







汉语拼音:jǐn quē








  1. 指供应紧张短缺。

    贾平凹 《夏家老太》:“以前商店出售紧缺东西,她常常看见干部是不站队的。”



  1. He said the most pressing need for rescue efforts so far was medicine and health-related materials.


  2. A shortage of schools in cities leads many children to stay with relations in villages. Many Chinese complain that this fuels delinquency.


  3. FRANCE has begun to clamber back to its feet after weeks of strikes, demonstrations, blockades, petrol shortages and sporadic violence.


  4. Hospitals in London could face a future staffing crisis as overseas nurses consider heading to work elsewhere, a study has revealed.


  5. Besides the money, another huge obstacle to a complete understanding of the animal kingdom is a global shortage of taxonomists, experts say.


  6. As HSBC says: "After many years of deficit, we anticipate that the platinum market will swing into a surplus . . . in 2009. "


  7. If reports of a supply shortage are accurate, Apple may not be able to fulfill everyone's order on launch day.


  8. Already, he said, a dire shortage of drugs had driven them to carry out surgery on people dosed with painkillers, but not anaesthetic.


  9. In an increasingly interconnected global economy, shortages of labor and manufacturing capacity in any one country cannot be inflationary.


  1. 就业机会紧缺。

    as well as jobs.

  2. 目前该货紧缺。

    The supply of the goods at present is very tight.

  3. 病房紧缺 加个床

    Oh, room shortage. You're gonna have to double up.

  4. 眼镜不贵,也不紧缺

    Glasses are not very expensive. They're quite plentiful.

  5. 我们的资源极端紧缺。

    Our resources are strained to the utmost.

  6. 战争期间供应品紧缺。

    Supplies were limited while the war was on.

  7. 国际上紧缺船舶建筑师。

    There is an international shortage of naval architects.

  8. 国际上紧缺船舶建筑师。

    There is an international shortage of naval architects.

  9. 1973年燃气紧缺,实行配额供给。

    There was gas rationing in 1971.

  10. 因为要是你让我人手紧缺

    Because if you leave me shorthanded.

  11. 资金紧缺限制了我们的努力。

    Lack of money cramped our efforts.

  12. 计算机工程师和程序员十分紧缺。

    Computer engineers and programmers are needed badly.

  13. 我知道食物紧缺, 但是你的衬衫?

    I know food's scarce, but your shirt?

  14. 满足日益紧缺的优质工程师缺口。

    And it should help quench the neverending demand for qualified engineers.

  15. 如何有效缓解企业技术工人紧缺之急

    How to abate the scarcity of company technical employees effectively

  16. 大旱期间, 粮食的供应变得很紧缺。

    Supply of the grain has run short during the drought.

  17. 或许他们携负着你们紧缺的食品补给。

    MM Perhaps they bear your wayward food supplies.

  18. 建筑规划包括紧缺的新办公用房在内。

    The building plans include much needed new office accommodation.

  19. 然而因为燃料紧缺,许多飞机阻塞了停机坪。

    However because of fuel shortages, some aircraft are clogging up the tarmac.

  20. 由于我们发展的太快以至于办公的场所紧缺。

    We grow so fast we don't have many more office space.

  21. 多边机构都面临着资源日益紧缺的问题。

    Multilateral institutions are faced with an increasing scarcity of resources.

  22. 国家将对部分紧缺商品预征一定的税收。

    The state will levy certain taxes in advance on some commodities in short supply.

  23. 国家将对部分紧缺商品预征一定的税收。

    The state will levy certain taxes in advance on some commodities in short supply.

  24. 丙酸是目前国内十分紧缺的一种产品。

    Propionic acid is product heavily short of in our country.

  25. 当时,那些稀有、紧缺的东西也被用做货币。

    Things that were scarce and much needed in those days were also used as money.

  26. 当然, 人力资源紧缺并仅不局限于心理卫生。

    Of course, human resources shortages are not confined to mental health alone.

  27. 在资金紧缺时期, 援助效果的重要性成倍增加。

    The effectiveness of aid is also doubly important in constrained times.

  28. 这对于财力和人力资源紧缺的国家尤其如此。

    This is particularly true in countries with scarce financial and human resources.

  29. 新疆大学地质类紧缺专业的实践教学改革探讨

    Reform on Practice Teaching in Short Geological Specialty in Xinjiang University

  30. 我国典型紧缺矿产资源跨国经营投资环境评价

    Evaluation on Transnational Investment Environment for China Typical Scarce Mineral Resources


  1. 问:紧缺拼音怎么拼?紧缺的读音是什么?紧缺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缺的读音是jǐnquē,紧缺翻译成英文是 in short supply; lacking

  2. 问:紧缺补给品拼音怎么拼?紧缺补给品的读音是什么?紧缺补给品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧缺补给品的读音是jǐn quē bǔ jǐ pǐn,紧缺补给品翻译成英文是 Critical Supplies



紧缺jǐnquē 繁体字:紧缺 [in short supply]:因非常缺乏而供应紧张的 紧缺商品 [be short of; lack]:缺乏;短缺 物资紧缺 [short-handed]:人员紧缺