










  1. The woman was a Greek, of Syrophoenician origin. She asked him to cast the demon out of her daughter.


  2. When the Empire began exploiting the Wookiee homeworld, it was as if the giant people felt the pain inflicted upon Kashyyyk.


  3. Ithas every thing to do with you as a staff member, a Scientologist AND an inhabitant of this planet.


  4. "It was that, or else I had to give up being a Scientologist, " she says.


  5. A sacred and ancient Wookiee tradition is that of the honor family. An honor family comprises a Wookiee's closest friends and companions.


  6. The land we lived on was Cherokee land, allotted to my mother because of the Cherokee blood that flowed in her veins.


  7. Han and his Wookiee first mate and co-pilot Chewbacca had a variety of adventures throughout their long careers as smugglers.


  8. Though Wookiees can understand Basic, and other galactic languages, their limited vocal apparatus can only produce their native tongues.


  9. Now living in complete exile, Galen 's parents relocated to Kashyyyk, where they were befriended by the native Wookiees.


  1. 乙烯基人造革

    vinyl leather

  2. 腓尼基人古代腓尼基土著人或居民

    A native or inhabitant of ancient Phoenicia.

  3. 迦太基人受尽了饥馑之苦。

    The Carthaginians suffered horribly from famine.

  4. 腓尼基语古代腓尼基人讲的闪族语言

    The Semitic language of ancient Phoenicia.

  5. 古迦太基语古迦太基人所说的腓尼基方言

    The dialect of Phoenician spoken in ancient Carthage

  6. 字母被认定为是腓尼基人所创的。

    The alphabet is ascribed to the Phoenicians.

  7. 迦太基人的喀尔寇阿内城及其墓地

    Punic Town of Kerkuane and its Necropolis

  8. 迦太基人害怕了,他们得害怕是有道理得。

    The people of Carthage are afraid,and well they may be.

  9. 人们一般都说字母表是腓尼基人发明的。

    The alphabet is usually ascribed to the Phoenicians.

  10. 他可能是闪米特人的,也许他的祖先是腓尼基人。

    He may have had Semitic, perhaps Phoenician, ancestors.

  11. 钙钛锆石和榍石基人造岩石固化铀的研究

    Study on zirconolite and titanite synrocsolidification of uranium

  12. 他表示欢迎蒂朵女王迦太基人,他告诉他的冒险。

    He is welcomed by Dido, queen of Carthage, to whom he tells his adventures.

  13. 这一荒谬的命令使迦太基人从绝望中惊醒。

    This preposterous order roused the Carthaginians from despair.

  14. 这一荒谬得命令使迦太基人从绝望中惊醒。

    This preposterous order roused the Carthaginians from despair.

  15. 没有信义的具有被罗马人归于迦太基人的背信弃义特点的

    Having the character of treachery attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans.

  16. 汪达尔人在迦太基人观看马戏的时候夺取了迦太基城。

    The Vandals? They took Carthage when the locals were watching a circus.

  17. 他们采取了腓尼基人的第二种意见,现在挖得深些了。

    Then get a second opinion from the Phoenicians. It goes deeper.

  18. 我忘了切诺基人几千年前就开始使用手电了

    I forgot the cherokee had been using the flashlight for thousands of years

  19. 阿什托雷思古代叙利亚和腓尼基人的性爱与繁殖女神

    The ancient Syrian and Phoenician goddess of sexual love and fertility.

  20. 第二天,切罗基人莎被草草地埋了,咆哮营能提供的不过如此。

    The next day Cherokee Sal had such rude sepulture as Roaring Camp afforded.