


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……




1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


1. 擂 [léi]2. 擂 [lèi]3. 擂 [其他字义]擂 [léi]研磨:~成细末。打:~鼓。自吹自~。擂 [lèi]〔~台〕比武所搭的台子,如“摆~~”。“打~~”。擂 [其他字义]〈韩〉(读音roe)农具,擂木。平耙。用以碎土。……



汉语拼音:dà chuī dà léi





原意是敲锣 打鼓,众乐齐奏。现用来讥讽人言语浮夸,大肆宣扬。吹:吹奏乐器。擂(léi):敲锣打鼓。



  • 【解释】:许多乐器同时吹打。比喻大肆宣扬。
  • 【出自】:元·王实甫《丽春堂》第四折:“赐你黄金千两,香酒百瓶,就在丽春堂大吹大擂,做一个庆喜的筵席。”
  • 【示例】:许禇方欲前进,只听得山上~。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、宾语、状语;含贬义,指吹嘘自己


  1. I shall offer to pay him tomorrow; he will rant and storm about his love for you, and there will be an end of the matter.

  2. Eg. He is beating the drums for himself, trying to raise campaign money and find groups to support him.

  3. She had a small property, which she bequeathed with much ostentation to a religious community.

  4. The public heard little of the new NSC system that had been announced triumphantly three weeks earlier.

  5. All the hoopla , they say is a case of the placebo effect: people want their memories to get better, so they do.

  6. This huge shift in the daily life of the western Balkans is happening without fanfare. Few people have even noticed it.

  7. "He pretended to be this great fellow, but we all know that confident people do not have to blow their horn like that, " Baker tells Jacobs.

  8. The much-ballyhooed US economy became entirely dependent for growth on easy consumer credit and shaky mortgages.

  9. He's not the type to brag about his a accomplishments.


  1. 你用不着大吹大擂。

    You neednt blow your own trumpet.

  2. 把某事大吹大擂一番

    to ballyhoo something up

  3. 尽管他大吹大擂, 但他还是个胆小鬼。

    With all his boasting, he is a coward.

  4. 大吹大擂用耸人听闻的方法做广告

    To advertise by sensational methods.

  5. 尽管他大吹大擂,但其实是个胆小鬼。

    With all his boasting, he is a coward.

  6. 他在电台上为自己的新作品大吹大擂。

    He's been plugging his new book on the radio.

  7. 你不应该在被你击败的敌手面前大吹大擂。

    You shouldn't crow over a defeated enemy.

  8. 这种新式轿车被大吹大擂地介绍给了公众

    The new sedan was introduced to the public with much hoopla.

  9. 这种新式轿车被大吹大擂地介绍给了公众。

    The new sedan was introduced to the public with a lot of whoopla.

  10. 在一通大吹大擂中,他们宣布自己取得了突破。

    They announced, amid much ballyhoo, that they had made a breakthrough.

  11. 你和马德琳扬头侧脸, 卖弄风情, 大吹大擂。

    You and Madeleine were tossing your heads, coquetting, bragging.

  12. 外面那样大吹大擂的目的无非是要鼓舞一下民心。

    The purpose of all the hoopla out there is to boost civilian morale.

  13. 当它们还泯然于众时基金经理们就大吹大擂说要持有。

    The stocks that fund managers brag about owning when theyre at the squash club.

  14. 新闻界每大吹大擂一次, 储蓄运动便获得了新的势头。

    With each burst of publicity the savings cam pain gained fresh momentum.

  15. 新闻界每大吹大擂一次,储蓄运动便获得了新得势头。

    With each burst of publicity the savings cam pain gained fresh momentum.

  16. 她有一份小小的财产,已经大吹大擂地捐给一个宗教团体了。

    She had a small property, which she bequeathed with much ostentation to a religious community.

  17. 她令人作呕地大吹她的家世。

    She talks ad nauseam about her family's importance.

  18. 今年民族风大吹, 鞋子也不例外。

    Ethical wind is blown greatly this year, shoe is not exceptional also.

  19. 该男子大吹口哨并朝温总理大声叫嚷。

    He blew a whistle and began shouting at the Chinese premier.

  20. 他们挨牛角之前,总是这样吹大牛。

    Always do they talk that way with their arrogance before a goring.

  21. 现在, 慢慢吹大气球, 注意这些点得变化。

    Now, blow balloon up slowly, and note what happens to these dots.

  22. 现在,慢慢吹大气球,注意这些点的变化。

    Now, blow balloon up slowly, and note what happens to these dots.

  23. 人大招物议树大招风吹

    Detraction purchase the great

  24. 爹地, 可以请你帮我吹大这个气球吗?

    Daddy, could you please blow up this balloon for me?

  25. 强风将大帆船吹离航道。

    The high wind has made the schooner break sheer.

  26. 我让我弟弟去我的柜子里拿气球, 把它们吹大。

    I told my little brother he was suppose to blow up the balloons which were in my dresser.

  27. 不过依赖吹大资产泡沫的经济振兴举措充满风险。

    Still a recovery strategy dependent on reinflating an asset bubble is fraught with risks.

  28. 大包底吹氩水模试验研究

    Experimental Study on Argon Blowing from Bottom of Ladle by Water Model

  29. 是什么使他那样大吹特吹呢

    What is it that makes him pull the long bow in that wonderful manner

  30. 室外大风劲吹,大雨倾盆,时断时续。

    It was blowing and raining hard, off and on.


  1. 问:大吹大擂拼音怎么拼?大吹大擂的读音是什么?大吹大擂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大吹大擂的读音是dàchuīdàléi,大吹大擂翻译成英文是 make a great noise


