








汉语拼音:tuì yì










  1. 脱离服役;终止某项工作。

    清 张岱 《西湖梦寻·玛瑙寺》:“森罗殿前免刑戮,恶鬼狰狞齐退役。”《人民日报》1984.2.4:“一批老将相继退役,不少新手推上了第一线。”特指义务兵役期满退伍。 秦牧 《花城·在仙人掌丛生的地方》:“怪不得有些战士退役……却禁不住淌下惜别的泪水了。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》第二章:“他的崇高形象成了革命队伍里永远不会退役的战士!”

  2. 比喻产品因陈旧过时而被淘汰。

    《人民日报》1983.11.29:“目前,我们的经济还比较落后,人民的生活也不富裕,许多产品这样过早地退役,而需要它们的人,却又得花钱买新的。这不能不说是一种浪费。”《羊城晚报》1986.8.1:“ 广州 制成钢窗密封胶,桐油灰可以退役了。”



  1. Brian McClair, one of my first signings as a player, moved to the coaching side and is now manager of our Academy.


  2. For me, and I have always said this, he will be regarded as one of the greatest midfielders ever when he finishes his career. No doubt.


  3. The following week, club captain Alan Hansen called time on his playing career as a long-term knee injury finally gave out on him.


  4. My first civilian job was as a Marketing Engineer for a company that made computer control systems for electric utilities.


  5. In the first two years after discharge, the risk seems to increase in the men with short length of service, and those of inferior rank.


  6. According to Yahoo, the veteran had informed the Rockets, the league office in New York and NBA China of his decision to leave the game.


  7. One industry source said the ROKAF is already standing down some of the ageing aircraft, resulting in a capability gap.


  8. I didn't get a full season in like I wanted to see if it's really time for me to retire.


  9. This was expected to be his final season as a player at Old Trafford, but he has now decided to announce his retirement.


  1. 退役海军军官

    a retired naval officer

  2. 已退役后备队

    an inactive reserve

  3. 他不久将退役。

    He will soon retire from the army.

  4. 军队退役医疗保险

    Medical insurance for demobilized servicemen

  5. 军人退役医疗保险

    medical insurance for demobilized servicemen

  6. 他已经从部队退役。

    He has retired from the army.

  7. 我已经退役5年了。

    I have stepped down from competition for5 years.

  8. 协和飞机终于要退役

    Concordes Will Retire

  9. 他因负伤而退役。

    He was invalided out of the army because of the wounds he received.

  10. 能够为我退役了吗?

    I can retire it?

  11. 使一架旧飞机退役

    to decommission an old airplane

  12. 放化厂退役去污

    Decontamination in radiochemical plant decommissioning

  13. 这艘战舰于1998年退役。

    The warship was decommissioned in 1998.

  14. 这艘战舰于1998年退役。

    The warship was decommissioned in 1998.

  15. 那艘船战后退役了。

    The ship was put out of commission after the war.

  16. 他退役後到加拿大去了。

    After his discharge from the army, he go to canada.

  17. 这样他们就能荣誉退役

    so that they could get discharged honorably.

  18. 她爸爸下月就要退役了。

    Her father will retire from the army next month.

  19. 到时候我总会退役的

    At some point I'm going to get out.

  20. 想象下你退役后的事情?

    Can you imagine your retirement ?

  21. 战后各志愿军部队均退役。

    When the war ended, the volunteer troops were mustered out of service.

  22. 退役后, 她成为一名医生。

    After retiring, Albright became a surgeon.

  23. 俄罗斯核潜艇的退役和再利用

    Retirement and Reutilization of Russian SSN

  24. 第一次退役时还是大四时。

    I retired the first time when I was a senior.

  25. 他退役后到加拿大去了。

    After his discharge from the army, he go to canada.

  26. 再次调整了退役新闻的发布。

    Retuned distribution of retirement news.

  27. 他因伤病而被迫退役了。

    He was invalided out of the army.

  28. 他有没有谈过退役的事?

    He's been talking about retirement?

  29. 我想我最好告诉你我决定退役。

    I think it best that I advise you of my decision to retire.

  30. 李娜只要不退役,我会赢的。

    NA LI I wish. If Im not retired.


  1. 问:退役拼音怎么拼?退役的读音是什么?退役翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役的读音是tuìyì,退役翻译成英文是 demobilize; retire

  2. 问:退役的拼音怎么拼?退役的的读音是什么?退役的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役的的读音是,退役的翻译成英文是 retired

  3. 问:退役金拼音怎么拼?退役金的读音是什么?退役金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役金的读音是tuì yì jīn,退役金翻译成英文是 Discharge Gratuity

  4. 问:退役价值拼音怎么拼?退役价值的读音是什么?退役价值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役价值的读音是tuì yì jià zhí,退役价值翻译成英文是 exit value

  5. 问:退役军人拼音怎么拼?退役军人的读音是什么?退役军人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役军人的读音是tuì yì jūn rén,退役军人翻译成英文是 Ex-Service Man

  6. 问:退役军官拼音怎么拼?退役军官的读音是什么?退役军官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役军官的读音是tuì yì jūn guān,退役军官翻译成英文是 Retied Officer

  7. 问:退役士兵拼音怎么拼?退役士兵的读音是什么?退役士兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役士兵的读音是tuì yì shì bīng,退役士兵翻译成英文是 Retired Soldier

  8. 问:退役舰只拼音怎么拼?退役舰只的读音是什么?退役舰只翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役舰只的读音是tuì yì jiàn zhī,退役舰只翻译成英文是 Ship out of Commission

  9. 问:退役承办科拼音怎么拼?退役承办科的读音是什么?退役承办科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役承办科的读音是tuì yì chéng bàn kē,退役承办科翻译成英文是 Performance Separations Branch

  10. 问:退役事务军官拼音怎么拼?退役事务军官的读音是什么?退役事务军官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役事务军官的读音是tuì yì shì wù jūn guān,退役事务军官翻译成英文是 Retired Affairs Officer

  11. 问:退役军人名册拼音怎么拼?退役军人名册的读音是什么?退役军人名册翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役军人名册的读音是tuì yì jūn rén míng cè,退役军人名册翻译成英文是 Inactive List

  12. 问:退役军官协会拼音怎么拼?退役军官协会的读音是什么?退役军官协会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役军官协会的读音是tuì yì jūn guān xié huì,退役军官协会翻译成英文是 Retired Officers' Association

  13. 问:退役勤务军官拼音怎么拼?退役勤务军官的读音是什么?退役勤务军官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役勤务军官的读音是tuì yì qín wù jūn guān,退役勤务军官翻译成英文是 Retirement Services Officer

  14. 问:退役基准日期拼音怎么拼?退役基准日期的读音是什么?退役基准日期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役基准日期的读音是tuì yì jī zhǔn rì qī,退役基准日期翻译成英文是 Basic Retirement Date

  15. 问:退役控制日期拼音怎么拼?退役控制日期的读音是什么?退役控制日期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役控制日期的读音是tuì yì kòng zhì rì qī,退役控制日期翻译成英文是 Controlled Date of Separation

  16. 问:退役消防队员拼音怎么拼?退役消防队员的读音是什么?退役消防队员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役消防队员的读音是tuì yì xiāo fáng duì yuán,退役消防队员翻译成英文是 chowder fireman

  17. 问:退役类比测试拼音怎么拼?退役类比测试的读音是什么?退役类比测试翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役类比测试的读音是tuì yì lèi bǐ cè shì,退役类比测试翻译成英文是 Out-of-Service Analog Test

  18. 问:退役前教育计划拼音怎么拼?退役前教育计划的读音是什么?退役前教育计划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役前教育计划的读音是tuì yì qián jiào yù jì huà,退役前教育计划翻译成英文是 Pre-Discharge Education Programs

  19. 问:退役情报官协会拼音怎么拼?退役情报官协会的读音是什么?退役情报官协会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役情报官协会的读音是Tuìyì Qíngbào Guān Xiéhuì,退役情报官协会翻译成英文是 Association of Retired Intelligence Officers...

  20. 问:退役现代化法案拼音怎么拼?退役现代化法案的读音是什么?退役现代化法案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退役现代化法案的读音是tuì yì xiàn dài huà fǎ àn,退役现代化法案翻译成英文是 Retirement Modernization Act


