


气势大,力量大:~将。~士。~烈。勇~。忽然,突然:~然。~省(xǐng )(亦作“猛醒”)。~可(突然,陡然)。~不防。严厉:宽以济~。凶暴:苛政~于虎。~禽。~兽。~戾。~悍。古哺乳动物,长毛的象:~犸。……





汉语拼音:měng gōng








  1. Feinting with his left he took a half-step backward, at the same time upper cutting with the whole strength of his right.


  2. With the gong that opened the eleventh round, Sandel rushed, making a show of freshness which he did not really possess.


  3. When a financial storm, sorts this "beat" the bank of England's part, again, and the big storm pounds to make a fortune.


  4. Under heavy fire they captured Mogadishu's old military hospital, which had been a Shabab stronghold.


  5. At the beginning of the war, Britain was pushed to the front line to fight against the fascism since France had been defeated.


  6. i made the big push on saturday. that was a mistake. i had forgotten that the neighborhood children would not be in school that day.


  7. They were going to storm and seize the enemy who captured the checkpoint.


  8. Cooke's four companies of guards there held out for seven hours against the fury of an army.


  9. Our army tried to withstand the enemy onslaught.


  1. 猛攻敌人阵地

    storm an enemy position.

  2. 猛攻突然拜访猛攻

    A sudden visit or attack an onslaught.

  3. 猛攻敌人要塞

    to assail bitterly an enemy fort.

  4. 他们发起猛攻。

    They launched a stout attack.

  5. 他们向敌人猛攻。

    They hurled themselves at the enemy.

  6. 军队猛攻敌人阵线

    The troops charged the enemy line.

  7. 面临政府部队猛攻

    Faced an onslaught by the government forces

  8. 这个疯子向我猛攻。

    The lunatic flew at me

  9. 对敌军的最后猛攻

    a final push against the enemy

  10. 他们向城堡发动猛攻。

    They stormed the castle.

  11. 战士们正向敌人猛攻。

    The soldiers were tearing into the enemy.

  12. 猛攻敌人阵地的命令

    an order to charge enemy positions

  13. 猛攻敌人阵地的命令

    an order to charge enemy positions

  14. 部队突然向北猛攻。

    The invade army make a sudden thrust to the north.

  15. 敌军对城堡发动猛攻。

    The enemy troops stormed the castle.

  16. 游击队员们突然发起猛攻。

    The guerillas waded in suddenly.

  17. 坦克群向守城猛攻。

    The tanks stormed towards the city.

  18. 敌人在西线发动猛攻。

    The enemy made a push on the western front.

  19. 叛乱者们猛攻宫殿的大门。

    The rebels stormed the gates of the palace.

  20. 入侵部队突然向北猛攻。

    The invading army made a sudden thrust to the north.

  21. 他们决定对飞机发起猛攻。

    They decided to storm the aircraft.

  22. 他用剑猛攻击她。

    He drove at her with his sword.

  23. 他赤手空拳地猛攻他的对手。

    He waded into his opponent with his bare fists.

  24. 我们猛攻的声音传遍战

    The clash of our onslaught hurtled across the field.

  25. 这支部队猛攻敌人的阵地。

    The troop stormed an enemy position.

  26. 我们猛攻的声音传遍战场。

    The clash of our onslaught hurtled across the field.

  27. 我们的军队向敌人发起猛攻。

    Our army launched an attack on the enemy.

  28. 我们的部队奋力抵挡敌人的猛攻。

    Our army tried to withstand the enemy onslaught.

  29. 我们的军队奋力抵挡敌人的猛攻。

    Our army tried to withstand the enemy onslaught.

  30. 敌人猛攻,战士们撤退到堡垒中。

    The enemy make a strong attack, and the soldiers fell back on the fort.


  1. 问:猛攻拼音怎么拼?猛攻的读音是什么?猛攻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猛攻的读音是měnggōng,猛攻翻译成英文是 onslaught; fierce attack; storm