


1. 排 [pái]2. 排 [pǎi]排 [pái]除去,推开:~出。~斥。~水。~外。~挤。~山倒海。~忧解难。摆成行列:~列。~队。~字。~印。~笔。~场。排成的行列:~头。前~。军队的编制单位,“班”的上一级。练习演戏:~戏。竹或木……





汉语拼音:pái dàng






排档 [pái dàng]
  1. 用来控制汽、机车改变马力、行车速度或倒车的装置。




  1. The bike has no chains or gears, making hills extremely difficult to climb and dangerous to descend due to its small brake.


  2. Car collectors and enthusiasts bemoan the demise of the stick, and some are trying to fight the trend.


  3. I can't put it in gear. Let's give it a spin.


  4. Traders Hotel in actually has such a restaurant similar to food stalls, the CBD residents are profusely blessed.


  5. Red of a fist clutching the shift, the red flush of his cheeks.


  6. a protective covering, especially a sheath to enclose the base of a floor-mounted gear shift lever in a CAR or truck.


  7. "I tried to warn you, " he shouted over the sound of gnashing gears. "I drive an automatic! "


  8. Did you know your Part Number? Maybe one of the two is your need.


  9. OK. Relax. This car is an automatic, so you don't have to worry about a clutch.


  1. 排档磨损了。

    The gears have been worn out.

  2. 手排档变速箱

    manual transmission.

  3. 我不喜欢排档车。

    I don't care for stick shift cars.

  4. 拆卸排档器把手。

    Remove shifter knob.

  5. 我较喜欢手排档的。

    I prefer the manual.

  6. 就是这儿的海鲜夜排档。

    Thats the nighttime sidewalk seafood stalls.

  7. 他喜欢去大排档吃小吃。

    He likes to eat snacks in a street restaurants.

  8. 从第一排档转到第二排档

    Shift from the first gear to the second gear

  9. 我想要自动排档的车。

    I'd prefer a car with an automatic.

  10. 停车时应该把排档脱开。

    Disengage the gears when you park the car.

  11. 你认为他找到排档杆了么?

    Do you think he's found the gear lever?

  12. 也许, 我们是工作上的排档。

    Perhaps, we are the gear which works.

  13. 大多数汽车有四个前进排档。

    Most cars have four forward gears.

  14. 他把汽车排档从3档降为2档。

    He kicked the car down from third to second.

  15. 当你停放车辆时, 要将排档松开。

    Disengage the gears when you park the car.

  16. 它有点象大排档,但锅贴物美价廉。

    It looks like a greasy spoon but the potstickers are great and the price is cheap.

  17. 清真寺后面的清真小吃排档生意红红火火。

    Behind the mosque, halal snack stalls do brisk business.

  18. 排档杆头上设有容置套管的容置槽。

    A containing groove for containing the casing pipe is arranged on the gear shift rod head.

  19. 我喜欢大排档, 喜欢在可能的情况下坐地铁。

    I love my hawker food and like taking the train when possible.

  20. 一种具有锁具的按压式排档杆头。

    The utility model relates to a press type gear shift rod head with a lockset.

  21. 你认为哪一位技师修手排档最好呢?

    Who do you think is the best mechanic for standard transmissions?

  22. 你还继续找变速排档, 你的脚还是想找离合器。

    You to reach the gearshift and your foot still tries to find the clutch pedal.

  23. 父亲和儿子就在夜排档展开了一段对话。

    Father and son at night started a dialogue with gear.

  24. 他们能去拿武器,或动排档,把车当成武器使用。

    They can reach for a weapon or the gear shift, which can turn the car into a weapon.

  25. 这儿, 我们经常去夜排档或自助餐厅吃还海鲜。

    Here we usually go to eat seafood at a night food stall or in a buffet.

  26. 这辆车是自动换挡, 所以你不必顾虑排档杆。

    This car is an automatic, so you don't have to worry about a clutch.

  27. 而我们, 每天吃连大排档的员工餐都不如的饭菜!

    Our daily food stall to eat the staff meal even not as good as the meal!

  28. 你必须用手改换这部车的排档,因它不是自动的。

    You have to change gear manually in this car; it's not automatic.

  29. 李先生向宾利汽车订了一个备用的排档杆头。

    Mr. Lee ordered a spare knob from Bentley Motors.

  30. 每一个排档间饰皆被使用于浮雕雕塑的嵌板。

    Each metope was occupied by a panel of relief sculpture.


  1. 问:排档拼音怎么拼?排档的读音是什么?排档翻译成英文是什么?

    答:排档的读音是páidàng,排档翻译成英文是 A row of market stalls at the roadside or in a squa...



现代意义“排档”是个来自广东的词汇,指敞开式的简易大众就餐场所。然而,这种叫法很可能是一种古代腐败的遗迹。历史由来根据发现的南宋宫廷菜单考证,皇宫里连肉也不是每天都有的。有时,宫廷侍官们就自己掏腰包,请皇帝、贵族、大臣吃饭。一下子竟形成风气,由于是轮流请客,排队当值,称为“排当”。 排挡刚开始时当然是自己掏腰包或找地方报销,到宋理宗的时候,开始拿到中央和各级财政的金库报销了。当时广东经略使陈宗礼调任枢密院签事,就是从军区指挥官调到统帅部当高级助理,看到这种“腐败”现象,十分不满。