




游戏:~耍。~笑。~兴(xìng )。~具。~偶。戏弄,搬弄:~弄。~狎。~花招儿。观赏:~赏。~味。瞻~。~物丧志。可供观赏的东西:古~。轻视,忽视:~忽职守。~世不恭。……



汉语拼音:gǔ wán




古代留传下来的可供摆设欣赏 的器物。



  1. 可供玩赏的古代器物。

    元 吴莱 《陈彦理昨以汉石经见遗》诗:“ 横山 先生多古玩,太学石经分我半。” 元 武汉臣 《生金阁》第一折:“若到人家里,见了那好古玩好器皿,琴棋书画……教那伴当每借将来。”《红楼梦》第四一回:“ 寳玉 笑道:‘常言“世法平等”,他两个就用那样古玩奇珍,我就是个俗器了?’” 巴金 《在尼斯》:“这里是一所相当漂亮的别墅,房内还有各种古玩陈设。”



  1. The " trade price" , at which one dealer sells to another, is always at least 10 per cent less than the marked figure.


  2. Glancing at it briefly, the dealer told him that it was worth 5 pounds.


  3. " She said: " They That you spend all day dealing with antiques, antique, which caused very calm!


  4. Panjiayuan antique seems to be going like the Tibetan treasure box collection room and gradually infiltrated into people's daily lives.


  5. The next day afternoon, a few hours way from taking off, then I started to remember the sweet dream I had last night.


  6. And the curiosity-dealer, who plainly had not expected his uncouth visitor, seemed disconcerted and embarrassed.


  7. He travelled the world to pursue his eccentric obsession, collecting stories and trivia as if filling an enormous curio cabinet.


  8. This antique street is a shopping area and has stores which age designed to look like an ancient Chinese village.


  9. When news of the find broke in the antiques world, the small auction house was inundated with queries from all over the globe.


  1. 名贵的古玩

    rare curious.

  2. 厂甸古玩摊

    The antiques stall at Changdian.

  3. 古玩珠宝店

    antiques and jewelry shop.

  4. 发现大量古玩

    Plentiful antiques found at ancient shipwreck.

  5. 古玩及仿古玩

    curio and imitation curio.

  6. 瑞祥古玩店

    Rui Xiang Antique Shop China.

  7. 古玩店和茶楼。

    Antique shops and tea houses.

  8. 我喜欢收集古玩。

    I like to collect antiques.

  9. 她收集少许古玩。

    She collects antiques in a small way.

  10. 古玩城象牙精品店

    Curio City Ivory Selected Items Shop

  11. 浙江永淦古玩有限公司

    Zhejiang Yonggan Curio City Co., Ltd.

  12. 她脑筋有点古玩。

    She is a bit funny in the head.

  13. 它可以被称为古玩。

    It can be called curio.

  14. 古玩店很吸引人。

    Antique shops appeal to a great many people.

  15. 陈列于橱内的古玩

    cabinet curios

  16. 中华文物古玩鉴识。

    An Identification Guide Book of Chinese Cultural Relics and Antiques.

  17. 你是会走动的古玩。

    You are a walking antique.

  18. 大中音响城古玩城店

    DZ Acoustics City Antique City Store

  19. 古玩商品价格成因初探

    A Probe into the Cause of Formation of Antiques Price

  20. 总有时间逛古玩店。

    There is always time for browsing antiques shops.

  21. 总有时间逛古玩店。

    There is always time for browsing antiques shops.

  22. 她收集了大量的古玩。

    She collects antiques in a big way.

  23. 古玩店位于邮局的后面。

    The curio shop backs the post office.

  24. 四月, 到古玩城赛宝

    April, Go to the Antique Town to Seek Curio

  25. 重要的画廊,古玩经营商店

    Main art galleries and antique dealers

  26. 这种古玩已经多次转手了。

    This curio has passed throgh many hands.

  27. 他是个非常古玩的家伙。

    He is a very peculiar fellow.

  28. 真正的古玩很难弄到手。

    Real curios are hard to come by.

  29. 真正得古玩很难弄到手。

    Real curios are hard to come by.

  30. 这些古玩是不准出口的。

    The export of these curios is prohibited.


  1. 问:古玩拼音怎么拼?古玩的读音是什么?古玩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古玩的读音是gǔwán,古玩翻译成英文是 antiques

  2. 问:古玩店拼音怎么拼?古玩店的读音是什么?古玩店翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古玩店的读音是gǔ wán diàn,古玩店翻译成英文是 curiosity shop

  3. 问:古玩商店拼音怎么拼?古玩商店的读音是什么?古玩商店翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古玩商店的读音是gǔ wán shāng diàn,古玩商店翻译成英文是 antique shop

  4. 问:古玩收藏家拼音怎么拼?古玩收藏家的读音是什么?古玩收藏家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古玩收藏家的读音是gǔ wán shōu cáng jiā,古玩收藏家翻译成英文是 antique collector; a collector of antiques...


