




在斗争或竞赛中打败对方或事业达到预定目的:~利。得~。~券(指胜利的把握)。~负。无往不~。超过,占优势:~似。优~。以少~多。优美的:~地。~景。~境。~迹。~状(胜景)。古代妇女的饰物:花~。彩~。能承担,能承受(旧读shēng ):~……



汉语拼音:zhì shèng







  1. 制服对方以取胜。

    《孙子·虚实》:“人皆知我所以胜之形,而莫知吾所以制胜之形。” 宋 陈亮 《酌古论·崔浩》:“天下有奇策者,运筹於掌握之间,制胜於千里之外。” 明 冯梦龙 《智囊补·兵智·战车》:“用车,则人有所依,可施其力,部伍有束,不得而逃,则车可制胜明矣。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第一章:“党中央和 毛主席 在 延安 抚养了这千千万万的人,并给了他们制胜的思想武器。”



  1. My high school coach used to say that running was 99% mental, to which we would all scoff as we rubbed our sore legs.


  2. He marked Andrea Pirlo out of the Milan game and was a constant threat against Liverpool, scored a wonderful winner of course.


  3. Nathan Eccleston made it a debut to remember when he netted the winner for Huddersfield Town against Yeovil Town on Saturday.


  4. The law-and-order clampdown that was at the heart of his victory in last April's general election is in trouble on two fronts.


  5. Business accommodating , the sea, whether the question of who will win?


  6. Scoring the winner in the derby last season was one of those moments where the adrenaline takes over and everything goes blank.


  7. I told you right from the start that Michael Owen would be a winner for United and that's exactly what he was on Sunday.


  8. But among many dalit voters, unapologetic ostentation is part of her appeal, and the statue scandal may actually play to her advantage.


  9. Away at Sunderland, he produced a terrific run that led to one of the goals, and he also got on the scoresheet against Derby.


  1. 攻其不备, 出奇制胜

    catch a weasel asleep

  2. 核武器制胜论

    Victory decided by nuclear weapons, theory of

  3. 蹦床项目制胜因素探讨

    Discussion on Regulation of Subduing of Trampolining

  4. 制胜之道,源于优质服务!

    Excellent service is the way to success!

  5. 以出奇制胜的战术打赢仗

    win the battle by surprise tactics

  6. 对罗马, 特里头球制胜。

    To Rome, the Terry header subdues.

  7. 制胜一球堪称精雕细琢。

    The winning goal was a beautifully carved piece of sculpture.

  8. 文化制胜对企业竞争力的提升

    Cultural Subdue in Promoting Enterprises Competitive Forces.

  9. 柔道比赛制胜内外要素的分析

    Discussion on Internal and External Factors of Judo Game to Subdue

  10. 从上智为间到信息制胜

    From using the most intelligent people as secret agents to using information to win

  11. 多诺万攻入制胜的一球。

    Donovan scored the winning goal.

  12. 三级跳远的制胜因素及发展趋势

    Factors Concerned in Triple Jump and Its Trend of Development

  13. 他的战略是以空军制胜。

    His strategy is to win the war with air power.

  14. 制胜的一球是大师自己拿下的。

    The winning goal was scored by the maestro himself.

  15. 论体育竞赛的以弱制胜

    On the Strategy of How the Weak Can Beat the Strong in Athletic Contest

  16. 对羽毛球运动项目制胜规律的探讨

    Discuss on the Rule of Badminton Sport

  17. 尖刀班出奇制胜,捣毁了敌人指挥部。

    The bayonet squad made a surprise attack and wiped out the enemy's command post.

  18. 三鹿集团坚持科技进步, 品牌制胜。

    San Lu Group adhere to scientific and technological proGREss, winning brands.

  19. 利基营销中小企业制胜的法宝

    Niche the Magic Key to Subdue for the Mediumsized and Small Enterprises.

  20. 绩效考核是人材管理制胜的法宝。

    Effect Test is key to the success of talent administration.

  21. 军事行动是靠出奇制胜,是不可共存的。

    She said the military operation took completely by surprise and was incompatible.

  22. 投机取巧的团队依靠单一的强力战术制胜。

    A gimmicky or imbalanced team relies on one powerful tactic to win.

  23. 保持理智, 镇定是你工作制胜的法宝。

    Keep reason, composedness is a magic weapon to deal with business.

  24. 高夫在加时赛中攻入制胜球。

    Gough scored the winner in extra time.

  25. 注重服务质量新加坡航空公司制胜有道

    Singapore Airlines Is Renowned for Its Hospitality

  26. 竞技体操、健美操、艺术体操制胜因素的研究

    Research on Factors to Win in Competitive, Aerobic and Artistic Gymnastics

  27. 我们将制胜之球送给了巴勒莫。

    We gifted Palermo the winning goal.

  28. 这种奉献意味着诱惑被制胜, 罪行已悔改。

    These offerings are temptations overcome, and sins repented.

  29. 欧文在20分钟后射入了制胜得一球。

    Owen scored the winner after 20 minutes.

  30. 欧文在20分钟后射入了制胜的一球。

    Owen scored the winner after 20 minutes.


  1. 问:制胜拼音怎么拼?制胜的读音是什么?制胜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:制胜的读音是zhìshèng,制胜翻译成英文是 win

  2. 问:制胜堂拼音怎么拼?制胜堂的读音是什么?制胜堂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:制胜堂的读音是zhìshèng táng,制胜堂翻译成英文是 Jeseungdang Shrine

  3. 问:制胜敌人拼音怎么拼?制胜敌人的读音是什么?制胜敌人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:制胜敌人的读音是zhì shèng dí rén,制胜敌人翻译成英文是 Gain Mastery over the Enemy


制胜,汉语词汇。拼音:zhì shèng释义:以制服对方来取得胜利。【出处】《孙子·虚实》:“人皆知我所以胜之形,而莫知吾所以制胜之形。” 宋·陈亮 《酌古论·崔浩》:“天下有奇策者,运筹於掌握之间,制胜於千里之外。”