







汉语拼音:róng miàn






  1. Initially offering only utility boots and suede skate shoes, the company has since diversified to include thousands of styles.


  2. Smooth suede outsole and a flexible moccasin construction for a clean finish.


  3. Mat down in areas subjected to pressure or abrasion.


  4. Thick wool jacket, flannels hats, leather coats, suede pants, as well as other wool fabrics, showing a novel combination approach.


  5. Some key technologies, process conditions, cautionary items and remedial measures for suede leather dyeing were summarized and discussed.


  6. The Moukisac is made of a nice suede-like material about the size of a small satchel.


  7. Soft suede or leather upper with a perforated design creates a contemporary look.


  8. The fluorinated finish provided suede leather with better oil and waterproof properties, also raised the utility of suede leather.


  9. She came up with names for the houses, like Geronimo and Billy the Kid, and picked out furniture with suede accents.


  1. 绒面氧化锌

    textured ZnO.

  2. 绒面革夹克

    a suede jacket.

  3. 白色绒面纸

    white velvety paper.

  4. 蓝色绒面鞋。

    Blue blue blue suede shoes.

  5. 绒面革防水剂

    waterproofing agent of suede leather

  6. 麂皮绒服装也被称为绒面服装。

    suede clothing is also known as suede garments.

  7. 涂油正绒面革和绒面革上。

    Oiled nubuck and suede leather upper.

  8. 麂皮,绒面穿孔和帆布鞋面材料。

    Suede, perforated suede, and canvas upper materials.

  9. 人革底条绒面绣花女拖鞋

    corduroy embroidered ladys slippers with PVC sole

  10. 你的鞋子是绒面的吗?,是啊,怎么?

    Are those shoes suede? Yes. Why?

  11. 我不该你踏上蓝色绒面鞋。

    Dont you step on my blue suede shoes.

  12. 柔软的绒面山羊皮革,用于制手套。

    Soft suede glove leather from goatskin.

  13. 绒面革内衬的安全合适的鞋跟。

    Suedelined heel counter for secure fit.

  14. 生产松紧带,弹力带,人字带,绒面带等。

    Welcome to Nantong Xianfeng Elastic Tape Co., Ltd.

  15. 高级绒面皮革鞋垫足弓支撑解剖。

    Premium suede leather footbed with anatomical arch support.

  16. 可洗型山羊绒面服装革的研制

    Development of washable goatskin suede garment leather

  17. 耐久度是上层国王与皮革或绒面。

    Durability is king with the leather or suede upper.

  18. 艾伯特穿着棕色绒面夹克和牛仔裤。

    Albert wore a brown suede jacket and jeans.

  19. 紧密织物产生柔软,绒面革一样的表面。

    Tightly woven fabric produces a soft, suedelike surface.

  20. 但是你可以做我的蓝裁员绒面鞋。

    You can do anything but lay off of my blue suede shoes.

  21. 磨砂与分裂绒面皮革鞋面是防水的。

    Nubuck with split suede leather upper is waterproof.

  22. 这些鞋是一般皮革做的还是绒面革做的?

    Do these shoes come in normal leather or just suede?

  23. 这双长统靴有一个绒面革得鞋面。

    The boots have a suede upper.

  24. 猪二层耐水洗绒面服装革技术研究

    Study on the Process of Washable Pigskin Split Suede Garment Leather

  25. 她穿着一件带束腰的棕色绒面革夹克。

    She wore a brown suede jacket, belted at the waist.

  26. 土种绵羊二层绒面服装革的工艺研究

    Study on the Tanning Technique of the Native Sheep Split Garment Suede.

  27. 少铬鞣制黄牛二层白色绒面革工艺研究

    Study on technology of few chrome tanning white cattle hide suede splits

  28. 雨水弄脏了我新买的漂亮的绒面革靴子。

    The rain muddied my nice new suede boots.

  29. 雨水弄脏了我新买的漂亮的绒面革靴子。

    The rain muddied my nice new suede boots.

  30. 雨水弄脏了我新买得漂亮得绒面革靴子。

    The rain muddied my nice new suede boots.