







汉语拼音:shēng fàng






  1. 放债。

    宋 洪迈 《容斋五笔·俗语放钱》:“今人出本钱以规利入,俗语谓之放债;又名生放。” 元 刘致 《端正好·上高监司》套曲:“有钱的贩米穀,置田庄,添生放。” 元 锺嗣成 《骂玉郎过感皇恩采茶歌·四福》曲:“钱财广盛根基壮,快斡旋,会儹积,能生放。”



  1. In field trails, control efficiency were more than 80% after spreading the fermentation liquid of actinomycete strains on the wounds. 5.


  2. Isolation, classification and antimicrobial activity of endophytic actinomycetes from plant leaves


  3. Identification and Antagonistic Effect of Endophytic Actinomycetes Isolated from Capsicum


  4. Study on the Marine Sponge Craniella Australiensis Associated Actinomycetes with Multiple Enzymic Potentials


  5. Analysis of degrading enzyme activities of endophytic actinomycete from rice


  6. The Isolation and Biocontrol Activity of Two Endophytic Actomycete Strains


  7. Studies on Communities of Endophytic Actinomycetes from Rice and Their Antipathogenic Activities In vitro


  8. The antagonistic of the tomato's endogeny rayungus ts-6 on the Botrytis cinerea and its control effect


  9. Colonazition in tomato of endophytic actinomyces with antifungal activity


  1. 绿色生菜叶上放了一块肉, 配以一大片西红柿。

    The meat was served on a bed of green lettuce with a generous slice of tomato.

  2. 绿色生菜叶上放了一块肉,配以一大片西红柿。

    The meat was served on a bed of green lettuce with a generous slice of tomato.

  3. 他们把他非常喜欢的家里的鸟从鸟笼里放了生。

    They set free the birds at home from the nests, which he liked a lot.

  4. 在服务方面,每个盘中要先放一片生菜叶,然后舀取一些混合物置于其上。

    To serve, place a lettuce leaf on each plate, spoon some of the mixture onto it.

  5. 在生菜叶上平均放上馅料, 再洒上葱花作装饰即成。

    Divide the filling on the lettuce, sprinkle chopped green onion to garnish. Serve.

  6. 他靠放高利贷为生。

    He shylocks to live on.

  7. 将所有材料放深碗中, 加入生抽拌匀, 放入雪柜中冷藏即成。

    Put all ingredients a deep bowl, add light soy sauce and mix well. Refrigerate and serve.

  8. 你在哪里买的能放进烤箱的生铁锅?

    castiron pan from Sear, Walmart, etc.

  9. 他们以放牛为生。

    They punch cows for a living.

  10. 鱼放三天发臭,人住三日生嫌。

    Fish and company stink in three days.

  11. 重点将放在学校里的后进生身上。

    Low achievers in schools will receive priority.

  12. 把炉子生起来,烧一壶开水放在那里。

    Build a fire in the stove and keep hot water boiling in the kettle.

  13. 她赢的钱有一半已放出去生利。

    Half the money that she won is already lying out at interest.

  14. 它可以生吃或放在沙锅里煮熟才吃。

    They can be eaten plain or cooked in a tasty casserole.

  15. 荒漠之草生生不绝,但春天之花盛放凋零。

    The desert weed lives on,but the flower of spring blooms and wilts.

  16. 服务生给她倒了杯酒放在吧台上。

    The bartender pours her drink for her on the bar.

  17. 俱乐部的服务生把它们放在点的饮料上。

    Waitresses at the club carry them with their drink orders.

  18. 把姜, 葱, 香菜放铺在鱼上面, 并倒入生抽

    the ginger, onion, coriander and laying on top of the fish, and pour the sauce

  19. 把生面团放在温暖得地方30分钟, 使其发酵。

    Leave the dough in a warm place to rise for 30 minutes.

  20. 把生面团放在温暖的地方30分钟,使其发酵。

    Leave the dough in a warm place to rise for 30 minutes.

  21. 把生面团放在温暖的地方30分钟,使其发酵。

    Leave the dough in a warm place to rise for 30 minutes.

  22. 酒吧服务生麻利地把茶杯放在了茶碟上。

    The barman slapped the cup on to the waiting saucer.

  23. 把切好得生甘蓝片放到菠菜上, 然后撒上青蒜。

    Scatter the uncooked turnip pieces over the spinach, then scatter the leeks.

  24. 鹌鹑蛋在每只海胆的最上层放三个开口的生鹌鹑蛋。

    Quail eggs Each sea urchin is topped with three small quail eggs, cracked open raw.

  25. 就生了头胎的儿子用布包起来, 放在马槽里。

    And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger..

  26. 就在那里, 马利亚生下了耶稣, 把祂放在马槽里。

    There Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger or stall.

  27. 生面团卷起来, 放在冰箱里冷冻, 然后切片烤制。

    Dough formed into a roll and chilled in the refrigerator then sliced and baked.

  28. 按序放入蛋黄,生粉,幼盐和黑胡椒粒捞匀。

    Put in egg yolk, corn flour table salt and black pepper sequentially and the toss.

  29. 士兵把手放好,让我查查你身上是否带有生化武器。

    Dog Have some common sense, do you think my fart is also a chemical weapon.

  30. 舞蹈狂放、深沉,充分表达了生者痛失亲友后的哀思。

    The dance is vigorous and profound, full of the grief of the living for their beloved relative and friend.