







汉语拼音:xīn tián








  1. 佛教语。即心。谓心藏善恶种子,随缘滋长,如田地生长五谷荑稗,故称。

    南朝 梁简文帝 《上大法颂表》:“泽雨无偏,心田受润。” 唐 白居易 《狂吟七言十四韵》:“性海澄渟平少浪,心田洒扫净无尘。” 明 唐顺之 《石湖王传辱观拙集见赠长句二十三韵奉答一首》:“言语能工诧鸚鵡,心田耳秽惊狐蜮。”

  2. 心思;心意。

    《白雪遗音·玉蜻蜓·戏芳》:“芳是唤名心是素,只恐爱花人空自费心田。”《再生缘》第六二回:“劳气血,用心田,训弟成人法甚严。” 叶文玲 《年饭》:“藕和缸子的故事, 钟鸣 也知道,当看到这份切得不寻常的菜时,她和 老姜 ,自然明白了 苗新 的心田。”



  1. When a woman smiles to an angry man, the barriers between them disappear quietly. Smiling is like the fresh air flowing into his heart.


  2. The distant care as is buried in the heart of a seed, as if to sprout like, stirred the heart.


  3. book is a ray of sunshine, warm the heart of every person.


  4. How much I want to see you this moment. Even though I have nothing. But I think it's perfect to reach the heart.


  5. The scenes with you, like snowflakes sprinkling down in my heart, leans between, also swirl carved apart. I do not know is pleased or sad.


  6. Day and night, you see the figure gradually growing, you think back to the teachings of an invisible force and inject heart.


  7. In the office Beth always looked happy and had a ready smile. But deep down she was tired of being a secretary. She wanted to do something.


  8. To pray for her in your heart, let the happiness with her forever .


  9. Journey can take place in more than just a geographical dimension. Many of the journeys of Harry Potter are journeys of the mind.


  1. 在一位友人的心田。

    I found again in the heart of a friend.

  2. 养心安神, 安心神, 镇静心田

    tranquilizing mind

  3. 让爱流遍我的心田

    Fill up my heart with love

  4. 您的教诲,常在我的心田。

    You teachings always live in my heart.

  5. 是我心田很是神驰的土地。

    A place my heart longs for so.

  6. 他们占据了我的整个心田

    They occupy the whole landscape of my thought

  7. 二者都会射向人的心田。

    And both do aim at human hearts.

  8. 随风吹进你忧郁的心田。

    Follow wind to your heavyhearted.

  9. 最后一次划破我的心田。

    Run your claw along my gut one last time.

  10. 花不语, 花却能醉人心田。

    Flower remained silent, spend it can intoxicate my heart.

  11. 诗歌落到心田犹如露水落到草原。

    And the poem falls to the soul as dew to grass.

  12. 老师像春雨,滋润孩子们得心田。

    Teachers are the spring shower that moisten the children's hearts.

  13. 老师像春雨,滋润孩子们的心田。

    Teachers are the spring shower that moisten the children's hearts.

  14. 依然盘桓在它们惯住的心田。

    Still in my heart retain their wonted place.

  15. 是否有一种精致还留在心田

    If a sort of delicacy still is left in heart

  16. 我心田的哺育者, 导师和守护神,

    The guide, the guardian of my heart, and soul

  17. 让同一个信念飞进我们的心田。

    Fly into soul left common conviction.

  18. 站在我身旁的木棉,走入我心田的木棉。

    The ceiba beside me, the ceiba inside my heart.

  19. 干渴时滋润我的心田, 冰冷时温暖我的心灵

    It. S deep when i. M thirsty and warm when i. M cold

  20. 山峦的阴影也不会落在你的心田。

    And the shadow of mountains will not fall on your heart.

  21. 这一刻,我们所有的心田流露着自豪!

    This moment, all our Xintian reveal pride!

  22. 音乐把一个个美妙的音符注入我的心田。

    Wonderful music to the notes one by one into my heart.

  23. 每一封信都是一颗种子, 落在心田。

    Each letter was a seed falling on a fertile heart.

  24. 一直往下流,流入我的心田,滋润我心窝。

    Has been down stream, flows in my heart, nourish my heart.

  25. 当你将她深埋于心田的那一刻

    The minute you let her under you skin

  26. 简单地说,感恩便是感激,发自心田的感激。

    To put it simply, Thanksgiving is gratitude, gratitude from the heart.

  27. 这时, 一股暖流淌进每个人得心田。

    This time, a kind of warm current came into everyone's heart.

  28. 这时, 一股暖流淌进每个人的心田。

    This time, a kind of warm current came into everyone's heart.

  29. 天主的法律在他心田,他的脚步必坚定不偏。

    His steps have never faltered, for the law of God is in his heart.

  30. 书是一缕阳光,温暖着每个人的心田。

    book is a ray of sunshine, warm the heart of every person.


  1. 问:心田拼音怎么拼?心田的读音是什么?心田翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心田的读音是xīntián,心田翻译成英文是 one's heart; one's intention


