







汉语拼音:zuǒ yì








  1. 左边的翅膀。


  2. 作战时处于正面部队左侧的部队。

    《晋书·慕容廆载记》:“命其少子 仁 自 平郭 趣 柏林 为左翼,攻 乞得龟 。”

  3. 政党、派别、团体中的左派。

    鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·中国文坛上的鬼魅》:“于是别一方面,就出现了所谓‘第三种人’,是当然决非左翼,但又不是右翼,超然于左右之外的人物。”



  1. On the left the man of north-west France had assembled in good order, ready to sacrifice their lives for the king.


  2. The criticism came after Mr Santos said he would not rule out Colombian forces pursuing left-wing Colombian rebels in neighboring countries.


  3. Enlightened government of the left, combining market economics with effective social policy, would not be a bad thing.


  4. Berlusconi said he had expected the ruling as the court was dominated by left-wing judges, and he would not resign.


  5. Kim Dae-jung, South Korea's former leftist president who died yesterday at the age of 85, was a political brawler right to the finish.


  6. It is with a few other left-wing writers of the quality of a natural left-wing literature into the age of 30 camp.


  7. If fiscal policy as a left- wing economic take -off , then monetary policy is no doubt that it is the right - wing.


  8. The SPD must share the left-leaning vote with the Greens and with the ex-communist Left Party, with which it refuses to govern.


  9. In the run-up to the Iraq war it was left to the left to make the argument that this was a "war for oil" .


  1. 你梳你左翼。

    You preen your left wing.

  2. 左翼文学思潮

    left wing literature and ideological trend

  3. 东京双公园左翼

    Tokyo Twin Parks Left Wing

  4. 支援左翼, 保持火力!

    Shore up that left flank and keep firing!

  5. 支援左翼,保持火力!

    Shore up that left flank and keep firing!

  6. 我的左翼却苍老的!

    the left wing is grey!

  7. 我得左翼却苍老得!

    the left wing is grey!

  8. 我的左翼却苍老的!

    The left wing is grey!

  9. 他们是左翼空想家。

    They are leftwing visionaries.

  10. 左翼人士反对增税。

    The left oppose the tax increase.

  11. 他们的左翼无掩护。

    Their left flank was left in the air.

  12. 左翼仍几乎未参战。

    The left flank remains practically unengaged.

  13. 敌人由左翼攻击我们。

    The enemy attacked us on the left flank.

  14. 战士们攻击敌人的左翼。

    The soldiers attacked the left flank of the enemy.

  15. 我卖给左翼和右翼。

    I sell to leftist and rightist.

  16. 他属于工党的左翼。

    He was on the left wing of the labour party.

  17. 左翼的兰伯特请援。

    Kempt, on the left wing, demanded reinforcements.

  18. 有些同学则是左翼的。

    Some of you are politically left wing.

  19. 俯冲并用左翼攻击吉良。

    He flew and used his left wing to hit Kira.

  20. 这只鸟的左翼受伤了。

    The bird's left wing was hurt.

  21. 左翼党派赢得了议会席位。

    The pink parties won seat in Parliament.

  22. 我在左翼有一挺30机枪。

    I got the30 cal on the left flank.

  23. 他一直是左翼的支持者。

    He has always been a supporter of the left wing.

  24. 左翼的肯赢得了议会席位。

    Red Ken won seat in Parliament.

  25. 左派, 左翼政治左派的意识形态, 观点

    The ideology of the political left.

  26. 他是保守党中的左翼分子。

    He's on the left wing of the Conservative Party.

  27. 她的建议遭到了左翼的抵制。

    Her proposal met with resistance from the Left.

  28. 看!有人正朝左翼跑去。

    Look! There's a man running up the leftwing.

  29. 一群左翼分子接管了领事馆。

    A band of leftists took over the consulate.

  30. 喔, 要命趴下下士, 小心左翼。

    Oh, shit. Man. Get down! Corporal, watch your left flank !


  1. 问:左翼拼音怎么拼?左翼的读音是什么?左翼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:左翼的读音是zuǒyì,左翼翻译成英文是 port plane

  2. 问:左翼主义拼音怎么拼?左翼主义的读音是什么?左翼主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:左翼主义的读音是,左翼主义翻译成英文是 leftism

  3. 问:左翼分子拼音怎么拼?左翼分子的读音是什么?左翼分子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:左翼分子的读音是,左翼分子翻译成英文是 lefty

  4. 问:左翼的人拼音怎么拼?左翼的人的读音是什么?左翼的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:左翼的人的读音是,左翼的人翻译成英文是 left-winger

  5. 问:左翼观点拼音怎么拼?左翼观点的读音是什么?左翼观点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:左翼观点的读音是zuǒ yì guān diǎn,左翼观点翻译成英文是 left-wing sentiment

  6. 问:左翼进攻拼音怎么拼?左翼进攻的读音是什么?左翼进攻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:左翼进攻的读音是zuǒ yì jìn gōng,左翼进攻翻译成英文是 left-flank attack

  7. 问:左翼阵线拼音怎么拼?左翼阵线的读音是什么?左翼阵线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:左翼阵线的读音是,左翼阵线翻译成英文是 Left Front

  8. 问:左翼联盟 (希腊)拼音怎么拼?左翼联盟 (希腊)的读音是什么?左翼联盟 (希腊)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:左翼联盟 (希腊)的读音是,左翼联盟 (希腊)翻译成英文是 Coalition of the Radical Left


