


1. 与 [yǔ]2. 与 [yù]3. 与 [yú]与 [yǔ]和,跟:正确~错误。~虎谋皮。生死~共。给:赠~。~人方便。交往,友好:相~。~国(相互交好的国家)。〔~其〕比较连词,常跟“不如”、“宁可”连用。赞助,赞许:~人为善。与 ……





汉语拼音:yǔ cún






  1. 参与其间。

    《孟子·尽心上》:“君子有三乐,而王天下不与存焉。” 赵岐 注:“天下之乐,不得与此三乐之中。”



  1. Prefabrication of Prestressed T-Beam and Treatment of Soft Ground for Storing up Beam


  2. On "Seek for the Common" and "Retain the Different" in China's Policy about National Culture


  1. 施蛰存与显尼志勒

    Shizhecun and Arthur Schnitzler

  2. 只好把思念存与心底,只是无法给自己一个释怀的答案。

    I can only sink my missing into the bottom of my heart, but can rarely seek a way to free my mind.

  3. 冲突性与和谐性存,和谐性日益增强。

    The conflict and concordance are compatible, concordance is strengthened day by day.

  4. 花本、纹板与计算机存储程控原理

    Card Source and the Principle of Jacquard Card and Computer Storage and Program Control.

  5. 速达3000,账务系统与进销存系统结合使用么

    Speed amounts to 3000, account affairs system combine with receiving a pin storing system usage

  6. 这个民有、民治、民享的政府将与世长存。

    Shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

  7. 另外,腺癌可与增生共存。

    Adenocarcinoma may also coexist with hyperplasia.

  8. 历史与现实、古老与年轻、刚劲与柔情共存。

    A new dam combines history with reality, antiquity with modernity and solidness with softness.

  9. 愿感恩的心陪伴着没颗心灵与天地常存。

    Wish of gratitude with no heart with heaven and earth.

  10. 该文件存有与每个警告消息相关的成本值。

    This holds a cost value associated with every warning message.

  11. 手薄中存有与基站同名点的危害及解决方案

    Harm of controller having same name of point as base station and solution

  12. 爱与理智不能共存。

    Love and reason do not go together.

  13. 工匠们的店铺与宫殿比邻共存。

    Arti sans stalls and palaces stand side by side.

  14. 新物质与活体组织已存成份的同化作用

    assimilation of new substances into the existing components of living tissue

  15. 希特勒来了又走,德意志与德国人民长存。

    Hitlers come and go, but Germany and the German people remain.

  16. 摄取新物质与活体组织已存成份的同化作用

    Assimilation of new substances into the existing components of living tissue.

  17. 木质素主要存于麦麸与麦片。

    It is mainly found in wheat bran and bran cereals.

  18. 怀疑与信任未必不能共存。

    Scepticism and trust are not necessarily incompatible.

  19. 惟有我的心与我的梦想尚存。

    Evertime I get it I throw it away.

  20. 我们不知道地球上尚存多少石油与天然气。

    We no idea how much oil and natural gas are left on earth.

  21. 殖民化与和平进程不能共存。

    Colonization and the peace process cannot coexist.

  22. 人性恶理论从学理上和实践上都存有悖谬与危害。

    The conception that man is born vice is poor as a theory and harmful in practice.

  23. 全部空洞瘤灶均与肺多发实性结节共存。

    CPMs and multiple pulmonary solid nodules coexisted in all patients.

  24. 高速缓存与主存中的内容必须保持一致。

    Relative to the onCPU cache, main memory is positively crawling.

  25. 基于项目管理的进销存过程控制模式与系统

    Control Model and System of Invoicing Process Based on Project Management

  26. 当人格存有离开,沉溺与他们一起离开。

    As the personality entities leave, the addiction goes with them.

  27. 只要你行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑的心,与你的神同行。

    To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

  28. 对别人给予我的好处,要心存感激,要给与回报。

    For the people who give me help, i will be very appricated. Everything they did for you. You need to do some good things back to them.

  29. 充值卡产销存的业务流程分析与管理系统的研建

    Operation Flow Analyzing and Construction of a Card Management System.

  30. 治疗温热病贵在透邪与存阴并进

    Expelling Pathogenic Factors and Concentrating Yin Should Be Treasured in Treating Seasonal Febrile Diseases.