







汉语拼音:páo xiào








  1. 高声大叫。常形容人的暴怒或恣肆。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·清鉴》:“咆哮者不必勇,淳淡者不必怯。” 唐 沉佺期 《被弹》诗:“劾吏何咆哮,晨夜闻扑抶。” 前蜀 杜光庭 《贺诛刘知俊表》:“﹝ 刘知俊 ﹞咆哮自恣,残忍为怀;屠害黎元,罔遵刑宪。”《元典章·刑部十六·违错》:“ 雷润 ……就公厅高声恶言咆哮,不有上下,抵触官府。” 王西彦 《刀俎上》:“红人 章富 咆哮一通,又冷笑了几声,就悻悻地离开了。”

  2. 比喻哄闹,搅扰。

    北周 庾信 《拟咏怀》之十五:“六国始咆哮,纵横未定交。” 清 鲁一同 《秦论》:“ 共 、 康 、 灵 、 平 咆哮中国。”

  3. 谓风浪、雷雨或炮弹等发出呼啸轰鸣声。

    《艺文类聚》卷八引 晋 庾阐 《涉江赋》:“排巖拒瀨,触石兴涛,澎湃洗渒,鬱怒咆哮。” 唐 李白 《公无渡河》诗:“ 黄河 西来决 昆仑 ,咆哮万里触 龙门 。” 许杰 《的笃戏》:“现在还刮着咆哮的西北风呢。” 李劼人 《天魔舞》第一章:“左近的高射炮发威了,砰呀訇的咆哮着。”

  4. 野兽、牲畜怒吼。

    唐 薛用弱 《集异记·李汾》:“豕视 汾 ,瞋目咆哮,如有怒色。” 宋 洪迈 《夷坚乙志·武夷道人》:“夜未久,果有虎咆哮来前。” 明 王玉峰 《焚香记·传笺》:“ 大都 来雄兵十餘万,马咆哮,浑身也掛着铁甲明耀日,戈矛刀剑立如山。” 罗旋 《红线记》三:“猪牯痛极咆哮一声,弃了 山虎 带着钢叉狂奔。”



  1. No, ROARED back. Like a thunderstorm rolling off those mountains, ready to flood the Salt Lake Valley below.


  2. It seemed as though the devil himself had caught us in his claws and was dragging us with a roar to hell.


  3. In the mad struggle for place and power he has no part; the roar of the strife reaches his ear like the distant murmur of the ocean.


  4. "All right, all right, " growled the gatekeeper. "If you're in such a hurry to get to the mine, go ahead! " And he opened the gate for her.


  5. The plunging water also sends out a never-ending roar as it strikes the bottom.


  6. St. Marks is one of my bookstores, I screamed at the Internet: who thought they had the right to take it away?


  7. "I had to send him back to 1600, " roared Welch indignantly. "How much humiliation do you think a man can stand? "


  8. One night, though, the caller was an agitated female, and a snarling male voice could be heard in the background.


  9. When he stuck in his arm, his face suddenly lost all its color and he let out a bellow like a wounded bull.


  1. 吼叫,咆哮

    To roar or bellow.

  2. 他咆哮着。

    he growled.

  3. 咆哮着回答

    growl an answer

  4. 咆哮着威胁

    snarl a threat.

  5. 咆哮西风带

    roaring forties.

  6. 某人在咆哮

    The dog is barking somebody is barking.

  7. 石人咆哮了。

    The stone man howled.

  8. 老虎对他咆哮。

    A tiger growled at him.

  9. 他一直咆哮着

    He was snarling and growling.

  10. 咆哮着下达命令

    growled the orders.

  11. 暴风雨在咆哮,

    While though the tempest loudly roars,

  12. 勃然大怒。咆哮大怒

    bluster oneself into anger

  13. 咆哮营的幸运儿

    The Luck of Roaring Camp

  14. 暴风雨在咆哮。

    While though the tempest loudly roars.

  15. 他咆哮似地回答。

    He growled his answer.

  16. 活死人归来5墓穴咆哮

    Return of the Living Dead 5 Rave to the Grave

  17. 没必要大声咆哮。

    There was no occasion for ranting.

  18. 咆哮气势汹汹地说话

    To speak in a loudly arrogant or bullying manner.

  19. 受伤的老虎咆哮着。

    The wounded tiger bellowed out.

  20. 如果他们咆哮就让他们咆哮。

    If they are ranting, allow them to rant.

  21. 风啊在咆哮,风啊在呜咽!

    And the wind did roar and the wind did moan!

  22. 军官在对士兵们咆哮。

    The officer is roaring at the soldiers.

  23. 那条狗向我咆哮。

    The dog growled at me.

  24. 咆哮的嘲讽效果降低。

    Growl taunt effectiveness reduced.

  25. 别管我,我咆哮着说。

    Let me alone, I snarled.

  26. 我对她咆哮,汪汪汪。

    I snarl at her and bark.

  27. 狼群对着月亮咆哮。

    The wolves were baying at the moon.

  28. 我咆哮和虚张声势, 虚张声势。

    I am bluster and bluff and empty show.

  29. 闪烁的电和咆哮的雷。

    Flashing lightning and roaring thunder.

  30. 这是出于愤怒的咆哮!

    This is a growl out of rage!


  1. 问:咆哮拼音怎么拼?咆哮的读音是什么?咆哮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咆哮的读音是páoxiào,咆哮翻译成英文是 roar

  2. 问:咆哮声拼音怎么拼?咆哮声的读音是什么?咆哮声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咆哮声的读音是,咆哮声翻译成英文是 growl

  3. 问:咆哮的拼音怎么拼?咆哮的的读音是什么?咆哮的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咆哮的的读音是,咆哮的翻译成英文是 howling

  4. 问:咆哮者拼音怎么拼?咆哮者的读音是什么?咆哮者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咆哮者的读音是,咆哮者翻译成英文是 growler

  5. 问:咆哮山庄拼音怎么拼?咆哮山庄的读音是什么?咆哮山庄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咆哮山庄的读音是,咆哮山庄翻译成英文是 Wuthering Heights

  6. 问:咆哮着说拼音怎么拼?咆哮着说的读音是什么?咆哮着说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咆哮着说的读音是,咆哮着说翻译成英文是 growl

  7. 问:咆哮40度拼音怎么拼?咆哮40度的读音是什么?咆哮40度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咆哮40度的读音是,咆哮40度翻译成英文是 Roaring Forties



“咆哮”是个多义词,它可以指咆哮(《三国杀》张飞武将技能), 咆哮(汉语词语), 咆哮(音乐专辑《咆哮》), 咆哮(2013年EXO首张正规专辑后续主打歌), 咆哮(2013年EXO首张专辑后续曲主打歌)。