







汉语拼音:kuò qì








  1. 豪华奢侈。

    萧红 《小城三月》:“在这一年中,妹妹大大地阔气了起来。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第一幕:“ 凤儿 ,你不要看这样阔气的房子,哼,这都是矿上压死的苦工人给换来的!” 草明 《乘风破浪》十八:“真没想到这样一个小城市是那么阔气的,灯火赛过 上海 啦。”

  2. 有气派;有声势。

    鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·阿长与<山海经>》:“ 长妈妈 ,已经说过,是一个一向带领着我的女工,说得阔气一点,就是我的保姆。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·随便翻翻》:“听说‘我们’的 成吉思汗 征服 欧洲 ,是‘我们’最阔气的时代。”



  1. The poor fellow went broke because his wife was always trying to keep up with the Joneses.


  2. It was strange to see him, after all these years, here on the platform of Euston, looking so prosperous and solid.


  3. They were all too fat and sleek and too pleased with themselves.


  4. Riding here in the powerful car with this white man who was so pleased with what he called his fate, I felt a sense of dread.


  5. The flamboyant, MIT-educated entrepreneur founded and runs one of China's two biggest Internet portals, Sohu. com.


  6. I was strolling along the Boulevard Beaumarchais, rich by a hundred francs or so which my wife had frantically cabled from America.


  7. Yeah, we on the aging King charming, a piece of pure cashmere three set, fifteen thousand, is rich in many.


  8. tom had no handkerchief , and he looked upon boys who had , as snobs.


  9. He had many an anecdote of the gilded youth of his time.


  1. 不屑于炫耀阔气。

    As it scorns flaunting ones prosperity.

  2. 他爱摆阔气。

    He likes to throw his money about.

  3. 他们摆阔气讲排场。

    They put on the ritz.

  4. 你在钱上真是阔气。

    You are naughty about money.

  5. 韦斯顿先生阔气了。

    Weston had realized an easy competence.

  6. 这个女孩喜欢摆阔气。

    This girl likes to put on the dog.

  7. 约翰从来不炫富摆阔气。

    John never puts on the dog to show off his money.

  8. 我看他们算不上阔气。

    I wouldn't say they were rich, ie In my opinion they aren't rich.

  9. 交际场上的阔气我不希罕。

    That society stuff don't impress me.

  10. 我们要杜绝摆阔气的流行病。

    We should put an end to the prevalent social evil of parading one's wealth.

  11. 他可是喜欢在同事面前摆阔气。

    But he liked to impress his fellow workers.

  12. 仅为摆阔气而戴贵重的手表。

    Wear an expensive watch just for swank.

  13. 二进院子里阔气古老的石牌坊。

    The second yard, the ancient stone torii.

  14. 但他总喜欢在同事面前摆阔气。

    But he liked to impress his fellow workers.

  15. 他有许多他那时代的阔气少爷们的笑谈。

    He had many an anecdote of the gilded youth of his time.

  16. 倒是关于你可以比左邻右舍更阔气了。

    This is about outdoing the joneses.

  17. 梅布尔得朋友们怂恿她花钱摆阔气。

    Her friends egged on Mabel to spend money to show off.

  18. 梅布尔的朋友们怂恿她花钱摆阔气。

    Her friends egged on Mabel to spend money to show off.

  19. 确实如此。况且他还想跟邻居比阔气。

    That's true. And he tries to keep up with the Joneses.

  20. 她住在豪华的旅馆里,过得真阔气。

    She stayed in an expensive hotel and really lived in style.

  21. 我们得宣传也总是讲我们国家多么漂亮, 多么阔气。

    In addition, our propagandists are always saying that our country is very beautiful and wealthy.

  22. 我们的宣传也总是讲我们国家多么漂亮,多么阔气。

    In addition, our propagandists are always saying that our country is very beautiful and wealthy.

  23. 他们全都长得太胖, 太时髦阔气, 而且过于沾沾自喜。

    They were all too fat and sleek and too pleased with themselves.

  24. 要想过阔气日子没有点机灵劲儿哪儿行呢?

    You got to be a smart apple if you want to live big.

  25. 最近他亏损了不少钱, 但他仍然装得很阔气得样子。

    He has lost a lot of money recently but still keeps up appearances.

  26. 还有名目繁多的办节, 庆典活动, 比阔气, 讲排场

    Festivals and ceremonies of every conceivable description are celebrated, during which the hosts vie with one another for lavishness.

  27. 英语真是有趣,竟然把狗和摆阔气联系上了,呵呵!

    The ENGLISH is very laughably, make the dog with extravagant contact unexpectedly! he he!

  28. 我母亲和别人串通,把他杜撰成一个阔气的商人。

    My mother colluded in the myth of him as the swanky businessman.

  29. 最近他亏损了不少钱,但他仍然装得很阔气的样子。

    He has lost a lot of money recently but still keeps up appearances.

  30. 人人都说他们从来没看到穿得比这更阔气的姑娘。

    Everyone said they had never seen a girl more richly dressed.


  1. 问:阔气拼音怎么拼?阔气的读音是什么?阔气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阔气的读音是kuòqi,阔气翻译成英文是 extravagant



例句:萧红 《小城三月》:“在这一年中,妹妹大大地阔气了起来。”