


1. 戏 [xì]2. 戏 [hū]戏 [xì]玩耍:游~。儿~。嬉~。~豫(嬉游逸乐)。二龙~珠。嘲弄,开玩笑:~言。~弄。~谑(用诙谐有趣的话开玩笑)。演员在舞台上化装表演故事的艺术:~剧。~文。~码(戏曲演出的节目)。~剧性。指具体剧……





汉语拼音:xì mǎ






  1. 戏曲演出的节目。

    老舍 《四世同堂》六三:“戏码相当的硬,倒第三是 文若霞 的《奇双会》,压轴是 招弟 的《红鸾禧》,大轴是名角会串《大溪皇庄》。” 阿英 《津平日记选·一九四九年七月九日》:“在楼下酒柜,开会讨论 怀仁堂 戏码,并宴请 梅兰芳 、 周信芳 …… 袁世海 等。”



  1. The only exception to this cliche proposal is if you forget to get a gift and need to think of something in a hurry.


  2. It's not unusual for judges to use harsh words about the contestants; or to cry over a contestant's performance; or even walk out.


  3. But for all the career carnage on show elsewhere, the tangible political damage wrought by the scandal has been slight so far.


  4. For many, the arrest of 12 Russian spies in the United States was a signal that the drama of the Cold War had returned as farce.


  5. Ever since then, the stories, one of Beijing opera works, have been passed on over two thousand years.


  6. As for the West, it cannot afford to let the dramas in Libya, Syria and Yemen lead to the neglect of Egypt.


  7. A logger had the drama of falling trees and power saws. I had the drama of getting up to go to the bathroom every few hours.


  8. Saturday's drama was hardly the ideal build-up to England's first game in the European Under-21 Championships.


  9. "Get back to work, Jamey, " Chappelle commanded, impatient with what he saw as the Loyal Staff act.


  1. 每天不变的戏码

    Punch and Judy from the other day.

  2. 他们开始玩弄这爱情的戏码

    The more they play this love charade

  3. 邪恶的戏码,你忘了什么吗?

    And evil, did you forget something?

  4. 邪恶的戏码,你忘了什么吗?

    And evil, Did you forget something?

  5. 邪恶的戏码,你忘了什么吗?

    And evil, did you forget something?

  6. 这张戏单子上写着今天的戏码。

    The plays to be performed are written on this list.

  7. 这张戏单子上写着今天的戏码。

    The plays to be performed are written on this list.

  8. 这张戏单子上写着今天得戏码。

    The plays to be performed are written on this list.

  9. 你俩这出浓情戏码,让我彻夜难免。

    This whole dating drama has been keeping me up at night.

  10. 你们能看到今天的埃及就是这出戏码。

    You can see this playing out today in Egypt.

  11. 他们对于正在咫尺之外上演的戏码似乎浑然不知。

    They seemed unaware of the drama being enacted a few feet away from them.

  12. 每天看四大天王加扁马王大战的戏码!

    See four major day of opera that the king adds a flat horse king to fight everyday!

  13. 刚退场的恐龙戏码,就比我们精彩有趣得多了。

    The former scene by dinosaur was more wonderful than human's.

  14. 被伪装成恐怖分子,上演了一出虚假反恐的戏码。

    that it can dress up as terrorists, in these types of sting operations.

  15. 首场表演的票销售一空, 这出戏成了热门的戏码。

    The first performance sold out, and the play became a hit.

  16. 首场表演得票销售一空,这出戏成了热门得戏码。

    The first performance sold out, and the play became a hit.

  17. 演出时间短,剧场小,今夜无人入眠的戏码立即上演。

    Short run, small theatre, the Nessun Dorma set were straight in.

  18. 配角也有出场的机会,你却抹杀掉了属于我的戏码。

    Supporting also have the chance to you but eliminated belongs to me and mesmerizing.

  19. 制作方也表示最终季同样会上演常规的15集戏码。

    A total of15 episodes will be shown in the final season as confirmed by the production house.


  1. 问:戏码拼音怎么拼?戏码的读音是什么?戏码翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戏码的读音是xìmǎ,戏码翻译成英文是 Program in a drama performance.