穹窿连合翻译成英文是 fornicommisure

  19. 问:穹窿隆凸拼音怎么拼?穹窿隆凸的读音是什么?穹窿隆凸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿隆凸的读音是qióng lóng lóng tū,穹窿隆凸翻译成英文是 carina fornicis

  20. 问:穹窿下器官拼音怎么拼?穹窿下器官的读音是什么?穹窿下器官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:穹窿下器官的读音是qióng lóng xià qì guān,穹窿下器官翻译成英文是 subfornical organ



基本定义 读音:qióng lóng 词义: 1、[sky]∶指天 2、[vault;arched roof]∶中间高而四周下垂的样子 地质学 一种特殊形态的褶皱。平面轮廓近似于等轴的背斜构造,平面上地层呈近同心圆状分布,核部出露较老的地层,向外依次变新,岩层从顶部向四周倾斜,穹隆发育地区变形一般比较微弱,地层产状平缓,常伴有放射状或环状高角度断层。大的穹隆直径可达几十公里,小的只有数米。大型穹隆一般发育在稳定的克拉通地区或造山带的前陆地区。 穹隆的成因很多,最常见的是与岩浆或岩盐底辟作用(见底...