







汉语拼音:chú cǎo






  1. All summer long, despite chores at home weeding and watering the garden, cutting wood and fetching water-Reuben kept to his secret task.


  2. Then she weeded in the garden while waited for her husband.


  3. The company, established in 1939, makes metal stampings for parts in the vehicle industry and for lawnmowers and gardening equipment.


  4. His wife insisted on having the mower repaired rather having him repair it .


  5. Or a man with a mule would plow the field of his neighbor in exchange for help in weeding his own land.


  6. She was always sending Emil over to spade or plant or carpenter for Marie.


  7. She told me she was excited about me mowing the lawn and taking out the trash. It's my new domestic agenda.


  8. New snow shovels need to be bought; snow blowers, the winter cousins of lawn mowers, must be checked out.


  9. I would rather hoe in the garden than run about on the playground.


  1. 这园丁用锄头锄草。

    The gardener used a hoe to remove weeds.

  2. 我拿着锄头来锄草。

    Let me weed the ground with a hoe.

  3. 她到处走,又挖土,又锄草。

    She went from place to place, and dug and weeded.

  4. 他正在用锄头给花坛锄草。

    He is hoeing the flowerbeds.

  5. 我想看看农夫们忙碌农作和锄草

    I long to watch the farmers drain the bogs and spade the turf

  6. 恺恩在爷爷奶奶的新家前锄草。

    Kevin mowing for grandpa and grandma in front of their Nalani home.

  7. 有的人浇菜, 其他人给棉花地锄草。

    Some will water the vegetables. The others will weed the cotton fields.

  8. 他劈柴,生火,在小菜园里松土并锄草。

    He chopped wood to make the fire, dug and weeded the little vegetable patch.

  9. 我们三下乡活动的时候还帮助乡亲们锄草。

    During our journey to the countryside, we helped framers hoe their fields.

  10. 锄头有很多种, 但都用来松土和锄草。

    There are many kinds of hoes, but all are used for loosening soil and digging up weeds.

  11. 舜在厉山耕种, 大象替他耕地, 鸟代他锄草。

    When Shun cultivated in Mount Li, elephants ploughed for him while birds weeded for him.

  12. 几小时在太阳底下锄草浇花已使我十分疲劳了。

    Hours of gardening in the sun have quite tired me out.

  13. 凡小时在太阳底下锄草浇花已使我十分疲劳了。

    Hours of gardening in the sun have quite tired me out.

  14. 女儿喊他。她在旁边的一片人工种植的沙打旺草地里锄草。

    His daughter called, weeding a plot of rue she had planted.

  15. 这口井是在四月份用草锄挖出来的。

    The well was spudded in April.

  16. 这口井是在四月份用草锄挖出来得。

    The well was spudded in April.

  17. 这口井是在四月份用草锄挖出来的。

    The well was spudded in April.

  18. 我一整天都在锄园子里的草。

    I spent the whole day weeding in the garden.

  19. 你在剪草坪时我用电动锄草机除树周围的草。

    I'll use the strimmer on the grass around the trees while you're mowing the lawn.

  20. 草锄过来还可作肥料。

    Besides, uprooted weeds can be used as manure.

  21. 他们把花园里的草锄掉,阻止其生长。

    They hoe the garden to keep down the weeds.

  22. 你草长, 我就锄。

    If weeds grow, we uproot them.

  23. 草晚一点再锄吧。

    Let's do the weeding a bit later.

  24. 用锄割草, 耕作或园艺

    To weed, cultivate, or dig up with a hoe.

  25. 用锄割草,耕作或园艺

    To weed, cultivate, or dig up with a hoe.

  26. 毒草是要锄的,这是意识形态上的锄毒草。

    Poisonous weeds are to be uprooted, and this means uprooting the ideological poisonous weeds.

  27. 毒草是要锄得,这是意识形态上得锄毒草。

    Poisonous weeds are to be uprooted, and this means uprooting the ideological poisonous weeds.

  28. 大儿子在山坡的豆子地里, 用锄头锄那些小草呢。

    The eldest son of the beans on the hillside to where the grass with a hoe hoe who do.

  29. 我锄草你撒药材种子。

    You just scatter the seeds while I am weeding.

  30. 他锄去了花旁边的杂草。

    He hoed up weeds from about the flowers.


  1. 问:锄草拼音怎么拼?锄草的读音是什么?锄草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锄草的读音是chúcǎo,锄草翻译成英文是 To remove weeds.



chú cǎo 锄草 注音ㄔㄨˊ ㄘㄠˇ