


1. 潼 [tóng]潼 [tóng]〔~关〕a.关名,在中国陕西省东部;b.地名,在中国陕西省东部。〔~~〕高的样子。……





汉语拼音:tóng guān






  1. 关隘名。古称 桃林塞 。

    东汉 时设 潼关 ,故址在今 陕西省 潼关县 东南,处 陕西 、 山西 、 河南 三省要冲,素称险要。 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·河水四》:“ 河 在 关 内,南流,潼激关山,因谓之 潼关 。” 唐 杜甫 《北征》诗:“ 潼关 百万师,往者散何卒。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第一卷第四章:“只要明天从 潼关 附近冲过去,到了 河南 ,官兵就再也包围不住咱们啦。”



  1. At the time of the Sian Incident the Kuomintang troops were mainly quartered east of it.


  2. This is online map of the address "Dai Zi Ying Xiang Chuan Cheng Zi Cun , Tongguan County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, China" .


  3. This is online map of the address "Cheng Guan Zhen Nan Zhai Zi Cun , Tongguan County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, China" .


  4. This is online map of the address "Nan Tou Xiang Shang Bei Tou Cun , Tongguan County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, China" .


  5. This is online map of the address "Gao Qiao Xiang Bu Shi He Cun , Tongguan County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, China" .


  6. This is online map of the address "Qin Dong Zhen Shi Li Pu Cun , Tongguan County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, China" .


  7. This is online map of the address "An Le Xiang Xi Tong Yu Cun , Tongguan County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, China" .


  8. New Anne woulds be a Tong pass after-approach Chang-an of end pass.


  9. Study on Relations Between "Storing Clear Water and Releasing the Muddy" Operation of Sanmenxia Reservoir and Elevation in Tongguan


  1. 潼关高程演变分析

    Analysis on Tongguan elevation evolvement

  2. 从历史看潼关高程变化

    Change in datum of Tongguan in the light of historical data

  3. 降低潼关高程途径的研究

    Investigation on approaches to lower water level at Tongguan station

  4. 潼关高程升高及其解决方法

    Raising of Water Level at Tongguan Station and Measures for Solving Problem

  5. 桃汛洪水对潼关高程作用分析

    Influence of spring flood on Tongguan Elevation

  6. 潼关吊机两用水文测量船设计

    Design of Hydrographic Survey Vessel with Suspend and Motor of Tongguan

  7. 潼关是黄河和渭水得会合处。

    Tong guan is the meeting of the Yellow River and the Wei River.

  8. 潼关是黄河和渭水的会合处。

    Tong guan is the meeting of the Yellow River and the Wei River.

  9. 郭线庐,男,1957年出生,陕西潼关人。

    Guo Xianlu, male, was born in1957 in Tongguan, Shaanxi.

  10. 潼关断面异重流特性及测验方法分析

    Analysis of the density current flow and the method of measurement

  11. 潼关高程对渭河下游泥沙冲淤影响研究

    Study on the impact of Tongguan riverbed elevation to the sediment of the downstream Weihe river

  12. 西安事变时, 国民党中央军驻在潼关以东。

    At the time of the Sian Incident the Kuomintang troops were mainly quartered east of it.

  13. 三门峡水库运用方式对潼关高程的影响

    The effect of operation of sanmenxia reservoir to tongguan bed level

  14. 对潼关高程抬升成因及控制措施的认识

    Thinking of raising reasons and controlling measures of elevation at Tongguan

  15. 三门峡水库淤积及潼关高程的滞后响应

    Delayed Response of Tongguan's elevation to the sedimentation in Sanmenxia Reservoir

  16. 潼关高程的稳定降低与渭河下游河道综合治理

    Stable lowering of Tongguan bed elevation and comprehensive regulation of the lower Weihe River

  17. 汛期平均库水位与潼关高程不具相关性。

    Tongguan elevation is not relative to the average reservoir water level in flood season.

  18. 黄河洪水对渭河的影响及潼关洪峰流量预报

    Effects of Yellow River Floods on Wei River and Flood Peak Forecasting at Tongguan.

  19. 渭河下游冲淤变化与潼关高程的关系分析

    Analysis on relation between the sedimentation variation of the lower reaches of the weihe river and the tongguan altitude

  20. 射流清淤对提高潼关河段输沙能力的作用

    Effect of Sedimentation Cleaning by Jet Flow on Increasing Sediment Transporting Capacity in Tongguan Section

  21. 三门峡建库前潼关河床冲淤规律分析

    Analysis on scouring and silting laws of Tongguan River Bed prior to the construction of Sanman Gorge Reservoir

  22. 利用桃汛洪水冲刷降低潼关高程试验效果分析

    Analysis of the test effect using snow flood to scour the bed elevation in Tongguan

  23. 从潼关上下游河段纵剖面调整看潼关高程变化

    Analyzing variation of water level at Tongguan station from adjustment of slope in the upper and lower reach of Tongguan

  24. 利用桃汛洪水降低潼关高程原型试验效果分析

    Analysis on Effect of Prototype Testing of Elevation Reduction in Tongguan by Using Peach Floods

  25. 黄河潼关河段清淤射流船首部射流装置优化设计

    Optimal design of bow jetting apparatus sand removing ejector dredger for Tongguan section of Yellow River.

  26. 潼关高程冲淤变化的影响因素及其作用机理

    Factors and their function mechanism to the changes of erosion and sediment in Tongguan river bed elevation

  27. 潼关河段射流清淤对河势及断面形态的调整

    River Regime and Section Morphology Regulated by Sedimentation Cleaning through Jet Flow in Tongguan Section

  28. 稳定潼关高程的三门峡水库控制水位方案研究

    Study on operation scheme of Sanmenxia reservoir for stabilizing water level at Tongguan station

  29. 万家寨水库运用对桃汛降低潼关高程的影响

    Effects of Wanjiazhai Reservoir operation on Tongguan elevation during spring flood

  30. 为了降低潼关高程,采取了多项措施进行原型试验。

    In order to lower elevation at Tongguan, the prototype experiment has been made with various measures.


  1. 问:潼关拼音怎么拼?潼关的读音是什么?潼关翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潼关的读音是Tóngguān,潼关翻译成英文是 潼关县 Tongguan County, lying in Weinan of Shanx...

  2. 问:潼关之战(211)拼音怎么拼?潼关之战(211)的读音是什么?潼关之战(211)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潼关之战(211)的读音是,潼关之战(211)翻译成英文是 Battle of Tong Pass





