


大,有力,强盛:强~。~士。~心。~烈。~美。兵强马~。增加勇气和力量:~胆。~行(xíng )。以~声势。中国少数民族,主要分布于广西壮族自治区及云南、四川、贵州等省(旧作“僮”):~族。~锦。~歌。……





汉语拼音:zhuàng zhì







  1. 豪壮的志愿、襟怀;伟大的志向。

    《后汉书·党锢传·张俭传论》:“而 张俭 见怒时王,颠沛假命,天下闻其风者,莫不怜其壮志,而争为之主。”《北史·王罴王思政尉迟迥王轨传论》:“运穷事蹙,城陷身囚,壮志高风,亦足奋於百世矣。” 唐 骆宾王 《边城落日》诗:“壮志凌苍兕,精诚贯白虹。” 明 李东阳 《吕梁洪二十韵》:“高歌逆天风,壮志方慷慨。” 毛泽东 《到韶山》诗:“为有牺牲多壮志,敢教日月换新天。”



  1. Full of enthusiasm and vigor when he entered office, Polk left the White House at the age of 53, exhausted.


  2. The company's ambition may be impressive, but they could easily be bulldozed by the big players in this very competitive market.


  3. People really have the syncline home for new heavens and sun dare to call the great ambition!


  4. The road map shows that some of that conference's ambitions still resonate in Brussels.


  5. Due to expansion of our Shanghai office, we now invite talented individuals with an edge to grow with us.


  6. An epic film, with a huge budget for the local industry, the rough cut is said to be 4 hours and 30 minutes! Pretty ambitious!


  7. Students, and for the mother's smile, for tomorrow's harvest, let you worry about my aspirations rather than made it!


  8. Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy.


  9. The Chamber of Commerce, whose members include plenty of small, domestically-focused firms, is not quite so enthusiastic.


  1. 他壮志凌云。

    His ambitions soared to the skies.

  2. 他们壮志凌云。

    Their ambitions soared to the skies

  3. 他胸怀壮志。

    He cherishes a great aspiration.

  4. 他壮志凌云八斗才。

    He is both ambitious, and talented.

  5. 他壮志凌云八斗才。

    He is both ambitious, and talented.

  6. 他过早地去世,壮志不遂。

    He died early with his ambitions unfulfilled.

  7. 他过早地去世,壮志不遂。

    He died early with his ambitions unfulfilled.

  8. 一时间她神思飞扬,壮志凌云。

    For a few moments she was borne away on the wings of ambition.

  9. 壮志之于人生,恰似蒸汽之于火车头。

    Ambition is to life just what steam is to the locomotive.

  10. 他的辉煌成功超越了他的壮志雄心。

    He outreached his own ambitions by his spectacular success.

  11. 永别了,威武的大军、激发壮志的战争!

    Farewell the plumed troop, and the big wars, That make ambition virtue!

  12. 我没有多少豪情壮志,没有远大的追求。

    I do not have lofty sentiment and ideal.

  13. 永别了, 威武的大军 , 发壮志的战争!

    Farewell the plumed troop, and the big wars, That make ambition virtue!

  14. 他豪情壮志,准备干一番大事业。

    He has a lofty spirit, and has the soaring determination to make something big.

  15. 他豪情壮志,准备干一番大事业。

    He has a lofty spirit, and has the soaring determination to make something big.

  16. 展望未来,壮志凌云的海正人信心满怀。

    Looking ahead Top Gun with sea Masato confidence.

  17. 壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。

    Determination hunger meal Hu Lurou, the joke thirstily drinks theHsiungnu blood.

  18. 我会唱你喜欢鹅和小牛的壮志凌云。

    So! I guess I'll be Maverick and you can be Goose.

  19. 他的壮志让他重燃激情,他回到了州议会

    So fuelled by that ambition, he returned to the state legislature.

  20. 全是强壮威猛的女子 壮志凌云,无可匹敌

    Full of women who were as fierce and as fit as they were, and as driven to make a difference.

  21. 我可以告诉你,但那样我就必须杀了你。壮志凌云

    I could tell you but I would have to kill you.

  22. 为有牺牲多壮志, 敢教日月换新天。

    Bitter sacrifice strengthens bold resolve, which dares to make sun and moon shine in new skies.

  23. 同样和克林顿一样, 也有点壮志未酬的意味。

    And like President Clinton, there is the same sense of a talent strangely unfulfilled.

  24. 霎那间, 一种壮志难酬的慨叹控制了我!

    For an instant, a sigh of regret for great aspirations difficult to fulfill overwhelmed me!

  25. 霎那间,一种壮志难酬得慨叹控制了我!

    For an instant, a sigh of regret for great aspirations difficult to fulfill overwhelmed me!

  26. 壮志雄心和爱情一样,都总是迟到并对对手失去耐心。

    Ambition alot like love, impatient both of delays and rivals.

  27. 主席女士,我感谢你具有继续改进我们工作方法的壮志。

    I am grateful, Madam, for your ambition to continue the improvement of our working methods.

  28. 等待只是无期的煎熬,英雄壮志才陪的上她的风华绝姿。

    Wait just life of suffering, the hero to accompany her ambition of the pose unique wireless.

  29. 四根石柱上刻有仙鹤祥云,意味着鹤啸九天、壮志凌云。

    Fairy crane and cloud pattern was engraved on the four stone piles, expressing the soaring aspiration of the designer.

  30. 诗人一生沉居下僚, 壮志难酬, 因而仕隐矛盾纠结其一生。

    The life of the poet Shen Habitat bureaucratic aspirations blighted, and thus the the Shi implicit contradiction tangled his life.


  1. 问:壮志拼音怎么拼?壮志的读音是什么?壮志翻译成英文是什么?

    答:壮志的读音是zhuàngzhì,壮志翻译成英文是 high ideals

  2. 问:壮志未酬拼音怎么拼?壮志未酬的读音是什么?壮志未酬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:壮志未酬的读音是zhuàngzhìwèichóu,壮志未酬翻译成英文是 with one's lofty ambitions unfulfilled




拼音:zhuàng zhì 基本解释 [great aspiration;lofty ideal] 豪壮的志愿、襟怀;伟大的志向 壮志未酬