










汉语拼音:xī xiāng jì






  1. Romance of the Western Bower has been adapted for stage by many genres of traditional Chinese operas.


  2. The "Romance of West Chamber" exactly has never depleted glamour because of including and accumulating comedy in store.


  3. His two famous works are "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" and "The Story of the Western Chamber" .


  4. Jin Shengtan on Reading Romance of the Western Bower


  1. 西厢记诸宫调

    Zhu Gong Diao of Xixiangji.

  2. 西厢记中张珙形象异议

    Dissents on the Figure of ZHANG Gong in XiXiangJi

  3. 金圣叹说读西厢记

    Jin Shengtan on Reading Romance of the Western Bower

  4. 永济普救寺是西厢记。

    Yongji universalist Temple is Western Chamber.

  5. 论西厢记喜剧情节的构成特征

    On the Characteristics of Xi Xiang Jis Comic Plot

  6. 论西厢记中老夫人的艺术形象

    On the Art Figure of Lao Furen

  7. 西厢记牡丹亭女性意识之解读

    Interpretation to Feminine Awareness of The Romance of West Chamber and Peony Pavilion

  8. 明清昆曲西厢记音乐的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Musics in the Kunqu Opera the Western Chamber in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  9. 西厢记与红楼梦爱情主题的异同

    The Similarities and Differences of the Love Topics between A Dream of Red Mansions and The Romance of West Chamber

  10. 清红木雕玻璃浅刻西厢记插屏一对。

    A pair of rosewood woodcarving with glass carving, Qing Dynasty.

  11. 试论西厢记在明清时期的舞台演出

    The Performance of the Western Chamber in the Stage of Ming and Qing Dynasties

  12. 由莺莺传和西厢记看唐人婚姻门第观

    And Western Chamber looks at the Chinese marriage family status view by Hawk Hawk Biography

  13. 到了18世纪,文人们对西厢记故事已非常熟悉。

    And it was popular in literati in the18 th century.

  14. 专家们在校注西厢记中比较难懂的字句。

    Experts are collating and annotating difficult sentences in The Romance of West Chamber.

  15. 专家们在校注《西厢记》中比较难懂的字句。

    Experts are collating and annotating difficult sentences in The Romance of West Chamber.

  16. 画工与化工 论琵琶记与西厢记塑造人物的差别

    On the Difference in the Characterization of Pipa Story and Xixiang Story

  17. 第四章评价明清西厢记风格论及存在的问题。

    Chapter Four talked over the style criticism of The West Chamber in Ming and its remained questions.

  18. 他最有名的作品是梁山伯与祝英台和西厢记。

    His two famous works are Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai and The Story of the Western Chamber.

  19. 从读者反映论见英译西厢记中的文化因素的应对策略

    From Readers'Response To Explore Cultural Factors in Translation in Romance of the Western Bower

  20. 西厢记英译本赏析

    Appreciation and Comments on ?the English Version of the Romance of Western Bower

  21. 西厢记金评的叙事理论研究

    The Study of Narrative Theory about Jin Shengtan's Criticism in the West Chamber


  1. 问:西厢记拼音怎么拼?西厢记的读音是什么?西厢记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:西厢记的读音是Xīxiāngjì,西厢记翻译成英文是 Romance of the West Chamber