











汉语拼音:cǐ qǐ bǐ fú








  • 【解释】:这里起来,那里下去。形容接连不断。
  • 【出自】:华而实《汉衣冠》四:“此起彼伏,似有万人响应。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语;形容事物发展变化不断


  1. In the future, or may be in a period, the United States faces collapse may even have to break out of the "city" guerrilla warfare.


  2. Golden autumn fields, the wind gently brushed. the wheat is like waves. as a faint fragrance, a sense of wellbeing. the wheat.


  3. Shout after shout greeted him as he climbed upon the bank.


  4. It was a fine feeling indeed to be standing up there like that, with the sound of summer all around one and a light breeze on one's face.


  5. The keening had begun. A group of people knelt down in front of the coffin and began to cry one after another.


  6. On the other side of the track I ran into a wall of cheers. No time to react, no time to think, just time to run and run hard.


  7. Yet the economic and social pressures which created Coxey's army did not ease. Protests and strikes continued throughout the nation.


  8. Second tone type of phrase echoes the Ministry, as if voices echoed in the valley, creating a come and go, pre-loaded atmosphere.


  9. Deafening firecrackers to break out, the fireworks crisscross rises, families throughout the city boiling, a New Year will have arrived.


  1. 谈话声此起彼伏。

    the ebb and flow of conversation

  2. 零落枪声此起彼伏。

    Scattered reports of gunfire could be heard.

  3. 此起彼伏的农民起义

    repeated peasant uprisings

  4. 改革的呼声此起彼伏。

    The cry for reform has gone up again and again.

  5. 此起彼伏的足球助威声

    football chants

  6. 铃声响起来,喧嚣声此起彼伏。

    BELLS clang and the cries begin.

  7. 山洞里水声丁冬, 此起彼伏。

    Water tinkles in the mountain cave and waves are rising over one another.

  8. 山洞里水声丁冬,此起彼伏。

    Water tinkles in the mountain cave and waves are rising over one another.

  9. 中东问题久拖不决, 流血事件此起彼伏

    The Middle East conflict drags on, and bloodshed continues unabated.

  10. 新时期文学中此起彼伏的现实主义

    Rise and Fall of Realism in the New Period Literature

  11. 将近一小时内, 口头攻击此起彼伏。

    There was one verbal attack right after the other, for roughly an hour.

  12. 双簧管和大提琴双重奏,音调此起彼伏。

    The oboe and Cello sat alone, echoing tone for tone.

  13. 当水手看到女王时,欢呼声此起彼伏。

    All the sailors cheered once and again when they saw the queen.

  14. 祝辞笑声此起彼伏,芸芸皆劳碌于握手

    Laughing covered by greetings, the crowed was busy at handshaking

  15. 在宣布过程中, 群众的欢呼声此起彼伏。

    The announcement was punctuated by cheers from the crowd.

  16. 在宣布的过程中, 群众的欢呼声此起彼伏。

    The announcement was punctuated by the cheers from the crowd.

  17. 到初夏时分,小道消息已经此起彼伏,不一而足。

    By the early summer, gossip was bubbling and bursting.

  18. 今年出现了此起彼伏的民间动荡和抗议。

    The year has witnessed wave after wave of civil unrest and protest.

  19. 伴随着春款款的脚步, 缤纷的节日此起彼伏。

    Along with the leisurely pace of the spring, colorful holiday here.

  20. 他爬上了岸,欢迎他的欢呼声此起彼伏。

    Shout after shout greeted hi m as he climbed upon the bank.

  21. 这些势力,说还是不说,像波浪一样此起彼伏。

    These forces, to tell and not to tell, rise and fall like waves, together.

  22. 他宣布计划时,听众中间一片此起彼伏的声音。

    There was a ripple amongst the audience as he announced his plans.

  23. 当吻首次在英国展出时,反对的声音此起彼伏。

    When The Kiss was first shown in Britain there were many voices of disapproval.

  24. 当《吻》首次在英国展出时,反对的声音此起彼伏。

    When The Kiss was first shown in Britain there were many voices of disapproval.

  25. 时、空、因果都属于心理范畴,随着心念此起彼伏。

    Time, space, causation are mental categories, arising and subsiding with the mind.

  26. 此起彼伏, 而一旦如海啸般袭来得时候再叫苦不迭。

    Come and go, but as soon as the tsunami hit and then complain incessantly when.

  27. 此起彼伏,而一旦如海啸般袭来的时候再叫苦不迭。

    Come and go,but as soon as the tsunami hit and then complain incessantly when.

  28. 正如时尚的此起彼伏,穿着打扮的标准也一直在改变。

    Just as fashions come and go, standards for appropriate dress continue to change.

  29. 由工资问题引起得罢工浪潮此起彼伏, 扰乱了社会秩序。

    Wage claims had led to one strike after another, disrupting every section of the community.

  30. 由工资问题引起的罢工浪潮此起彼伏,扰乱了社会秩序。

    Wage claims had led to one strike after another, disrupting every section of the community.


  1. 问:此起彼伏拼音怎么拼?此起彼伏的读音是什么?此起彼伏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:此起彼伏的读音是cǐqǐbǐfú,此起彼伏翻译成英文是 continuously rising and falling


