


用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来:~装。~饺子。包好了的东西:邮~。背(bèi )~。装东西的袋:书~。皮~。容纳在内,总括在一起:~括。~举(总括)。~容。~涵。~罗万象。无所不~。总揽,负全责:~销。~揽。保证:~赔。~在我身上。约定的,……





汉语拼音:bāo lǎn








  1. 招揽过来,全部承担。

    《警世通言·桂员外途穷忏悔》:“惯走京师,包揽事干,出入贵人门下。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷四:“若有一二处做将出来,他就出身包揽遮护。” 清 周亮工 《与黄济叔书》:“不孝惧唐突,不敢作包揽。” 赵树理 《三里湾》六:“ 金生 是个大包单,专门在村里包揽些多余的事。”



  1. Law firms are not allowed to practice legal chicanery or to solicit business in other inappropriate ways.


  2. His wife was an able woman and did all the housework.


  3. Jones Day, which began in the American Midwest and is now in 19 countries, exemplifies the type with its slogan, "One Firm, Worldwide" .


  4. I was quiet. We knew we were in conditions to conclude with a one-two and that was a good point.


  5. Relationships are established where you do all the giving and a one way relationship results, and that inevitable fails.


  6. And he would invite eminentvocalists . to his house, and sing them his operas, taking all the parts.


  7. He seemed now to be a megalomaniac, his speeches filled with "vehement irrationality" and all power revolving round himself.


  8. I do all the cooking, cleaning and laundry for a family of six and fit my writing in a few minutes here and there.


  9. It seems possible that Sky went all out for all six packages, knowing that under EU law it could only win a maximum of five.


  1. 国家财政包揽过多。

    The state finance takes on too much financial burden.

  2. 包揽了小工具的全部商品

    Carries a complete line of small tools.

  3. 一个人包揽不了这么多事。

    No one person can take on so much work.

  4. 鲍勃几乎包揽了所有的奖项。

    Bob made an almost clean sweep of the prizes.

  5. 鲍勃几乎包揽了所有得奖项。

    Bob made an almost clean sweep of the prizes.

  6. 他们几乎包揽了运动会的全部奖项。

    They won almost all the prizes at the Games.

  7. 这次度假得收费是包揽一切得 呀!

    The price of this holiday absolutely everything!

  8. 这次度假的收费是包揽一切的 呀!

    The price of this holiday absolutely everything!

  9. 我愿意包揽一切家务,打扫房子和做饭。

    I would do all my own work and clean the house and cook the meals.

  10. 自助餐菜式多样, 酒店尽力包揽所有得口味。

    It was quite a varied buffet and they try to accomodate all tastes.

  11. 自助餐菜式多样,酒店尽力包揽所有的口味。

    It was quite a varied buffet and they try to accomodate all tastes.

  12. 你不可能包揽所有事,但你可以完成一些事。

    You cannot do everything, but you can do something.

  13. 不得包揽诉讼或以不正当方式招揽业务

    Law firms are not allowed to practice legal chicanery or to solicit business in other inappropriate ways.

  14. 当然,这些国外合伙人不会包揽所有的工作。

    Of course, these foreign partners will not do all the work.

  15. 在传统上,男人包揽了印刷行业中的所有工作。

    Men traditionally monopolized jobs in the printing industry.

  16. 幸亏有个人来替他解围,把责任包揽下来。

    Mercifully some one arrived upon the scene to extricate him from the dilemma and assume the responsibility.

  17. 我国选手包揽了本届亚运会单人滑的冠亚军。

    Athletes from our country won the first and second place in Canadian single in the Asian Games.

  18. 我国选手包揽了本届亚运会单人滑的冠亚军。

    Athletes from our country won the first and second place in Canadian single in the Asian Games.

  19. 他搜罗坛坛罐罐和收起的牛奶,并包揽了厨房。

    He scoured the pots and pans and put away the milk and swept the kitchen.

  20. 鲁尼的目标是要包揽包括国内、洲和世界的奖杯。

    Rooney is targeting a clean sweep of domestic, European and international trophies.

  21. 这两种活动当中没有人是一人包揽所有工作的。

    In both cases, no one is doing all of the work.

  22. 敏妮开始解释。但是她丈夫把这个话题包揽了过去。

    Minnie began to explain, but her husband took this part of the conversation to himself.

  23. 我所谓的爱就是自己一个人包揽底本属于你的痛。

    I called the love is a man that belong to your pain scored.

  24. 教唆他人打人身伤害官司得行为可以构成包揽诉讼罪。

    Soliciting personal injury cases may constitute champerty.

  25. 教唆他人打人身伤害官司的行为可以构成包揽诉讼罪。

    Soliciting personal injury cases may constitute champerty.

  26. 教唆他人打人身伤害官司的行为可以构成包揽诉讼罪。

    Soliciting personal injury cases may constitute champerty.

  27. 女子400米栏比赛中,美国人包揽了该项目的金银牌。

    Womens400 meter hurdles race, the Americans swept the gold, silver project.

  28. 我们绝不能包揽一切, 我们在迎接未来时也决不能胆小怕事。

    We cannot afford to do everything nor can we afford to lack boldness as we meet the future.

  29. 他们在几年前的北京亚运会上包揽了全部4块金牌。

    They had swept all four gold medals at the Beijing games several years ago.

  30. 蒋雯丽更凭借此剧在金鹰电视节包揽三项大奖。

    Jiang Wenli more with Golden Eagle TV Festival The show won three awards.


  1. 问:包揽拼音怎么拼?包揽的读音是什么?包揽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包揽的读音是bāolǎn,包揽翻译成英文是 take sole charge of

  2. 问:包揽诉讼拼音怎么拼?包揽诉讼的读音是什么?包揽诉讼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包揽诉讼的读音是bāolǎnsùsòng,包揽诉讼翻译成英文是 engage in pettifoggery

  3. 问:包揽走私拼音怎么拼?包揽走私的读音是什么?包揽走私翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包揽走私的读音是bāo lǎn zǒu sī,包揽走私翻译成英文是 monopoly over smuggling

  4. 问:包揽诉讼人拼音怎么拼?包揽诉讼人的读音是什么?包揽诉讼人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包揽诉讼人的读音是bāolǎnsùsòngrén,包揽诉讼人翻译成英文是 pettifogger

  5. 问:包揽词讼人拼音怎么拼?包揽词讼人的读音是什么?包揽词讼人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包揽词讼人的读音是bāo lǎn cí sòng rén,包揽词讼人翻译成英文是 pettifogger

  6. 问:包揽承建方式拼音怎么拼?包揽承建方式的读音是什么?包揽承建方式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包揽承建方式的读音是bāo lǎn chéng jiàn fāng shì,包揽承建方式翻译成英文是 turnkey



词目:包揽 拼音:bāo lǎn 英译:[undertake the whole thing] 词义:兜揽过来,全部承担。


基本解释: 兜揽过来,全部承担 包揽全部业务