


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……





汉语拼音:xiāng pèng








  1. An individual did not like the sound of cabinets being slammed.


  2. In other words, they actually do start behaving like molecules in a fluid, bouncing off one another at random.


  3. It is reported that Ouyang is love Big Brother and Miss Wang Yujing been destined to collide, sparks have been knocked out to get married!


  4. Chance, and his acquaintance, I think it was an encounter the fate of the yoke.


  5. Maybe its the touch of two hearts, but only in a minute.


  6. Once airborne particles touch each other or the walls of a container, they become attached to that surface or combine into one particle.


  7. It felt strange to run and not feel his feet when they hit the ground. He fell several times.


  8. The nations will hear of your shame; your cries will fill the earth. One warrior will stumble over another; both will fall down together.


  9. For as long as we've been doing it, scientists have only recently begun to analyze what happens when lips meet lips.


  1. 陶器相碰发出的叮当声。

    the chink of crockery

  2. 陶器相碰发出得叮当声。

    the chink of crockery.

  3. 玻璃杯相碰的丁当声

    the chink of glasses

  4. 他们举杯相碰,目光交会。

    Their glasses clinked, their eyes met.

  5. 她的手跟我的相碰。

    Her hand met mine.

  6. 这里说他们的嘴唇相碰了。

    It says their IPS meet.

  7. 旋梭尖与机针相碰。

    The needle comes in contact with the hook point.

  8. 我船与水下岩石相碰。

    I have collided with submerged rock.

  9. 两列火车相碰,撞坏了窗户。

    The two trains met and the shock broke the windows.

  10. 我船和长江口灯船相碰。

    I have collided with Chang Jiang Kou light vessel.

  11. 硬币, 钥匙, 玻璃杯相碰的叮当声。

    the clink of coins, keys, glasses

  12. 两艘小船在雾中相碰。

    The two boats collided in the fog.

  13. 甚至撞出了火花,金属相碰。

    There is even fireworks metal scrapes over metal.

  14. 我们是一对互不相碰的夫妇。

    We're the couple that doesn't touch one another.

  15. 球和地板相碰是另一个事件。

    Ball's collision with the floor is another event.

  16. 有人不喜欢柜门相碰的声音。

    ? an individual did not like the sound of cabinets being slammed.

  17. 两把宝剑相碰,发出叮当的一声。

    The two double-edged swords crashed and produced a clattering sound.

  18. 如果拇指外伸的话,拇指就会相碰。

    If you stuck your thumbs out, they would touch.

  19. 马步,从后面观察有交或相碰。

    hackney gait, crossing over, or striking in front or rear.

  20. 我船与海图3807中第7号标志相碰。

    I have collided with seamark 7 of chart 3807.

  21. 他将茶杯与碟子相碰发出丁当的声音。

    He clacked the cup against the saucer.

  22. 后退时与一辆停着的车相碰

    to back into a parked car

  23. 还有一件事,不要让电线相碰。

    One more thing, do not let the wires touch.

  24. 这个词字面意思就是头和地面相碰。

    The word means literally to knock the head.

  25. 这是我家孩子互相碰鼻子得照片。

    Here is a picture of our children giving each other an Eskimo kiss.

  26. 这是我家孩子互相碰鼻子的照片。

    Here is a picture of our children giving each other an Eskimo kiss.

  27. 他使几枚硬币相碰,发出了叮玲的响声。

    He tinkled the coins together.

  28. 求偶行为包括以喙相碰或以头相靠。

    Courtship behavior, including beak to encounter or by the first phase.

  29. 他们的脸几乎相碰,沙威的目光令人感到恐怖。

    Their faces almost touched. Javert's look was terrible.

  30. 铠甲的哗啦声和干戈相碰的金属声已经能听到。

    Page 48 The clatter of armor and clanking of metal could be heard.


  1. 问:相碰拼音怎么拼?相碰的读音是什么?相碰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相碰的读音是xiāngpèng,相碰翻译成英文是 meet



xiāngpèng [collide with] 直接相撞或碰上 油船与货船相碰后就下沉了