




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:huí shēn







  1. 转身。

    汉 傅毅 《舞赋》:“迴身还入,迫於急节。” 晋 孙绰 《情人碧玉歌》:“感郎不羞赧,迴身就郎抱。” 洪深 《申屠氏》第二本:“那婢子十分羞惭,回身朝墙,藏了脸。”



  1. His voice wAS like rolling thunder AS he turned in his saddle and called to his eager followers.


  2. He made sure Peeves wasn't inside before shutting the door behind them, then he told them what he'd seen and heard.


  3. A moment later, he's just only hold her hands, stoped in a pause, then put her on his back, turned around and went away quickly.


  4. From maintenance point of view, to set aside at least should be withdrawn from the pedals and maintenance staff room.


  5. Stam then hit a stunning shot just over the bar and Inzaghi forced Rost into a full-length, with a crisp volley.


  6. "Do not make, " soars to the skies body to once see her, "Li Xiao Han, what mark are the most valuable clothing in the your eyes? "


  7. She returned and put a skin of camel' s milk into a kuerabiche, then filled the rest of the shoulder sack with wild apricots.


  8. "Drouet is a good fellow, " Hurstwood thought to himself as he went back into his office, "but he's no man for Carrie. "


  9. She turned around suddenly, knocking down the child following her closely.


  1. 回身走了。

    And with that she turned and strode off.

  2. 投球回身动作

    pitching rotation

  3. 他回身看了看挂钟。

    He turned and looked at the clock on the wall.

  4. 他回身冷冷望著蓝染。

    Then he turns back to Aizen coldly.

  5. 狐狸突然回身反击追捕者。

    The fox rounded on its pursuers.

  6. 她不忍心再转回身去。

    She couldn't bear to turn around again.

  7. 有时间转回身走下楼梯,

    Time to turn back and descend the stair

  8. 当他回身时,她已走了。

    When he turned back, she had gone.

  9. 达文西拉完小便,转回身,敬礼。

    Da Vinci urinates, turns back, and salutes the general.

  10. 我跪下来,回身注视着树篱下方。

    Down on my Knees, I peered back under the hedge.

  11. 可是他又转回身来肥手套脱下来。

    He turned back, though, to peel off his gloves.

  12. 他走出了屋子,转回身,等他的妻子。

    He went out of the room, turned around and waited for his wife.

  13. 她突然回身, 撞倒了紧随其后的小孩儿。

    She turned around suddenly, knocking down the child following her closely.

  14. 她突然回身,撞倒了紧随其后的小孩儿。

    She turned around suddenly, knocking down the child following her closely.

  15. 她走后我就把门关上,回身坐了下来。

    I shut the door after her and sat down.

  16. 不久, 贤人又默默地转回身, 回到湖岸边。

    Shortly thereafter, sage and quietly to return to lake shore.

  17. 要是你把她们带出去,她们会折回身,径直返回来。

    If you drove them out they'd turn right around and come back.

  18. 策马回身,他像疯子一样,朝着天空骇人地诅咒着。

    And back, he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky.

  19. 小偷回身寻不见衣服,非常奇怪,便到处摸来摸去。

    When he turned back, the burglar was surprised that his coat was missing. So he groped around for it.

  20. 我猛然一回身,发现戴维静静地站在我的办公桌旁边。

    Turning around I saw David quietly standing by my desk.

  21. 他回身朝森林奔去,那些被激怒的狗紧跟在后面。

    He raced back towards the forest with the enraged dogs at his heels.

  22. 投手突然回身投向二垒手,于是在二垒上将对方封杀出局。

    The pitch turned around suddenly and threw to the second baseman runner off second base.

  23. 当你回身光临寒舍时,你会发现我将在此恭候大驾。

    When you will make a turn into our deserts, you shall find me ready to show you my respect and obsequiousness.

  24. 他在鞍上回身呼唤他那些跃跃欲试的将士们,声如雷鸣。

    His voice wAS like rolling thunder AS he turned in his saddle and called to his eager followers.

  25. 他又转回身去看报纸了,其他人也回到了自己的车里。

    He turned round again to his newspaper, and the other men went back to their cabs.

  26. 她的微笑黯淡了, 化成泪容了, 她孤寂地回身走进黑暗里去。

    Her smile paled and melted into tears and she went back alone into the dark.

  27. 他笑了,蓝色的眼睛象天空一样澄净,然后又跑走了,没再回身。

    He smiles, sky blue eyes and then he away again, no turning back.

  28. 她早已转身往回走, 听他叫她, 才烦躁地转回身来看了一眼。

    She had already turned to go, but she did rather fretfully come back for a moment.

  29. 门框很低,一进门就见炕,屋里不黑,但逼仄得没有回身的余地。

    Doorcase is very low, see bake or dry by the heat of a fire into the door, in house not black, but so narrow that do not have the leeway that answers a body.


  1. 问:回身拼音怎么拼?回身的读音是什么?回身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:回身的读音是huíshēn,回身翻译成英文是 To turn around.

  2. 问:回身蹬脚拼音怎么拼?回身蹬脚的读音是什么?回身蹬脚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:回身蹬脚的读音是huí shēn dēng jiǎo,回身蹬脚翻译成英文是 heel kick with body turn