


1. 应 [yīng]2. 应 [yìng]应 [yīng]该,当,又引申料想理该如此:~当。~该。~分(fèn )。~有尽有。回答:答~。喊他不~。~承。随,即:“桓督诸将周旋赴讨,~皆平定”。姓。应 [yìng]回答或随声相和:~答。呼……


1. 许 [xǔ]2. 许 [hǔ]许 [xǔ]应允,认可:~可。允~。特~。承认其优点:赞~。嘉~。预先答应给与:~诺。女方接受男方求亲:~配。~嫁。以身相~。或者,可能:也~。或~。处,地方:何~人。表示约略估计的词:几~。少~。这样:……



汉语拼音:yīng xǔ









  1. 答应,允许。

    清 李渔 《意中缘·设计》:“你就要辞也辞不脱了,落得做个人情,应许了罢。” 庐隐 《两个小学生》:“还有他爹纵着他,说甚么请愿是法律应许的行为,不能干涉啦。” 冰心 《斯人独憔悴》:“看他们请愿的条件,哪一条是办得到的?就是都办得到,政府也决然不肯应许,恐怕启学生干政之渐。”



  1. But God invites this sinning nation to come and talk the matter over and makes a wonderful promise.


  2. The implied promise evidently was that of life raised to its highest development of perennial bliss and glory.


  3. And he said unto them, Behold, the king's son shall reign, as the LORD hath said of the sons of David.


  4. not one of them will ever see the land I promised on oath to their forefathers. No one who has treated me with contempt will ever see it.


  5. Notice what he's doing here, he differentiates the law from promise, which would be very odd coming for a Jew at the time.


  6. Christ made several promises while He was here on earth. He said He would rise again.


  7. It was a tree that God promised Ezekiel that He would raise up to represent His Kingdom.


  8. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God shall call.


  9. These people were in the land God had promised, but did not know the full joy and experience of it all.


  1. 旧约早有应许

    Because of the Promises of the Old Testament.

  2. 他应许明天来谈。

    He agreed to come and talk it over with us tomorrow.

  3. 精灵应许我三个愿望。

    The genie granted me three wishes.

  4. 精灵应许我三个愿望。

    The genie granted me three wishes.

  5. 有进入他安息的应许。

    A promise remains of entering his rest.

  6. 神还要实现什么应许?

    Which promises does God still have to fulfil ?

  7. 神已经遵循了什么应许?

    Which promises has God already kept?

  8. 神已对你应许了吗?

    Has God made any promises to you?

  9. 苏珊应许了一份交易。

    Susan made a deal.

  10. 苏珊应许了一份交易。

    Susan made a deal.

  11. 寻求她,恋慕她应许的福分。

    Then seek, then court her for her promisd bliss.

  12. 神会遵守对他们的应许。

    God will then keep his promises to them.

  13. 行为之约和永生的应许

    The covenant of Works and the Promise of Eternal Life

  14. 他们进去了, 他们占据了应许地。

    They took over the Promised Land.

  15. 祂应许会垂听我们的祷告。

    He gives us the assurance of answers to our prayers.

  16. 摩西眼中的应许之地

    Land of promise in the eyes of Moses

  17. 但这福是带着应许的。

    But the blessing involves a promise.

  18. 这是一个有条件的应许。

    This is a conditional promise.

  19. 我们得政府不应许自由铸币。

    Our government permits of no freecoinage.

  20. 我们的政府不应许自由铸币。

    Our government permits of no freecoinage.

  21. 喔,我的灵啊,多麽宝贵的应许!

    O my soul, what a promise is this!

  22. 谁应许他把写字台搬走的?

    Who gave him permission to move the desk?

  23. 他应许我的,也给我成就了。

    He has spoken to me, and he himself has done this.

  24. 你会在衪的应许中找到安慰!

    You shall find comfort in His promise!

  25. 神的应许不是一张空白支票。

    God's promise is not blank check promise.

  26. 神得应许不是一张空白支票。

    God's promise is not blank check promise.

  27. 我们应许你适才所说的意见。

    We go down with whthroughout you said just now.

  28. 盼望是基于对神应许得期望。

    Hope an expectation based on the promises of God.

  29. 盼望是基于对神应许的期望。

    Hope an expectation based on the promises of God.

  30. 上帝应许我们活著到达那里吧。

    God grant that we get there alive.


  1. 问:应许拼音怎么拼?应许的读音是什么?应许翻译成英文是什么?

    答:应许的读音是yīngxǔ,应许翻译成英文是 to promise; to agree; to permit


读音:应许(yīng xǔ) ㄧㄥ ㄒㄩˇ。 注释:应许:答应,允许。