


疏忽,不周密:~心。~疏。~略。~率(shuài )。不精致,工料毛糙:~糙。~劣。~料。~纸。~粮。~制滥造。去~取精。长条东西直径大的:~大。~壮。~重。~实。~线条(a.指毛道粗的线条:b.喻粗率的性格、作风,亦喻文章的粗略的构思)。……





汉语拼音:cū fàng










  1. 粗豪放纵。

    《北史·裴叔业传》:“ 絳 弟 远 ,字 季云 ,性粗放无拘检,时人或谓之 柳癲 。”

  2. 指以少量的生产资料和劳动,投在较多的土地上,进行浅耕粗作。

    马南邨 《燕山夜话·水上菜园》:“在北方,大部地区虽然人口不如南方的稠密,因而耕地的使用要比南方的粗放。” 韩北屏 《非洲夜会·沿着尼日尔河的旅行》:“ 马里 的土地多,人口少,耕作方法粗放。”



  1. In the middle of a circle covered with a net pattern painted on the belly of the jar, there was grotesque human figure outlined in black.


  2. However, if the length of the longitudinal longer, in the sample in a joint monitoring, the situation may be on the rise.


  3. Chinese automobile industry has stepped into the era of low profit after several years of rapid high-profit extensive increase.


  4. As long linear extensive mode of economic development, lead to the excessive consumption of energy and the unsustainable of ecosystems.


  5. We are trying to switch our economic growth mode from extensive to intensive.


  6. The marketing channel controlling of the furniture enterprise is quite extensive and lack of consciousness of the channel controlling too.


  7. With China's rapid economic development and great construction achievements, the mode of economic development is still extensive.


  8. There was a foundation of wildness and bravery in her.


  9. The serious restraint of the natural resources makes the extensive style of economic growth hard to be carried on.


  1. 粗放的笔触

    a free and easy style of writing or painting.

  2. 农业粗放经营

    extensive management of agriculture.

  3. 粗放式经营

    crude management.

  4. 粗放式发展

    extensive development.

  5. 粗放型经营方式

    extensive economy

  6. 粗放的经济增长方式

    extensive mode in economic growth

  7. 从粗放经济转变为集约经济

    Shift from extensive economy to intensive economy

  8. 从粗放经营转为集约经营

    shift from extensive management to intensive management

  9. 她有一种粗放勇敢的气质。

    There was a foundation of wildness and bravery in her.

  10. 促进经济由粗放经营向集约经营转变

    bring about a change from extensive to intensive management of the economy

  11. 促进整个经济由粗放经营向集约经营转变。

    To bring about a change from extensive to intensive management of the economy as a whole.

  12. 这样低得容积率是很不经济得, 粗放式得。

    This rate is very low volume of economic and extensive.

  13. 这样低的容积率是很不经济的, 粗放式的。

    This rate is very low volume of economic and extensive.

  14. 经济增长方式从粗放型到集约型转变

    Form of economic growth changing from the extensive to the intensive type

  15. 他外表粗放, 但其实是个用心细腻的人。

    Beneath his bluff exterior he was really quite a sensitive man.

  16. 粗放经营越来越不适应现在的科技时代了。

    Extensive farming is becoming more and more unsuitable for the present technological era.

  17. 管理粗放到集约三招并举定乾坤

    Three Measures to Change the Extensive Management into Intensive Management

  18. 地方间竞争与粗放式增长方式的形成

    Relationship Between Regional Competition and Extensive Economy

  19. 关于企业从粗放型经营向集约型经营的转变

    On Managerial Change From Extensive Pattern to Intensive Pattern

  20. 这些庭园是整齐有序和天然粗放的完美结合。

    The grounds were a perfect balance between neatness and natural wildness.

  21. 通信行业如何实现从粗放到集约的转变

    How to Shift from Extensive Operation to Intensive Operation in the Communications Industry.

  22. 导致失误的主要原因,是这些公司的投资管理粗放。

    The main reason of misplay is that these companies rough investing management.

  23. 因此, 计划经济时代下的粗放经营模式已被淘汰。

    Therefore, the extensive mode of operation has been eliminated under the planned economy era.

  24. 经济系统集约度与粗放度的评价模型及应用

    Evaluation Model and Application of Intensive Degree and Extensive Degree in Economic System

  25. 我们正在试图从从粗放型经济朝着集约型经济转变。

    We are trying to swtich our economic growth mode from extensive to intensive.

  26. 生产经营管理粗放, 同类产品在低水平上重复建设。

    Extensive production and management, similar products at a low level repeated construction.

  27. 要从催收催种,简单粗放式的治理中解脱出来。

    Should from urge close urge kind, the disengagement in the management of simple type comes out.

  28. 美国经济在那时也主要基于重工业和粗放生产能力。

    The United States economy, at one time, was based on heavy industries and raw production capacity.

  29. 传统粗放的草原畜牧业生产经营方式已经难以为继。

    Traditional extensive grassland husbandry production and management mode can no longer be continued.

  30. 在稀植、管理粗放的桑园中,一般虫口密度较高。

    The density was fairly high especially in the mulberry fields without control.


  1. 问:粗放拼音怎么拼?粗放的读音是什么?粗放翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗放的读音是cūfàng,粗放翻译成英文是 extensive

  2. 问:粗放牧拼音怎么拼?粗放牧的读音是什么?粗放牧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗放牧的读音是cū fàng mù,粗放牧翻译成英文是 rough grazing

  3. 问:粗放农业拼音怎么拼?粗放农业的读音是什么?粗放农业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗放农业的读音是cū fàng nóng yè,粗放农业翻译成英文是 extensive farming

  4. 问:粗放经营拼音怎么拼?粗放经营的读音是什么?粗放经营翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗放经营的读音是cūfàng,粗放经营翻译成英文是 Agricultural production that features massiv...

  5. 问:粗放耕作拼音怎么拼?粗放耕作的读音是什么?粗放耕作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗放耕作的读音是cū fàng gēng zuò,粗放耕作翻译成英文是 bonanza farming

  6. 问:粗放饲养拼音怎么拼?粗放饲养的读音是什么?粗放饲养翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗放饲养的读音是cūfàngsìyǎng,粗放饲养翻译成英文是 extensive feeding

  7. 问:粗放放牧地拼音怎么拼?粗放放牧地的读音是什么?粗放放牧地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗放放牧地的读音是cū fàng fàng mù dì,粗放放牧地翻译成英文是 extensive pasture

  8. 问:粗放聚合酶链反应拼音怎么拼?粗放聚合酶链反应的读音是什么?粗放聚合酶链反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗放聚合酶链反应的读音是cū fàng jù hé méi liàn fǎn yìng,粗放聚合酶链反应翻译成英文是 robust PCR


