


1. 磅 [bàng]2. 磅 [páng]磅 [bàng]英美制重量单位,一磅合0.45359237公斤。用金属制成,底座上有承重金属板的台秤。磅 [páng]〔~礴〕a.广大无边,如“气势~~”;b.扩展,充满,如“热情~~”。〔~音〕……


1. 秤 [chèng]秤 [chèng]衡量轻重的器具:市~。磅~。~砣。……



汉语拼音:bàng chèng






  1. 秤的一种。用金属制成,固定的底座上有承重的托盘或金属板。也称台秤。

    茅盾 《“现代化”的话》:“于是走来了一位工人,截断了那拉不完的‘扁屎’,就那么连铁棒抱起来,搁到磅秤上过磅。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第四部五十:“仓库外边,没有卡车,没有搬运员,也没有每天都看见的那个磅秤。”



  1. Get on the scales and I will see how much you weight .


  2. After so many years as the enemy, the bathroom scale and the measuring tape are about to become some of your best friends.


  3. For her birthday, he bought her a brand new bathroom scale.


  4. If we wanted to be thinner, we simply ate less of our favorite foods and waited patiently for the scale to drop, a pound at a time.


  5. He hunts among the trash cans set out ready for collection on the sidewalk and drags out a broken bathroom scale.


  6. The scales make no distinction between the similar numbers of calories of a can of low nutrition soda and two eggs, but body chemistry does.


  7. eg. He's just moved into a new house and he wants kitchen scales for his birthday.


  8. Local dairy farmers told Xinhua "the company juggled their scales and intended to withhold a fraction from farmers for years" .


  9. Yes , there is one near the service counter. Let me carry the luggage down- stairs .


  1. 磅秤计量计

    weighing scale quantifying instrument.

  2. 大方坯磅秤

    bloom scales.

  3. 测荷仪, 落地磅秤

    load meter

  4. 在磅秤上称棉花

    weigh cotton on the scales

  5. 请把箱子放在磅秤上。

    Put your cases on the scales, please.

  6. 请把行李放在磅秤上。

    Please put the suitcases on the scale.

  7. 在磅秤上称自己的体重

    to weigh oneself on the scales

  8. 请你把它放在磅秤上!

    Please put it on the scale!

  9. 这些磅秤已经检验盖印了吗?

    Have these scales been sealed?

  10. 请一件一件地摆到磅秤上来。

    Put them on the scale one at a time.

  11. 像磅秤一样,控制只是测量工具。

    Like the scale, the controls are only a measuring tool.

  12. 她在浴室磅秤上帮自己量体重。

    She weighed herself on the bathroom scales.

  13. 地勤人员请将它们放到磅秤上。

    Attendant F Place them on the scales please.

  14. 那么,请你们把箱子放在磅秤上。

    Then, could you please put your bags on the scale?

  15. 女士们总是在磅秤上称自己的体重。

    The ladies always weigh themselves on the scales.

  16. 请将你的所有行李放在磅秤上。

    Please put all your luggage on the scales.

  17. 我今天在磅秤上称的体重为100磅。

    I weighed in at 100 pounds on the scale today.

  18. 需要时再挪准磅秤使之平衡。

    Adjust scale if necessary so it is balanced.

  19. 把你们的行李箱放在行李磅秤上。

    Put your suitcase on the luggage scale.

  20. 把你们得行李箱放在行李磅秤上。

    Put your suitcase on the luggage scale.

  21. 是的, 请把行李放在磅秤上称一称。

    Yes, it is. Put your luggage on the scale, please.

  22. 请站到磅秤上, 我要看看你得体重。

    Get on the scales and I will see how much you weight.

  23. 请站到磅秤上,我要看看你的体重。

    Get on the scales and I will see how much you weight.

  24. 商店磅秤重量是错的,因此欺骗了顾客。

    Weight on shop scales which are wrong and so cheat customer.

  25. 我今天早上秤重时把磅秤搞坏了。

    The scale broke when I was weighing myself this morning.

  26. 是的,可以。请您把行李放到磅秤上。

    Yes, that's OK. Would you put your luggage on the scale?

  27. 加在磅秤上以达到必需重量的重物。

    A weight added to the scale to reach a required weight.

  28. 停止遵从磅秤,开始测量你身体的成分吧!

    Stop worshipping the scale and start measuring your body composition!

  29. 请把你的行李放到磅秤上,你有几个包?

    Put your baggage on the scales, please. How many bags do you have?

  30. 假若我们想测量身体脂肪,磅秤是20世纪陈旧遗迹。

    If we want to measure our body fat, the scale is an archaic vestige of the 20 century.


  1. 问:磅秤拼音怎么拼?磅秤的读音是什么?磅秤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:磅秤的读音是bàngchèng,磅秤翻译成英文是 platform scale; platform balance; scales


