


生存,有生命的,能生长,与“死”相对:~人。~体。~检。~物。救活,使人活:~人无数。在活的状态下:~埋。逼真地:~脱。~像。不固定,可移动,或处在进去状态的:~塞(sāi )。~扣。~页本。耳软心~(没主见)。生动,不呆板,机灵,有生气:……





汉语拼音:huó fǎ







  1. 宋 人诗论中提出的学诗所必须掌握的能灵活变通的法则。

    宋 吕本中 《<夏均父集>序》:“学诗当识活法。所谓活法者,规矩备具,而能出於规矩之外;变化不测,而亦不背於规矩也。是道也,盖有定法而无定法,无定法而有定法。知是者,则可以与语活法矣。” 宋 辛弃疾 《水调歌头·赋松菊堂》词:“诗句得活法,日月有新功。”

  2. 泛指灵活的原则、方法。

    明 李贽 《四书评·孟子·梁惠王下》:“王如好色,与百姓同之,於王何有?都是活法,圣人,圣人!此独以之待 齐宣 耳。”《医宗金鉴·张仲景<伤寒论·可下病>》“用汤胜丸散”集注引 程应旄 曰:“用汤胜丸,贵活法也。”



  1. Di Martino said the duo will not be employing session musicians while on tour, arguing that they are powerful enough as a live act already.


  2. For a way of living, if it suits you most, then it is the best.


  3. This article discusses the internal mechanism of "the flexible structure" on some aspects by means of language analysis.


  4. Nevertheless, the concept of living law generalizes the concept of law and confuses it with other social criteria.


  5. He said: "thinking way out decision, OEM mode end, change equallylives to continue to live" .


  6. Although it hasn't always been easy, and there have been many challenges and sacrifices, 18 months later, Mark is still living this way.


  7. use it to deal with the senseless life, the unceasing love makes the lake of life wave ripple, achievement the poem of living.


  8. Most importantly, how differently would you live your life if you knew that the most important lesson is one of unconditional love?


  9. Every parent wants their children to grow up finding a way of life that brings them happiness.


  1. 牙髓去活法

    pulp devitalization.

  2. 光动力灭活法

    photodynamic inactivation.

  3. 感受巴黎人的活法

    A Chinese Visitor Views the Way Parisians Live

  4. 各人有各人的位置,各人有各人的活法。

    There's place and means for every man alive.

  5. 这种活法简直像等待世界末日。

    It's like waiting for the world to end.

  6. 活法理论是法律社会学的方法。

    The theory of living law is the method of legal sociology.

  7. 活法理论是法律社会学得方法。

    The theory of living law is the method of legal sociology.

  8. 所以说,狮子,应该有狮子的活法和样子。

    Say so, the lion, should have leonine vivid law and look.

  9. 所以说,狮子,应该有狮子得活法和样子。

    Say so, the lion, should have leonine vivid law and look.

  10. 每个人都有自己的活法儿。

    Everyone has his or her own way of living.

  11. 像我们这样的人还能有什么活法?

    What else could guys like us do for a living ?

  12. 天地牌枣山花,后辈儿孙美活法。

    Heaven and Earth Calligonum Yamahana licensing, younger children and grandchildren live the United States law.

  13. 也许他的活法我们看不惯, 但是他活的很自在。

    Maybe we do not appreciate their living style, but they are enjoying their lives.

  14. 也许他的活法我们看不惯,但是他活的很自在。

    Maybe we do not appreciate their living style, but they are enjoying their lives.

  15. 道德想象力是那种能创造新的活法的能力。

    Moral imagination means the capacity to envision new ways to live your life.

  16. 习惯法与活法之间是一种继承与发展的关系。

    The relationship between customary law and living law is inheritance and development.

  17. 结论后牙的牙髓摘取,失活法优于麻醉法。

    ConclusionDental pulp devitalization is prior to anesthetizati.

  18. 改良失活法在牙髓炎疼痛控制中的临床效果

    The clinical study on the effect of pain controlling on pulpitis with modified dental pulp devitalization

  19. 辨奇难病必求其本, 园机活法方不拘一

    Rare Obstinate Diseases to Differentiate Principle Causes and Flexible Therapy and Recipe from Pathogenesis Comprehension

  20. 这种诗学和经学共倡活法说, 是一个值得研究得现象。

    It deserves research into the phenomenon of advocating the theory of flexible means both in the domain of poetry and Confucianism classics.

  21. 这种诗学和经学共倡活法说,是一个值得研究的现象。

    It deserves research into the phenomenon of advocating the theory of flexible means both in the domain of poetry and Confucianism classics.


  1. 问:活法拼音怎么拼?活法的读音是什么?活法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:活法的读音是huófǎ,活法翻译成英文是 Referring to one's attitudes and styles toward l...