


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà cháo






  1. 潮汐升降幅度逐日不同,朔、望日,由于日、月的引潮力作用最大,海水面升降也最大,称为大潮。但各地尚有其它复杂因素的影响,大潮不一定见于朔、望日,可能延迟两三天。常用作比喻,谓大规模的群众运动或大的趋势。

    朱自清 《论严肃》:“五卅事件掀起了反帝国主义的大潮,时代又沉重起来了。”



  1. The most wonderful gifts are about to be bestowed upon you, and come with the rising up of your consciousness.


  2. And the tide that has drowned even the best of Japan's companies will recede to leave the best still standing.


  3. 'Two or three years ago, fund mangers would not have called. Most were just looking to ride a bull market wave, ' he said.


  4. Mrs . Shi is a part of the Decoration revolution. Let's follow her to experiences the Decoration life.


  5. With great enthusiasm and sense of responsibility, thousands of educators will involve in the great tide of innovation.


  6. A future temporary networks would seem to run counter to the wave of mergers sweeping the global economy.


  7. Hope the information age and the tide Alibaba such a business platform, and across the country are good friends of the trade.


  8. With others by Intel and Oracle as well, the recent flush of acquisitions shows things are picking up for the software sector.


  9. While rich cities fret over a relatively modest ebb and flow of population, poor cities must cope with a tidal wave of migrants.


  1. 平均大潮差

    mean spring range.

  2. 大潮平均高高潮

    Mean higher high water spring

  3. 大潮平均高潮面

    MHWS Mean high water springs

  4. 印度洋大潮低潮面

    Indian spring low water

  5. 分点大潮高潮位

    high water equinoctial spring tide

  6. 大潮悬沙浓度大于小潮悬沙浓度。

    The spring tide suspended sediment concentration is bigger than that of the neap tide.

  7. 船员们在涨大潮时驾船出海。

    The crew got the ship under way at high tide.

  8. 为了抵御大潮,围了一排栅栏

    protected from spring tides by a palisade

  9. 其四,台风期间恰遇天文大潮。

    Fourth, typhoon period meets the astronomy flood tide exactly.

  10. 大潮加上强风引起了严重的水灾。

    High tides combined with strong winds caused severe flooding.

  11. 近代音乐救国大潮下的音乐审美诉求

    Aesthetic Appeal of Music in the Modern Patriotic Music Wave

  12. 大潮期间涨潮有悬沙浓度峰出现。

    Suspended sediment concentration peak will appear during the spring tidal period.

  13. 美国目前正处于企业 合并得大潮之中。

    The United States is in the of a merger wave.

  14. 然而, 在今天汹涌澎湃的经济改革大潮中。

    However, today the economy of billowy reforms spring tide in.

  15. 张謇与民初苏北沿海的移民大潮

    Zhang Jian and His Contributions to the Coastal Immigration in the North Jiangsu at the Beginning of the Republic of China

  16. 全日潮大潮对应于半日潮小潮,反之亦然。

    The diurnal springs correspond to the semidiurnal neaps and vice versa.

  17. 进步与善意的大潮似乎席卷了整个世界。

    A tide of progress and good sense seemed to be sweeping the whole world.

  18. 这是面对世俗大潮的最具挑战性的回应。

    This is the most challengeable response to the secular tide.

  19. 我们要如何利用 技术化大潮提供的机会呢

    We're about to ride the wave of technological opportunity.

  20. 在经济改革的大潮中, 企业得到了飞速的发展。

    In the tide of economic reform, enterprises have developed rapidly.

  21. 在新时期的经济大潮中,拥有主动权是关键。

    In the economic trend of the new era, having the initiative is the key.

  22. 在新时期的经济大潮中,拥有主动权是关键。

    In the economic trend of the new era, having the initiative is the key.

  23. 他的早年岁月随着人口西迁的大潮四处漂泊。

    He had spent his early years as a drifting particle in the general westward flow of the population.

  24. 在改革的大潮中做竞争的强者,提高自己的地位。

    In reformatory tide they should become the overmatch in competition to enhance their position.

  25. 因为大潮时他们有新船要在泰恩河下水?

    For they're launching a boat on the Tyne at high tide.

  26. 武屯中学将会在教育改革的大潮中勇往直前!

    So we are to advance bravely in the wave Of the education reform.

  27. 盐水在小潮期间向上游推进,在大潮期间向下游推移。

    The saltwater moves upstream during neap and downstream during spring tide.

  28. 地方政府部门正吃力地应付这股涌入的大潮。

    Local services are struggling to cope with the influx.

  29. 这两项建议书的伦理力量一如既往, 切合时代大潮。

    The moral force of these Recommendations remains as pertinent as ever.

  30. 成立的时间大多数在近几年院校合并的大潮之中。

    Most of time established is in the spring tide that the universities and colleges of nearly several years amalgamate.


  1. 问:大潮拼音怎么拼?大潮的读音是什么?大潮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大潮的读音是dàcháo,大潮翻译成英文是 spring tide; tidal bore

  2. 问:大潮流速拼音怎么拼?大潮流速的读音是什么?大潮流速翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大潮流速的读音是dà cháo liú sù,大潮流速翻译成英文是 spring rate

  3. 问:大潮潮差拼音怎么拼?大潮潮差的读音是什么?大潮潮差翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大潮潮差的读音是dà cháo cháo chā,大潮潮差翻译成英文是 spring range

  4. 问:大潮低潮面拼音怎么拼?大潮低潮面的读音是什么?大潮低潮面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大潮低潮面的读音是dà cháo dī cháo miàn,大潮低潮面翻译成英文是 low-water springs

  5. 问:大潮涨潮流拼音怎么拼?大潮涨潮流的读音是什么?大潮涨潮流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大潮涨潮流的读音是dà cháo zhǎng cháo liú,大潮涨潮流翻译成英文是 greater flood

  6. 问:大潮高潮面拼音怎么拼?大潮高潮面的读音是什么?大潮高潮面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大潮高潮面的读音是dà cháo gāo cháo miàn,大潮高潮面翻译成英文是 spring high-water

  7. 问:大潮最低低潮拼音怎么拼?大潮最低低潮的读音是什么?大潮最低低潮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大潮最低低潮的读音是dà cháo zuì dī dī cháo,大潮最低低潮翻译成英文是 lowest low-water springs

  8. 问:大潮极高水位拼音怎么拼?大潮极高水位的读音是什么?大潮极高水位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大潮极高水位的读音是dà cháo jí gāo shuǐ wèi,大潮极高水位翻译成英文是 Extreme High Water Level Spring Tides

  9. 问:大潮平均半潮差拼音怎么拼?大潮平均半潮差的读音是什么?大潮平均半潮差翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大潮平均半潮差的读音是dà cháo píng jūn bàn cháo chā,大潮平均半潮差翻译成英文是 half mean spring range