







汉语拼音:shén miào









  1. 帝王的宗庙。

    唐 李商隐 《南朝》诗:“敌国军营漂木柹,前朝神庙锁烟煤。”

  2. 犹佛寺。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·河水五》:“ 赵 建武 八年,比释 道龙 和 上竺 浮图澄 ,树德劝化,兴立神庙。”

  3. 称 宋神宗 赵顼 。

    宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷四:“且 英宗 受天下於 仁祖 ,故 神庙 所以养 慈圣光献 者备极隆厚。” 金 王若虚 《臣事实辨下》:“ 介甫 初以 唐 虞 之事责 神庙 ,以 皋 、 夔 、 稷 、 契 自任, 汉 唐 而下皆所不道,何其高也。”

  4. 称 明神宗 朱翊钧 。

    明 刘若愚 《酌中志·忧危竑议前纪》:“ 神庙 天性至孝,上事圣母,励精勤政。”



  1. He also constructed a number of chapels around the temple and erected massive statues of himself and of his beloved mother, Abar.


  2. His dream was, thAT Diana, the goddess of the Ephesians, appeared to him, and commanded him to go to her temple AT Ephesus.


  3. Their temples, roads, and dwelling places stretched across the breadth of the dark continent.


  4. I prefer to remember the Temple as it used to be; not the abomination it has become.


  5. People said that she was being brought up and educated in a religious house, where she was learning every royal virtue.


  6. Hindus had long claimed that the mosque had been built over the birthplace of a Hindu god, Ram, and a Hindu temple later dedicated to him.


  7. On account of Sri Ramakrishna's indifferent health, Mathur appointed this man to the office of priest in the Kali temple.


  8. But the recent digs have made the temple look much more active, increasing the likelihood that it was an important site in Cleopatra's day.


  9. The temple turned out to be that of Ceres, goddess of the harvest, who advised Psyche on how to get her husband back.


  1. 神庙图书馆

    hieron library.

  2. 奥里萨神庙

    Orissa temples.

  3. 罗马万神庙

    Pantheon, Rome.

  4. 花神庙花圃

    District Huashen Temple Flower Nursery.

  5. 福德正神庙

    Fu De Zheng Shen Miao.

  6. 赫卡忒的神庙。

    The Temple of Hecate.

  7. 赫卡忒的神庙。

    The Temple of Hecate.

  8. 雅典娜胜利神庙

    The Temple of Athena Nike

  9. 神庙就在附近。

    The temple is only a short distance away.

  10. 阿耳忒弥斯神庙

    Artemision of Ephesus

  11. 洛萨摧毁了诅咒神庙。

    Lothar destroys the Temple of the Damned.

  12. 阿尔忒弥斯神庙

    The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

  13. 大地之高等神庙

    High Temple of the Land

  14. 最后的神庙守卫者

    Last stand of the boneguard

  15. 澳门土地神庙初考

    Preliminary Study on Gnome in Macao

  16. 四海魁祠南海神庙

    Temple of Nanhai God, the sea god temple famous in China

  17. 供奉海洋女神的神庙

    a shrine dedicated to the sea goddess

  18. 你根本无法接近神庙。

    You won't even get near the temple.

  19. 你根本无法接近神庙。

    You won't even get near the temple.

  20. 以弗所的狄安娜神庙

    the Temple of Diana at Ephesus

  21. 神庙被地震震塌了。

    The temple was thrown down by the earthquake.

  22. 狼与逃进神庙的小羊。

    The Wolf and the Sheep Fleeing.

  23. 南海神庙铜鼓诗与铜鼓文化考

    A Textual Research on the Copper Drum Poem Engraved in the South Sea Temple

  24. 古埃及阿蒙神庙经济探微

    Economic Research to Oman Temples in Ancient Egypt

  25. 一天, 她来到一座破败的神庙。

    One day she fell upon a temple in disarray.

  26. 雅典卫城及帕提农神庙

    Acropolis of Athens and Parthenon

  27. 他们也在梦神庙里练习孕育。

    They also practiced incubation in dream temples.

  28. 他们可能发现雕像,神庙,硬币,陶器。

    They might find statues, temples, coins, pottery.

  29. 准备神龛,要你的手下撤离神庙。

    Prepare the shrine, clear your men from the temple.

  30. 山坡上有一些神庙, 纪念碑和剧院。

    On its Mopes were temples, monuments, and theaters.


  1. 问:神庙逃亡拼音怎么拼?神庙逃亡的读音是什么?神庙逃亡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神庙逃亡的读音是,神庙逃亡翻译成英文是 Temple Run

  2. 问:神庙遗址圣母堂拼音怎么拼?神庙遗址圣母堂的读音是什么?神庙遗址圣母堂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神庙遗址圣母堂的读音是,神庙遗址圣母堂翻译成英文是 Santa Maria sopra Minerva