


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:yǒu yáo






  1. 指 虞舜 。相传曾居 姚墟 ,因以为姓,故称。有,词头。

    明 夏完淳 《九哀·望首阳》:“驤龙首兮凌扶摇,叩 英皇 兮访 有姚 。”



  1. We are a good team without Yao, but we will be a GREAT team with him in the line up.


  2. When Yao heard that the " Yao Ming brand sanitary towel " was on China's market , he didn't know whether to laugh or to cry .


  3. Even if he isn't scoring, he's controlling the ball, setting up other players, and playing good D.


  4. Most of the ads featuring Mr. Yao that are to be aired during the Olympics have already been filmed, marketers say.


  5. You can't write the history of basketball without Yao Ming, and that's why his legacy ought to someday be recognized in Springfield.


  6. As you can see, we're choosing to think positively about the Rockets, who somehow have gone 20-10 without Yao.


  7. I am pride of this team, without Yao, they played jazz like this, no reason to complain.


  8. With or without Yao, the Rockets shape up as one of the league's most versatile teams.


  9. Chinese fans love Yao Ming to the degree these you be to try to watch any match these Yao Ming competes in.


  1. 好吧,说不定我那天有姚明高。

    Well, maybe I was a Yao Ming high.

  2. 布林如果能有姚明那样努力, 他就能很出色。

    Breen If he gets the work ethic of Yao Ming, hell be a great player.

  3. 记者们感兴趣的还有姚明对参加北京奥运会的感受。

    Reporters are also interested in Yao Ming of the Beijing Olympic Games experience.

  4. 记者们感兴趣得还有姚明对参加北京奥运会得感受。

    Reporters are also interested in Yao Ming of the Beijing Olympic Games experience.

  5. 姚的女人穿的紧身衣有什么问题吗?

    Whats up with the skin tight pants yao's lady wearing

  6. 姚明有很多时间休息, 恢复了能量。

    Yao had lots of time to rest and get his energy back.

  7. 该死!姚明回来吧, 8分得领先优势只有3分啦!

    Damn, Yao goes out, 8 pt lead is down to 3.

  8. 该死!姚明回来吧,8分的领先优势只有3分啦!

    Damn,Yao goes out, 8 pt lead is down to 3.

  9. 有了姚明,我觉得我们会迎来连胜。

    With Yao Ming, I know we will go on a winning streak.

  10. 河流主要有涑水河和姚暹渠,均为季节性河流。

    Major rivers have Yao Su Siam River and drainage are seasonal rivers.

  11. 什么罢工委员会里, 除了姚金凤, 还有些什么人?

    Have you found out who's on this strike committee, or whatever it is, besides her ?

  12. 然而连续3个有问题的判罚吹给了姚明。

    Then there it was, three questionable calls in a row against Yao.

  13. 看!姚明又扣篮得分了!太有王者霸气了!

    Look! Yao dunks and scores again! What a power play this is!

  14. 如果你有机会见到姚明, 你会对他说什么

    If Yao Ming was here today, what would you say to him

  15. 姚刚表示, 创业板企业将来有可能升级到主板。

    Gang expresses, board the enterprise upgrades likely in the future board.

  16. 那里有很多华裔球迷,但他们不会象这样打搅姚。

    There are a lot of Chinese fans there, and they wouldn't bother Yao like that.

  17. 如果有机会, 我想请姚明在我的篮球上签名。

    If I had the chance, I would like to ask Yaoming to autograph my basketball.

  18. 姚明有刚性的一面, 在他内心深处, 在他精神的尖峰。

    Yaos not Kareem, but there is nothing wrong with grace, and it does not preclude real toughness, the kind found in ones heart and mind.

  19. 姚明罚球是有点不紧不慢的, 不过这是他的风格呀。

    Yao Ming should just take his free throw and get on with the game.

  20. 有两次姚明没能接住传球, 于是球被抄截了。

    Twice Yao failed to meet entry passes the ball was stolen away.

  21. 姚明今天受困的部分问题是犯规过多, 他只有6次出手。

    Part of the problem was that, despite the foul trouble, Yao had just six shots from the field.

  22. 是得,只需要把姚明作为进攻得枢纽,立刻就会有改观。

    Yeah, just use Yao as the pivot in offense. It makes a prompt change!

  23. 是的,只需要把姚明作为进攻的枢纽,立刻就会有改观。

    Yeah, just use Yao as the pivot in offense. It makes a prompt change!

  24. 你看到阿德在比赛中有针对姚明制定的战术吗?

    Did you see RA had a plan to run through Yao in the game

  25. 主要内容有第一部分叙述姚雪垠书系编纂出版的背景。

    The main content includes The first part narrates the background of Yao Xueyin Anthologys compilation and publication.

  26. 真的?那你今天有机会亲眼见到姚明。终于如愿以偿了。

    Really? You get an opportunity to see him in person today. You must be very satisfied.

  27. 真得?那你今天有机会亲眼见到姚明。终于如愿以偿了。

    Really ?You get an opportunity to see him in person today. You must be very satisfied.

  28. 上周去了余姚, 发现当地的出租车竟然也有不少的帕萨特。

    Went last week more than Yao, the taxi discovers place also has not little Pasate actually.

  29. 我认为有一个人和姚明有许多相似之处, 那就是曼宁。

    One person I see most similarity with Yao is Petre Manning.

  30. 今天中午在电视上, 将要有一场篮球比赛, 届时你将看到姚明。

    There will be a basketball match on TV at noon. You'll see Yao Ming.