


1. 降 [jiàng]降 [jiàng]下落,落下:下~。~旨。~临。~旗。空~。减低,贬抑:~低。~价。~职。~解(jiě)。~心相从(抵制自己心志以服从别人)。姓。基本字义● 降xiáng ㄒㄧㄤˊ投降,归顺:宁死不~。降服,使驯服。……


1. 服 [fú]2. 服 [fù]服 [fú]衣裳:~装。制~。穿衣裳:~丧。~用(a.指穿衣服、用器物;b.吃药)。作,担任:~务。~刑。~兵役。顺从:信~。佩~。降(xiáng )~。~辩(旧指认罪书)。~膺(牢记在胸中,衷心信服)。……



汉语拼音:xiáng fú








  1. 降服(xiáng fú)1.投降顺服,使投降顺服。

    《汉书·宣帝纪》:“夏五月, 羌 虏降服。”《东周列国志》第四回:“我等为他戍守,以拒 晋 兵,他又降服 晋国 ,显得我等无功了。” 巴金 《长生塔》:“因为皇帝的威武已经使邻国降服了。”

  2. 制服,使驯服。

    萧三 《祖国十年颂》:“他们很不习惯,他们实在惊慌: 中国 人竟会当家,团结得如铁如钢,戳穿了纸制老虎,降服了狐狸妖精。” 浩然 《艳阳天》第八五章:“ 马之悦 根本没往心里装这个,因为他有降服这个胖女人的办法;天一亮,这里的一切风波果然都云消雾散了。”

  3. 降服(jiàng fú)1.谓脱去上服以示谢罪。

    《左传·昭公十三年》:“既復,王问 犫 櫟 ,降服而对,曰:‘臣过失命,未之致也。’” 杜预 注:“降服,如今解冠也。谢违命。” 杨伯峻 注:“此降服亦请罪之表示,当同去上服之义,非 汉 晋 之免冠也。”

  4. 犹降物。谓穿素服。

    《左传·文公四年》:“ 楚 人灭 江 , 秦伯 为之降服,出次,不举,过数。” 杜预 注:“素服也。”《左传·成公五年》:“山有朽壤而崩,可若何?国主山川。故山崩川竭,君为之不举,降服,乘縵,彻乐,出次,祝币,史辞以礼焉。” 杜预 注:“降服,损盛服。” 杨伯峻 注:“即不着平常华丽衣服。”参见“ 降物 ”。

  5. 旧制。丧服降低一等为“降服”。如子为父母应服三年之丧,其已出继者,则为本生父母降三年之服为一年之服。



  1. Man needs to be alone with God, to yield himself to the presence and the power of His holiness, of His life and of His love.


  2. if it is indeed to meet the Holy One, and receive His full blessing, it must be with a heart wholly and singly given up to His will.


  3. William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, said, "The greatness of a man's power is in the measure of his surrender. "


  4. It is only as I acknowledge and yield to the power of the Spirit already in me that I can pray for His full manifestation.


  5. We don't realize how much God loves us, we want to control our own lives, and we misunderstand the meaning of surrender.


  6. A tithe is a surrender of our heart to Jesus. We surrender our finances to Him, we allow Him to chose what he is going to do with it.


  7. He also faced down powerful figures in the central government as he took on militias with powerful friends.


  8. Exhaustion of body had entirely subdued her spirit: our fiery Catherine was no better than a wailing child.


  9. Let us pray earnestly to be so filled with God's love that we may wholeheartedly surrender ourselves to win others for Him.


  1. 士兵们被迫降服。

    The men were forced into submission.

  2. 骑士们降服了敌人。

    The knights prevailed against their enemies.

  3. 降服于上帝就是得胜。

    Submitting ourselves to God is victorious.

  4. 我就得用巫术降服它。

    I'm stuck with the voodoo.

  5. 被推翻的总统被辩论降服。

    The overthrown president is overwhelmed by the controversy.

  6. 经过一场激战,敌人降服了。

    After a fierce fight, the enemy yielded.

  7. 信靠是降服的基本要素之一。

    Trust is an essential ingredient to surrender.

  8. 降服时表现一种俯卧的姿势。

    get into a prostrate position, as in submission.

  9. 降服的另外一个表现是信靠。

    Another aspect of a fully surrendered life is trust.

  10. 如果争胜代表一切,降服简直是不可思议。

    If winning is everything, surrendering is unthinkable.

  11. 降服不是最好的生活方式,乃是唯一的生活方式。

    Surrender is not the best way to live; it is the only way to live.

  12. 这些人物每一位都完全降服于神。

    Each of these people were fully surrendered to God.

  13. 要得到心灵的平静, 你必须对神降服。

    For contented spirit, you must yield to God.

  14. 只有当我们降服于试探时,试探才成为罪。

    Temptation only becomes a sin when you give in to it.

  15. 但是, 不到几天, 芳汀便把她们降服了。

    But in a few days Fantine disarmed them.

  16. 若我向神降服, 我将会做我喜爱做的事。

    If I surrender to God I ll be doing what I love to do.

  17. 菩萨降服了红孩儿, 把他带回南海。

    The goddess vanquished Red Boy and brought him to the South Sea.

  18. 第四个答案是, 降服在神得计画下。

    Answer number four is yield to God's plan.

  19. 第四个答案是,降服在神的计画下。

    Answer number four is yield to God's plan.

  20. 看着吧,侵略了他们,降服他们,夺走他们的资源

    Look, invade, subdue them, take their resources.

  21. 骄傲是阻碍我们完全降服的第二个因素。

    A second barrier to total surrender is our pride.

  22. 你愈知道神多么爱你, 就愈容易降服于他。

    The more you realize how much God loves you, the easier surrender becomes.

  23. 这种工艺能够降服一些冷冲压得典型难点。

    This process can overcome some of the typical difficulties associated with cold stamping.

  24. 这种工艺能够降服一些冷冲压的典型难点。

    This process can overcome some of the typical difficulties associated with cold stamping.

  25. 每个人最终都要降服于某人或某事。

    Everybody eventually surrenders to something or someone.

  26. 恐惧使我们不能降服,但爱能丢开一切的恐惧。

    Fear keeps us from surrendering, but love casts out all fear.

  27. 我们可以驯服太空,却降服不了本人的内口。

    We have conquered the outer space, but not our inner space.

  28. 诳骗胶印机组举行逆向上平, 降服了这个弊端。

    Using an press group in reverse, to overcome this shortcoming.

  29. 配置普通轮胎得车辆并不总是被大头钉降服。

    Even cars with ordinary tyres are not always incapacitated by the spikes.

  30. 配置普通轮胎的车辆并不总是被大头钉降服。

    Even cars with ordinary tyres are not always incapacitated by the spikes.


  1. 问:降服拼音怎么拼?降服的读音是什么?降服翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降服的读音是xiángfú,降服翻译成英文是 surrender

