




1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……



汉语拼音:niǔ zhuǎn









  1. 掉转。

    《水浒传》第九九回:“﹝ 花荣 ﹞扭转身躯,覷定 冯翊 较亲,只一箭,正中 冯翊 面门。” 赵树理 《小二黑结婚》一:“ 二诸葛 翻了他一眼,扭转头返回去了。” 茹志鹃 《新当选的团支书》:“ 小何 茫然地站了一会,就扭转身向外跑。”

  2. 纠正或改变事物的发展方向或不正常的情况。

    《太平天囯诗歌选·快跟朝贵去六窑》:“想喫龙眼不怕远,想喫仙桃不怕高;想要乾坤得扭转,快跟 朝贵 去 六窑 。” 康濯 《水滴石穿》第五章:“咱们先扭转群众中的坏影响。”



  1. While Kirk acknowledged that this approach 'hasn't turned the public sentiment. . . at least we have a good story to tell. '


  2. Greece has formally asked for the activation of an EU-IMF financial rescue package to help pull the debt-ridden economy out of its crisis.


  3. With this build order, an opponent who goes for a fast Warp Sphere build order is going to gain early Seekers, which can be a problem.


  4. The new campaign is aimed at overturning this guilt, at getting everyone to realize that Windows Vista is nothing to be ashamed of.


  5. Eg. He never knew when everything was lost, and if it was, he would turn the table.


  6. " papa , we are late , " said princess ellen , turning her lovely head on her statuesque shoulders as she waited at the door.


  7. The movie centres on a couple of gamblers who head to Las Vegas in an attempt to turn their fortunes around.


  8. Alter destiny? You believe that? You know, that was out of your control. The only thing you can control are your own choices.


  9. Mr. Obama said it might be possible, noting the outreach program in Iraq helped turn around the course of the war.


  1. 睑板后扭转

    retrotorsion of tarsus.

  2. 扭转防震器

    torsion balancer.

  3. 扭转湿度计

    torsion hygrometer.

  4. 扭转固有频率

    torsional natural frequency.

  5. 扭转预拱度

    torsion precamber.

  6. 扭转矫直机

    torsion stretcher.

  7. 扭转后屈曲

    Torsional postbuckling.

  8. 他扭转船头。

    He turned the boat around.

  9. 扭转弹性模量

    modulus of torsion.

  10. 乙状结肠扭转

    volvulus of sigmoid

  11. 常合并肠扭转。

    Often merges the volvulus.

  12. 卵巢肿瘤蒂扭转

    Twisted pedicle of ovarian tumor

  13. 她突然扭转身子。

    Suddenly, she turned round.

  14. 你们扭转了人生

    that you turned your lives around.

  15. 使快速旋转扭转。

    To cause to rotate swiftly twirl.

  16. 肠扭转为肠发生扭转。

    Volvulus is a twisting of the bowel.

  17. 迷宫,扭转和盘旋。

    Labyrinths, whirls and spirals.

  18. 他们扭转了局面。

    They turned the situation around for the better.

  19. 小角扭转晶界

    small angle twist boundary.

  20. 中肠扭转矫正术

    Correction of midgut volvulus

  21. 弯曲弯曲或扭转的动作

    The act of twisting or turning.

  22. 盲肠扩张可导致扭转

    Dilation may lead to torsion

  23. 扭转式检流计

    torsion galvanometer.

  24. 救出险球, 扭转败局

    to save a game

  25. 这种局面必须加以扭转。

    This needs to be reversed.

  26. 这种局面必须加以扭转。

    This needs to be reversed.

  27. 我们必须扭转这个趋势。

    We have to turn that around.

  28. 吉夫斯扭转乾坤。

    Jeeves does the trick.

  29. 你真的扭转了人生

    And you really turned your life around.

  30. 并且试着去扭转局面!

    And try to turn the tables!


  1. 问:扭转拼音怎么拼?扭转的读音是什么?扭转翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转的读音是niǔzhuǎn,扭转翻译成英文是 turn … around

  2. 问:扭转仪拼音怎么拼?扭转仪的读音是什么?扭转仪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转仪的读音是niǔ zhuǎn yí,扭转仪翻译成英文是 twist drill gage

  3. 问:扭转功拼音怎么拼?扭转功的读音是什么?扭转功翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转功的读音是niǔ zhuǎn gōng,扭转功翻译成英文是 torsional work

  4. 问:扭转度拼音怎么拼?扭转度的读音是什么?扭转度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转度的读音是niǔ zhuǎn dù,扭转度翻译成英文是 wheel rotation

  5. 问:扭转式拼音怎么拼?扭转式的读音是什么?扭转式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转式的读音是niǔ zhuǎn shì,扭转式翻译成英文是 twist system

  6. 问:扭转摔拼音怎么拼?扭转摔的读音是什么?扭转摔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转摔的读音是niǔ zhuǎn shuāi,扭转摔翻译成英文是 twisting throw

  7. 问:扭转数拼音怎么拼?扭转数的读音是什么?扭转数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转数的读音是niǔ zhuǎn shù,扭转数翻译成英文是 twisting number

  8. 问:扭转波拼音怎么拼?扭转波的读音是什么?扭转波翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转波的读音是niǔ zhuǎn bō,扭转波翻译成英文是 torsional wave

  9. 问:扭转流拼音怎么拼?扭转流的读音是什么?扭转流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转流的读音是niǔ zhuǎn liú,扭转流翻译成英文是 torsional flow

  10. 问:扭转的拼音怎么拼?扭转的的读音是什么?扭转的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转的的读音是niǔ zhuǎn de,扭转的翻译成英文是 torsional

  11. 问:扭转组拼音怎么拼?扭转组的读音是什么?扭转组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转组的读音是niǔ zhuǎn zǔ,扭转组翻译成英文是 torsion group

  12. 问:扭转角拼音怎么拼?扭转角的读音是什么?扭转角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转角的读音是niǔ zhuǎn jiǎo,扭转角翻译成英文是 torsion angle

  13. 问:扭转谱拼音怎么拼?扭转谱的读音是什么?扭转谱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转谱的读音是niǔ zhuǎn pǔ,扭转谱翻译成英文是 torsional spectrum

  14. 问:扭转轴拼音怎么拼?扭转轴的读音是什么?扭转轴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转轴的读音是niǔ zhuǎn zhóu,扭转轴翻译成英文是 twist coordinate

  15. 问:扭转钳拼音怎么拼?扭转钳的读音是什么?扭转钳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转钳的读音是niǔ zhuǎn qián,扭转钳翻译成英文是 twisting plier

  16. 问:扭转锁拼音怎么拼?扭转锁的读音是什么?扭转锁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转锁的读音是niǔ zhuǎn suǒ,扭转锁翻译成英文是 twist lock

  17. 问:扭转键拼音怎么拼?扭转键的读音是什么?扭转键翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转键的读音是niǔ zhuǎn jiàn,扭转键翻译成英文是 torquing key

  18. 问:扭转中心拼音怎么拼?扭转中心的读音是什么?扭转中心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转中心的读音是niǔ zhuǎn zhōng xīn,扭转中心翻译成英文是 torsional center

  19. 问:扭转亏损拼音怎么拼?扭转亏损的读音是什么?扭转亏损翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转亏损的读音是niǔ zhuǎn kuī sǔn,扭转亏损翻译成英文是 carry-back of losses

  20. 问:扭转位牙拼音怎么拼?扭转位牙的读音是什么?扭转位牙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扭转位牙的读音是niǔ zhuǎn wèi yá,扭转位牙翻译成英文是 torsiversion


