


1. 溜 [liū]2. 溜 [liù]溜 [liū]滑行,(往下)滑:~冰。光滑,平滑,无阻碍:~圆。~光。趁人不见走开:~走。~号。同“熘”。溜 [liù]迅急的水流:大~。急~。顺房檐滴下来的水,房顶上流下的水:檐~。承~。房檐上安的……


通:四通八~。~德(通行天下的美德)。~人。~士(达人)。通晓:洞~。练~。遍,全面:~观(对不如意的事情看得开,不计个人的得失)。到:到~。抵~。通宵~旦。实现:目的已~。传出来:传(chuán)~。转(zhuǎn )~。得到显要的地位:……



汉语拼音:liù da







  1. 亦作“ 溜躂 ”。散步;闲走。

    老舍 《柳屯的》:“本来不想听戏,我就离开戏台,到‘地’里去溜达。” 杨朔 《晚凉天》:“别看我人粗,可爱花,一清早晨,便到木荷树下去闲溜达。” 陈登科 《风雷》第一部第一章:“阴雨雪天,无事在集上溜达的人更少。” 草明 《乘风破浪》第九章:“从铁桥溜躂到小树林子里,又从小树林子走回铁桥。”



  1. Even if you lack a magnetic physical appearance, a quick stroll around the nearest park might allow her to see past your faults.

  2. I used to put them in my Discman and walk around the block because my mom wouldn't let me walk more than one block by myself.

  3. After dark on Thursday might he made his way to Salem Crescent, and hid himself.

  4. We've been down this road quite a number of times in the occasions I've had the pleasure of dealing business with you.

  5. Elijah: Hi Carol! Would it be cool if I rummage through your dead husband's clothing, and then wander around your back yard for a while?

  6. A wild bison strayed out of its habitat and went on the rampage in a village in West Bengal killing one man and injuring six others.

  7. The moors, where you ramble with him, are much nicer; and Thrushcross Park is the finest place in the world.

  8. I had continued to scroll along my path, while my eyes were still fixed at the rays around the Sun!

  9. Come back refreshed and ready to go. Some of the greatest ideas in history have been arrived at on a zen-like stroll.


  1. 在海滨溜达

    stroll the Beach.

  2. 缓步走动, 溜达

    An unhurried or leisurely walk.

  3. 缓步走动,溜达。

    An unhurried or leisurely walk.

  4. 我们溜达去了。

    We went for a gentle stroll.

  5. 我在附近溜达。

    I tramped the neighbourhood.

  6. 要不我们也去溜达溜达?

    What about a stroll for us too ?

  7. 吃完饭出去溜达溜达吧。

    Lets go for a stroll after the meal.

  8. 我在镇上四处溜达。

    I strolled about the town.

  9. 他溜达到了火车站。

    He loitered down to the station.

  10. 随随便便溜达过公园

    No dreams are like ships at sea is not the same direction as aimless.

  11. 从公共汽车站溜达着回家

    loiter on ones way home from the Bus stop

  12. 他溜达着朝酒吧走去。

    He moseyed on over to the bar.

  13. 我比较喜欢一个人溜达。

    I prefer walkingalone.

  14. 今晚我们开车到郊外溜达。

    And tonight we were out late.

  15. 我和我妈经常在厨房溜达。

    Me and mom, we hung around the kitchen a lot.

  16. 我们溜达着回到汽车那里。

    We wandered back towards the car.

  17. 我还真想下去溜达一会儿。

    I'd like to just waddle around for a while.

  18. 溜溜达达地进城去

    tootlinginto town

  19. 一对老夫妇在街上溜达。

    An elderly couple came walking down the street.

  20. 我陪你溜达着回了宿舍。

    I accompanied you stroll the back to the dormitory.

  21. 以绳系住的腿任其溜达

    hobble out

  22. 我们悠悠哉哉地溜达一会儿,好不好?

    Let's have a nice little stroll, shall we?

  23. 他们在操场上溜达了一圈。

    They took a turn on the playground.

  24. 星期日人们在街上到处溜达。

    On Sundays people walk about the streets.

  25. 你可以在旷野里好好地溜达溜达。

    You will have such nice rambles on the moors.

  26. 后来,我们去道观溜达了一圈。

    Then we visited a Taoist temple.

  27. 多数下午她都溜达着去公园。

    She toddles down to the park most afternoons.

  28. 爷爷吃过晚饭出去溜达了一阵。

    Grandpa took a stroll after supper.

  29. 我刚才到花园里溜达了一会儿。

    I've just had a mosey round the garden.

  30. 你溜达着到我这儿来好吗?

    Why don't you mosey round to my place?


  1. 问:溜达拼音怎么拼?溜达的读音是什么?溜达翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溜达的读音是liūda,溜达翻译成英文是 go for a stroll



【发音】:liū da
