



1. 宿 [sù]2. 宿 [xiǔ]3. 宿 [xiù]宿 [sù]住,过夜,夜里睡觉:住~。留~。露~。~舍(shè)。~营。年老的,长久从事某种工作的:~将(经验丰富的老将)。~儒。名~。平素,素有的:~愿。~志。~疾。~敌。~心。隔……





汉语拼音:sù dí








  1. What better ending than to have your hands around the neck of your mortal enemy, and both of you fall to your death?


  2. The two fierce rivals, known as the "Battling Begums" and heirs to political dynasties, were freed to contest the long-delayed election.


  3. In both Cuba and Iran, moreover, the US and its does have real interests in common, so a warming of relations is at least possible.


  4. Missile and nuclear tests were a weird way to greet a new US president ready to reach out to old foes.


  5. When the new ruler came to power, he made peace with all his former enemies.


  6. After a nose out in semifinal against Iran, Iranian coach said in a recalcitrant manner: " you are living on your old players. "


  7. The Radicals, their traditional rivals, had the misfortune to be in office during the crash, and voters have never forgiven them.


  8. It depend on Obama's government policy of "made more good friends, reduce old hatred" do not oppose by the congress and opposition party.


  9. It's the second such visit to the U. S. Navy's hulking carrier in as many years and a symbol of the former does' warming military ties.


  1. 不共戴天的宿敌

    an implacable enemy

  2. 新友宿敌勿轻信。

    Never trust much to a new friend, or an old enemy.

  3. 谁,哥斯拉的宿敌

    Who? It's Godzilla's nemesis.

  4. 不轻信新知, 也不轻信宿敌。

    Trust not a new friend, nor an old enemy.

  5. 保罗和他是宿敌。

    Paul and he were confirmed enemies

  6. 波斯王子宿敌之剑

    Prince Of Persia Rival Swords

  7. 我最终报复了我的宿敌。

    I finally settled with my old enemy.

  8. 某位宿敌正在攻击我们。

    We are under attack from an old enemy.

  9. 他对宿敌的仇恨仍然十分强烈。

    The antagonism he felt towards his old enemy was still very strong.

  10. 这是激励的竞争, 同时, 是朋友也是宿敌。

    That's fierce competition, and that, my friends, is a rivalry.

  11. 我们将和宿敌交战而且会打败他们的。

    We will battle with our old enemies and defeat them.

  12. 我想问问世人威胁和势力, 朋友还是宿敌?

    The danger and the power, the Friend and the foe.

  13. 肉煮两次就不香, 宿敌和解要提防。

    Take heed of enemies reconciled and of meat twice boiled.

  14. 明天我们要与我们得宿敌作战,并且要战胜他们。

    Tomorrow we shall battle with our old enemies and defeat them.

  15. 明天我们要与我们的宿敌作战,并且要战胜他们。

    Tomorrow we shall battle with our old enemies and defeat them.

  16. 先决条件真眼魔,或必须以异怪为宿敌。

    Prerequisite True beholder or must have aberration as a favored enemy.

  17. 拿破伦策划对他的宿敌实施迅雷不及掩耳的打击。

    Napoleon planned to strike a quick blow at his old enemy.

  18. 拿破伦策划对他得宿敌实施迅雷不及掩耳得打击。

    Napoleon planned to strike a quick blow at his old enemy.

  19. 新的冲突爆发宿敌为争夺控制世界资源减少。

    New conflicts erupt as old enemies vie for control of the worlds diminished resources.

  20. 他们过五关斩六将,终于战胜了他们的宿敌。

    They battled many creatures and foes before defeating their archenemy. The Shredder.

  21. 有趣?湖人和凯尔特人?他们应该是宿敌吗,对吗

    Fun The Lakers and Celtics They're supposed to feud and fight, right

  22. 在此期间, 他摧毁了腓尼基, 该国是希腊商人的宿敌。

    In the meantime he had destroyed Phoenicia, the old rival of the Greek merchants.

  23. 国际政治中, 宿敌几乎可以在一夜间就成为盟友。

    In international politics inveterate enemies can become allies almost overnight.

  24. 里普利认为美国向他们的宿敌求助是不可思议的。

    Ripley thought it unimaginable that America should go to their old enemy for help.

  25. 宿敌一个竖琴手将能像巡林客那样选择一个宿敌。

    Favored Enemy A Harper selects a favored enemy just as a ranger does.

  26. 新统治者上台执政后, 他与一切宿敌都和解了。

    When the new ruler came to power, he made peace with all his former enemies.

  27. 这两个人是多年的宿敌, 一见面就怒目相视。

    Those two are old enemies who stare at each other in anger whenever they meet.

  28. 这两个人是多年的宿敌,一见面就怒目相视。

    Those two are old enemies who stare at each other in anger whenever they meet.

  29. 例如越南增加在南沙群岛的前哨,拉拢宿敌五角大楼。

    Vietnam, for one, is fortifying its outposts in the Spratly Islands and wooing its old enemy, the Pentagon.

  30. 尽管美日曾经是不共戴天的宿敌,但现在却成了亲密盟友。

    Though the United States and Japan had been bitter enemies, they became strong allies.


  1. 问:宿敌拼音怎么拼?宿敌的读音是什么?宿敌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宿敌的读音是sùdí,宿敌翻译成英文是 old enemy



“宿敌”是个多义词,它可以指宿敌(汉语词语), 宿敌(丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦执导电影), 宿敌(许嵩演唱歌曲)。