




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:móu zǐ







  1. 瞳人。亦泛指眼睛。

    《列子·仲尼》:“矢注眸子而眶不睫。”《孟子·离娄上》:“存乎人者,莫良於眸子,眸子不能掩其恶。” 朱熹 集注:“眸子,目瞳子也。” 唐 韩愈 《赠张十八助教》诗:“喜君眸子重清朗,携手城南歷旧游。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第一幕:“﹝ 周朴园 ﹞眼眶下陷,眸子却闪闪地放着光彩。”



  1. And I assimilate the raw emotion present in the tone of her voice and in the depth of her eyes.


  2. But we got such a kick out of your cute eyewitness accounts, what with the stories of our big dark eyes and little arms and all.


  3. I shall know those dark eyes then as morning stars, and yet feel that they have belonged to some unremembered evening sky of a former life.


  4. Next to her, three other vampires with golden eyes stared at me with open curiosity.


  5. His eyes, clear, as a young horse's eyes; his eyes, backlighting, showing the gray light, like the wings of pigeons as the gray .


  6. Mike holding his hands cup, a pair of Qing Ling's pupil of the eye looking straight into my eyes, but was a bit too hot steamed dim.


  7. Her eyes are coloured with stibium, and her nostrils are shaped like the wings of a swallow.


  8. I left the deepest impression on you like a pair of the lake's clear eye, as well as the long, flash flash eyelashes.


  9. Suddenly his eye gave a blink, as if it had met something that either dazzled or shocked its pupil.


  1. 你的眸子亮晶晶。

    That shine in your eyes shines.

  2. 他那双眸子炯炯有神。

    He has a pair of gleaming, penetrating eyes.

  3. 他的一对蓝色的眸子晶莹刚毅。

    His blue eyes are clear and strong.

  4. 眸子是变幻莫测的灰色, 时时在变化。

    The eyes themselves were of that baffling protean gray which is never twice the same.

  5. 眸子是变幻莫测得灰色,时时在变化。

    The eyes themselves were of that baffling protean gray which is never twice the same.

  6. 她乌黑的眸子却因心潮起伏而晶莹发亮。

    Her dark eyes were luminous with the feeling that glowed within.

  7. 她有锑色的眸子,鼻孔有如燕子的双翼。

    Her eyes are coloured with stibium, and her nostrils are shaped like the wings of a swallow.

  8. 他还是微笑着,但他黑金色的眸子显得很认真。

    He was still smiling, but his ocher eyes were serious.

  9. 她那乌黑的眸子闪出的光芒洋溢着一种生命力。

    In her eyes, which were very dark, there was a life.

  10. 但是眸子里的那份温柔,翠山碧水却难以遮掩!

    But the eyes of the gentle, hill water is difficult to hide!

  11. 那双眸子, 定定地望着自惭形秽而低垂着头的亚伯。

    She is steadily looking at Abel who is lowering his head feeling of inferiority.

  12. 那双眸子,定定地望着自惭形秽而低垂着头得亚伯。

    She is steadily looking at Abel who is lowering his head feeling of inferiority.

  13. 看着爱德华闪着得意光芒的眸子,我知道我也赢了。

    I looked into Edwards shining, triumphant eyes and knew that I was winning, too.

  14. 它转过身背对着她,金色和黑色的眸子闪闪发亮。

    It turned back toward her, watching with those startling gold and black eyes.

  15. 他看到她的眸子里抹上了一层姑娘一般的惊奇神色。

    He saw the girl's wondering look rise in her eyes.

  16. 他眸子晶亮,紧紧的看住他的小东西。有火苗在眸底闪烁。

    He the Mou son is crystal bright, tightly see his runt. There is flame flicker being at the Mou bottom.

  17. 符瑞德利克眸子里的一滴眼泪,激励我继续说下去。

    A tear in the eye of Friederike spurred me on to continue.

  18. 我在找她的影子,那浩亮的眸子也许就是凌子的目光在凝望!

    I am looking for her shadow, Gallant bright pupil is perhaps Ling in the eyes stare!

  19. 这只野兽翻转过身子用它那双清澈的绿眸子盯着我。

    the beast rolled over and stared at me with its green pellucid eyes.

  20. 回想起志摩先生,我记得最清楚的是他那双银灰色的眸子。

    Recalling Mr. Xu Zhimo, what impressed me most were his silver grey eyes.


  1. 问:眸子拼音怎么拼?眸子的读音是什么?眸子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:眸子的读音是móuzi,眸子翻译成英文是 pupil



眸子 拼音 :móu zǐ

注音: ㄇㄡˊ ㄗㄧˇ 同义词: 眼珠