









汉语拼音:xiàn xì bāo






  1. 机体各组织的表皮中能制造和分泌某种液体物质的细胞,如组成汗腺、唾液腺等的细胞。



  1. This could indicate the presence of viable prostate cells that, under the action of testosterone, may be able to transform into cancer.


  2. The polytene chromosomes found in the salivary gland cells are among the largest chromosomes known today.


  3. PSA is a protein produced by the cells of the prostate and is used as a marker for detection and progression of prostate cancer.


  4. Atypical glandular cells (AGC): endocervical, endometrial, or glandular cells not otherwise specified (NOS).


  5. It occurs when the prostate absorbs large amounts of the male sex hormone testosterone, which increases the growth of cells in the prostate.


  6. Conclusions Abnormal cell cycle and cell proliferation activity play important roles in development and progress of BPH.


  7. Immunofluorescence staining showed that MMP13 expressed in membrane of normal prostate cells and cancer cells.


  8. Retrogressive changes of hair follicle and sebaceous glands gradually occurred. 3.


  9. The spermatheca of female Telegryllus emma is mainly composed of gland cells and muscle.


  1. 腺细胞上方的表皮显然是由间细胞分泌形成的。

    The cuticle above the gland cell is obviously produced by the intermediate cell.

  2. 肝细胞生长因子对大鼠颌下腺细胞增殖的影响

    Effect of hepatocyte growth factor on rat submandibular gland cell proliferation

  3. 镓67柠檬酸显像表现在与胰腺的腺鳞状细胞癌患者。

    Gallium67 citrate scintigraphy was performed in a patient with adenosquamous carcinoma of the pancreas.

  4. 腺泡细胞凋亡在大鼠胰腺移植急性排斥反应中的意义

    The Role of Apoptosis of Acinar Cells in Acute Rejection after Pancreas Transplantation in Rats

  5. 腺周成纤维细胞

    pericryptal fibroblasts

  6. 腺垂体不同细胞染色法的改良和应用

    Improvement and application of the histological stain method in adenohypophysis

  7. 结果表明,皮肤腺分为单细胞腺和群细胞腺。

    The result shows that skin glands are divided into unicellular glands and multicellular glands.

  8. 一年生或二年生草本, 紫色的多细胞的腺毛。

    Herbs annual or biennial, violet multicellular glandular hairy.

  9. 茎,叶,苞片和萼裂片浓密具棕色多细胞的腺毛。

    Stems, leaves, bracts, and calyx lobes densely with brown multicellular glandular hairs.

  10. 颌下腺细胞

    submandibular gland cells

  11. 下颌下腺腺细胞

    Submandibular gland cells

  12. 腺细胞非典型性

    Glandular cell atypia

  13. 控制摄护腺细胞生长。

    Ya Ma inhibits the growth of the prostate cells.

  14. 轻度腺细胞非典型性

    Mild glandular cell atypia

  15. 重度腺细胞非典型性

    Severe glandular cell atypia

  16. 中度腺细胞非典型性

    Moderate glandular cell atypia

  17. 颗粒状腺细胞内充盈分泌颗粒。

    Granular gland cells contain a large number of secretory granules.

  18. 浆液腺表达高于粘液腺细胞的表达。

    Contrarily, the expression of serous gland cells is higher than mucous gland cells.

  19. 前列腺腺细胞及其核的形态多样。

    The shape of prostate cells is variable, so is nuclears.

  20. 家蚕后丝腺细胞的超微结构

    Ultrastructures of the posterior silk gland cells in the silkworm, Bombyx mori

  21. 中华蜜蜂工蜂蜡腺细胞的超微结构

    The ultrastructure of the wax gland cell of the worker honey bee Apis cerana.

  22. 果蝇幼虫唾腺细胞的超微结构研究

    Studies on Ultrastructure In the Larvae Salivary Gland Cells of Drosophila melanogaster

  23. 外分泌部腺细胞肿胀, 嗜酸性变, 脂肪变。

    The gland cells of exocrine portion appear acidophil and fatty degeneration.

  24. 大鼠甲状旁腺细胞玻璃化冻存效果评价

    Evaluation of vitrified cryopreservation of parathyroid cells

  25. 麝鼠香囊腺由腺细胞、支持细胞和排香管组成。

    The cystgland of muskrat fragrant is composed of gland cell, supporting cell and excretory duct.

  26. 家蚕五龄幼虫中部丝腺细胞的蛋白质组成比较

    A Comparison of the Protein Composition of the Middle Silk Gland Cells of the Fifth Instar Larvae of Silkworm

  27. 大袋蛾雌虫性信息素腺细胞的超微结构

    Ultrastructure of the sex pheromone gland cell of Clania variegata Snellen

  28. 斑节对虾体长与中肠腺细胞数相关性研究

    Study on the relationship between body length and cell numbers of midgut gland in Penaeus monodon

  29. 感染囊幼病的工蜂咽下腺细胞的超微结构的变化

    Ultrastructural change in the hypopharyngeal glands of worker honey bee infected with Sacbrood virus

  30. 胰脏腺细胞呈非特异性酯酶和弱的蛋白酶和脂酶活性。

    The pancreas cells show activity of non specific esterase, weak proteinase and lipase.


  1. 问:腺细胞拼音怎么拼?腺细胞的读音是什么?腺细胞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:腺细胞的读音是xiànxìbāo,腺细胞翻译成英文是 glandular cell; gland cell; cellula glandular...

  2. 问:腺细胞感受体拼音怎么拼?腺细胞感受体的读音是什么?腺细胞感受体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:腺细胞感受体的读音是xiàn xì bāo gǎn shòu tǐ,腺细胞感受体翻译成英文是 epithelioceptor


